Posted by Tina
Van Jones was on “Morning Joe” on Friday to pump up support of the President and demostrate his nutty logic:
On Friday’s Morning Joe, panelist Van Jones argued that the Republican party as a whole — rather than simply the Tea Party movement — has undertaken a “bodies on the beach” strategy. Basically, he explained, “they” think that the more bodies there are lining the beach, the more likely people will be to “fire the lifeguard” — as in, the more likely Americans will be to vote Barack Obama out of office. The more Americans are in pain, he continued, the more they stand to gain.
“They want Obama fired so they don’t care how many Americans are in economic pain,” he said. The more Americans in fact in economic pain, they see for themselves political gain. And that’s why you’ve seen not just the Tea Party but the entire Republican party refuse to step up to the plate on common sense stuff like tax cuts for small businesses, tax help for veterans. Go down the line and you’ll see that things Republicans stood for, they stand against and won’t pass in this Congress because they want to hurt the American people economically so they can gain politically. That’s not just the Tea Party.”
Forget the fact that Republicans in the House have passed countless pieces of legislation to help the American people and the economy only to see them die in the Senate or have the President signal he would veto. Forget the fact that Democrats held a super majority in both houses of Congress for two years and Republicans had no control at all. Forget the fact that Republicans favor extending the Bush tax cuts for ALL Americans. Forget the fact that Republicans favor keeping tax rates low on business and investment income to help them be competitive in the world and as a means of restoring investment in our economy. Forget the fact that Republicans have always been very big supporters of the military.Forget the fact that most in the military favor Romney. Forget all of that and answer these questions:
Why would Republicans, or anyone, most of whom own businesses, work for businesses, have worked most of their lives in private business, or know their salary depends on thriving businesses, be in favor of making sure businesses and working men and women suffer? Why would Republicans suddenly do an about face on their core principles to hurt the American people? Why wouldn’t they instead scream their record of economic success from the rooftops as a means of ending the suffering by sending the “lifeguard” home?
I know…DUH!
The Republican record of economic achievement is recorded in our history and extends from enacting tax cuts, streamlining regulation, opening trade markets, and energizing in the American entrepreneurial spirit. This sterling economic achievement occurred under the leadership of Ronald Reagan with a Democrat majority Congress and under the leadership of Bill Clinton after Republicans won the House in 1994. The ideas were adopted by Democrat John F. Kennedy in the early sixties and worked fabulously to spark an era of unprecedented innovation. These policies work because they put the strength and power for economic and inventive achievement in the hands of the people.
Look in the mirror Mr. Jones! Look at the leadership in the modern Democrat Party. YOU put private agenda before economic recovery. YOU put spreading the wealth ahead of job creation and private sector success. YOU made the green energy agenda more important than the green in our wallets. YOU put passing a massive, expensive, regulation-filled health care bill above the overall health of our economy.YOU spent money on special interest projects like Solyndra, GM, saving teachers jobs for one year and throwing money at green energy companies overseas. YOU created debt in record numbers with nothing to show for it. YOU grew the size of government as private sector jobs were lost.
And now…in spite of all of this failure…YOU continue to cling to the same ideology and policies…YOU have done nothing for the suffering American people…and YOU have the unmitigated GALL to try to shift the blame for this misery to Republicans.
And that, sir, is why the American people are “lining up on the beach”. It’s why it IS time for the lifeguard go…and to fess up! He’s been drinking on the job…he’s drunk on the sweet elixir of agenda mania. Barack Obama has not done his job as leader of the people but instead has fed his own massive ego.
While Van Jones is pretty much irrelevant in general, he still is a big deal in the progressive movement. He is an excellent spokesperson for progressives and the Democratic party which is pretty much run by progressives. May he long influence the left, a group that lives and breathes on lies, lunacy and lunatics.
Van Jones is treading a very thin line between exercising his right to be stupid in public and being a dangerous subversive, one like Joseph Geobbles.
