Saggers, beware. Though the rest of the world really is thrilled to learn the color of your underwear, the staff at Spirit Airlines is clinging to the conservative notion that pants should be worn around the waist.
The Chicago Tribune reported this week on a man who was asked by flight attendants to pull up his saggies. Apparently the passenger was willing to raise his voice but not his pants. After he became verbally abusive and threatened the attendants, he was booted in his thinly attired bottom and forced to deplane with his traveling companion.
This particular low-rider was more likely kicked off the flight for his threatening rant than for his low-riders.
Note: Once you are kicked off a plane for threatening conduct you may find it hard to get back on any plane. The first time you get the boot your name goes into a no-fly data base. This particular guy is learning the real life cost of being a slave to fashion.
Just in case you did not know, the “saggy pants” phenomena came from prison “fashion”. It is code for “Come do me, I am a prison bitch.”
Of course, I do not expect that every saggy panted moron on the street knows that.
My son (a cop) will be disappointed when this fashion trend ends… these morons with saggies can’t run. It makes it real easy for him to catch em! He said it was around 3 a.m. when he interrupted a burglary in progress by some juveniles, he started chasin this 15 year old who of course was wearing the saggy pants. The chase didn’t last long, because the little idiot’s drawers fell to his ankles. Also his concealed gun fell and skidded off the curb. The gun turned out to be a fake, but it could have got the kid shot.
Saggy pants you say, eh?
Well, I guess it coulda been worse…he coulda had soggy pants…
And Jack, can’t you do something about this idiotic system that makes you enter nonsense to post…there’s always one word that is unreadable…it really wastes time and makes it frustrating to post.
Joseph that idiotic system is a pain and I don’t know that Jack can do anything about it. I do know something that will help. There is a narrow rectangular box to the right of the box where you type the letters. It contains a sound symbol with other symbols above and below it. If you click on the symbol above it will change the words you must duplicate. You can click until something that you can duplicate easily appears.
Sorry for the troubles; I hope this helps.
Yes, Miss Tina, you are right about that box.
I use it often but sometimes it gives me words that are even harder to read!
And I use the sound, too. But sometimes it just sounds like a robot cussing at me.
But regarding these characters with saggy pants I don’t know whether to laugh or wince. I usually do the latter.
And Jack, these saggy pants characters should listen to General Larry Platt.
Now Jack, can you tell me what in tarnations has gotten into these youngsters?
Apparently, they can’t take 2 seconds to tuck in their shirts anymore.
And now I’m even seeing old characters doing this.
What the heck is wrong with this country?
“Now Jack, can you tell me what in tarnations has gotten into these youngsters?”
I’m not Jack, but here’s what I think.
They never served in the military and didn’t have a father to teach them how to dress and act appropriately.
I just roll my eyes and pray they don’t bend over. They remind me of a toddler with a full diaper.
Guys in the fifties wore their pants low but geez not down around their thighs!
The good news is that this too shall pass…I shudder to think about what’s next.