Posted by Tina
Woo hoo….right?
Not if you bother to read the full report. Although Obama’s approval numbers are above 50% in the states where victory for Obama seems certain, his approval ratings in the vital swing states is below 50%. Here are the Gallup Poll numbers for the swing states:
Iowa, Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania — 46%
Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina — 45%
Ohio — 44%
Colorado, New Hampshire — 43%
Obama will have to create a miracle to raise that percentage to 50%. Gallup apparently prefers Obama in this race…how else to explain the “majority approval’ headline?
Elections are a disaster today. Democrat or Republican the entire process is messed up. We live in a country with millions of states but if yours isn’t a “battleground” forget about anyone running for president caring. Obama and Romney both come to California to raise money but other than that, don’t count on taking your kids to any events. Ron Paul was the only candidate who came here.
We live in a country of 50 states where Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and a very few others decide the presidency. This is pathetic because that means the special interests of those states drive policy.
We had a candidate in Jon Huntsman who would have cleaned Obama’s clock. He would not have gone on some foreign affairs tour and embarrassed the United States. He would have been able to speak intelligently about issues and I suspect he wouldn’t have been as beholden to special interests as Romney. But the RNC wanted Romney, so that’s who we got.
Princess what special interests are you concerned about with Romney and why?
Also keep in mind, for them to get numbers like that they had to over sample (I think that is the word) democrats.