He’s had his say. We have measured his words and the words of radicals like him and the only reasonable conclusion is, we don’t need them, anymore than we need a Stalin or a Hitler.
Look, there’s always been a limit to free speech and subversives should be the first to be lose it because they are the most dangerous. As far as I am concerned they can become people without a country. Let them wander the world! Let them see up close how others exist under the same tyranny that they would force on us!
We should never sit by idle and watch them poison the rich soil that has allowed us to live and thrive. It’s time to tell them to stop poisoning America – and get out! We don’t want you, we don’t need you, now leave or we’ll force you out!
We’re way too lenient with who and what we put up with here and the reason for that is… too many liberals are in charge and they are weakening America just like their cousins the far left radicals. The only difference is they do it a bit more slowly.
But, what country in their right mind would want them? They can only exist here because of our tolerance and kindness.
Van Jones is a big mouth piece for the WH. It was Osamas #1 advisor Valerie Jarrett who got him his job in the Obama administration. He resigned only after it became known he was a Truther and of his links with communist and socialist groups and organizations.
Hell continue to spew and spread the progressive agenda to all the uninformed who are feeding at the entitlement banquet and want all the free goodies to continue.
Jack, first you compared someone to Stalin and Hitler, and then you call for a “purge” of people whose political ideology you don’t like?
Your irony meter is broken.
I’ve heard Van Jones speak before and it was painful to listen to, even more painful than listening to Andy Hokum.
Thank God Hokum’s being shipped off to the Peace Corp. With any luck he will be dispatched to North Korea where he can spread the Holcombe Hokum.
All I will add to this discussion is to state the obvious. Jones, Hokum and their ilk want ever more gummit programs.
However, what is not obvious to most is how much of a rip-off these programs are.
Even the left’s bedrock crumbling. Don’t believe it. Read on…
People retiring today are part of the first generation of workers who have paid more in Social Security taxes during their careers than they will receive in benefits after they retire.
Read all about it here.
Haven’t had our ketchup today?
If you are going to spew vitriol of this sort for the next four years, I’m going to have to go hang you somewhere else. (I was wondering why Zed’s excresence got past screening.)
But no, not really, I would never leave you.
“Forget the fact that Republicans in the House have passed countless pieces of legislation to help the American people and the economy only to see them die in the Senate ….”
I do forget. Name one.
“… enacting tax cuts [sending government employees to the unemployment office], streamlining regulation [polluting our environment AND blowing up fiscal bubbles that decimate people’s 401k’s], opening trade markets [out-sourcing American jobs], and energizing in the American entrepreneurial spirit [unregulated entrepreneurs make a lot of mess, is what my experience has been].
Libby: “I do forget. Name one.”
How about 32!
See also here for other efforts made by House Republicans:
Libby sounds like you’re a glass knocked over and spilled onto the floor kind of girl! None of this half full/half empty stuff for you!
That comes from noticing only the sensational attention grabbing headlines designed to demonize all business.
Sure some people in business behave in rotten ways. The majority of business people DO not do what you describe and it is really rotten to paint THEM with that broad brush.
ALL people have the capacity to be rotten. Almost half of the American people pay ZERO in federal taxes….some get tax return cash back after paying zero in taxes. A lot of them are able bodied, living off the backs of other workers, and spending on cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol. they are blowing our budgets by taking tax cash that could be spent on education or the truly needy.
There is no excuse for regulation being so complicated that business has to pay layers to try to figure it out and even they are sometimes not sure! There is no excuse for a similar complicated tax code. Simplifying regulations results in regulations met and more difficult to wiggle out of. Tax codes that are simple mean the same thing.
Government employees that lose their government jobs to tax cuts would at least be able to find a job in the private sector. It doesn’t work the same when punishing tax and regulation laws throw cold water on the economy and business.
One of the next big bubbles comes from education loan debt. Guess who’s always encouraged that!
Also watch the municipal bond market fall apart:
A lot of the problems we have result from government policy and tinkering.
