A Champion American

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4 Responses to A Champion American

  1. Peggy says:

    Brave woman for doing the right thing when she saw the wrongs. She deserved the standing ovation!

    Hope her words don’t fall on deaf ears.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    I thought she was incredibly brave and honorable. I’m really proud of her. -Jack

  3. Tina says:

    She might deserve the Freedom Medal. An ordinary citizens doing an extraordinary thing to protect voting rights and make a personal stand against tyrannical forces. WOW!

  4. Zed says:

    DOUBLE WOW! I remember the story on Fox News. The only main stream media news source that is worth a crap. No wonder they are the most watched and listened to news source. Fair and Balanced, We Report, You Decide are not empty slogans. The more sfb progressives like Chris hate Fox, the better I like it.

    Oh yeah, this wonderful woman was a coon at a Klan party. Never forget: Democrats created the Ku Klux Klan.

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