Oh, I am impressed by the Cantor website. You can’t, like, click on the bills to find out what they actually purport to do, but the titles are a hoot:
“Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act”
Translation: “We should let states pollute their water just as the see fit.” All the jobs coming out of this will be in healthcare.
“Energy Tax Prevention Act”
“Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act”
“EPA Regulatory Relief Act”
“Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act”
You know, I’ve seen stuff about how even rank-and-file Republicans are in favor of preserving what’s left of a healthy ecosystem, here, but Cantor does not seem to have seen that stuff.
And while I am no big fan of taxation as an instrument of policy, most of that list seems to be about undoing a lot of clean policy
And then it get better …
“Southeast Arizona Land Exchange and Conservation Act”
This will indeed create jobs … for copper miners employed by foreign corporations and despoiling what little untouched public land we got left.
I mean, we’re talking two actual, specific foreign corporations who lobbied (paid) this abomination into existence. Ick. And yer damned right it ain’t goin’ nowhere.
I’m not investigating further. It’s all too damned depressing.
I guess lamo Liberal representatives have to treat you like kindergartners and provide special links…do they also supply pictures for those who graduated high school but still don’t know how to read?
See I can be contemptuous too.
The site supplied the information in dispute! 32 bills…all of them with names you can look up by cutting and pasting them in your browser. Or you could look here:
Ever the smarmy progressive, you imagine a boogie man Republican who is determined to dirty the very same water that he and his family and his neighbors must drink. Meanwhile you would send any number of charlatan pseudo-scientists out to collect water and create computer models to “prove” the water was dirty…and you would believe him.
These are the same lamo’s that would take every known element out of the water to make sure it was “pure” and end up robbing everyone of the vital nutrients found NATURALLY in water. Lamo’s that would quit eating vegetables because they contain naturally occurring nicotene.
Isn’t it time we put all of the agenda driven science on the shelf and demanded scientific honesty and integrity once more? One week coffe is bad the next its healthy…gawd I’m tired of the garbage that passes for science.
All things in moderation…it’s a good rule of thumb…including when we are being ridiculous. Time to pull back on EPA ridiculousness!
The list is comprised of legislation that will reign in an out of control green lobby working with the progressive control freak EPA. You’re right, Republicans are in favor of smart and careful use and preservation of land. We are not in favor of preserving land only for the elite’s use…or taking steps that will cause water and energy to be so costly no one can heat his home or afford the water bill. The left has become ridiculous in its need to control. POWER AND GREED drives them more than any real dedication to clean air, water and land.
Take that dust regulation prevention act. The EPA is denying plans that would constitute an abuse of power but if you go back far enough (2007) you find the the current denials are crap. Fortunately the blowback has them backing off but you and I both know THEY NEVER GIVE UP!
Its an election year. EPA snakes are back in the basket for now but they will come out with twice the ferocity and venom if Obama is re-elected…watch the economy and jobs tank big time too when fuel costs and “dust” regulations put our ranchers and farmers out of business! Watch food prices soar!
Your party is the led by some of the most extreme, dumb-a**ed, unthinking, narrow visioned “smart” people I have ever seen.
Cooperative? NO!
Inclusive? HARDLY!
Compassionate? HA!
And…if our economy wasn’t being systematically destroyed (transformed) by the current administration and its various czars Chinese companies wouldn’t be buying up US companies and real estate or our debt!
Here is one determined young woman trying to market her invention while complying with Federal and states regulations.
Penalty of Law: Meet an American Entrepreneur Thats Battling Govt Red Tape (Via a Maternity Pillow)
” … guess lamo Liberal representatives have to treat you like kindergartners and provide special links ….”
But there’s nothing special about links. They’re quite common, if you’re being open and informative, as a public servant should be. But it’s true, when such commonplaces are omitted I alway assume the worst: that the public servant is betting that the lamo citizen will not investigate further … and get sooooo depressed.