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Few people really know who Obama is.
Well, I hope Chris watches this film. I think he will like the music. Libby, too.
Sorry, but when the title of a video is in itself a lie (obviously President Obama never banned this or any other YouTube video), what exactly is the point of watching it? Whoever made it shows himself to be a liar right off the bat, before the viewer even presses “play.” I’m not going to waste my time by indulging a liar.
Glad to see you finally posted this one. The title is stupid but the video is releveant and informative.
Poor Chris, he has all the curiosity of a typical progressive see no evil, hear no evil monkey. Too bad he never learned to shut his big fat monkey mouth.
Run Chris, RUN! Hide your head in the sand!
Zed, more people will look at it because of the title…not stupid, smart marketing.
Chris, do you know who Obama is?
Do you find it a bit odd that there is virtually no record of him. Apparently his school records are sealed or we are told that because they do not exist. Isn’t it odd that he was editor of the Harvard Law Review considering he was the only editor to never write an article?
There’s much more and I’m sure Miss Tina can explain it all better than I can so I will let her do that, but you need to open your mind and question your messiah.
Well, the original post to YouTube by Lea11011 does have nearly 2 million views.
You might want to consider googling “psychology of a birther”. It’s not flattering reading, but who knows, some good may come of it. And it is, I am sad to say, how the world views you … accept it or not.
One thing that cannot be denied…he scripted his history in his two books.
The pictures from his past all involve radicals or dope smokin’. There are no public records available regarding his education…and therefore no hard proof of his so-called brilliance. Lots of unanswered questions and a media that just isn’t the least bit interested in finding out.
Watch the trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s movie, “Obama’s America 2016”, produced by Gerald Molen of “Schindlers List” fame here:
Libs, my verdict on Obama is still out…for what its worth. Oh, and as for how the leftists of the world see me and my humble opinions, well, take a look at the state of their world compared to mine. Why would I care what they think?
“I’m not going to waste my time by indulging a liar.” ROFLMAO, coming from an Obama water carrier that is hilarious.
So like the left ton think they speak for “the world”. Its that collectivist mindset…leaves no room for independent thought or common sense.
I know you’d like to think it’s confined to lefties, but the opinion held globally: the resentful racism of birthers is blatant and an embarrassment to the more sober contingent of both the Republican and Tea Parties.
Now, if you are going to indulge birther sentiment on this site, what am I to think of you?
Regarding Toby’s missive to Chris: “I’m not going to waste my time by indulging a liar.” ROFLMAO, coming from an Obama water carrier that is hilarious.
I’ll bet Chris refuses to watch this too:
7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes
Regarding Libby’s advice: You might want to consider googling “psychology of a birther”. It’s not flattering reading, but who knows, some good may come of it. And it is, I am sad to say, how the world views you … accept it or not.
While the video questions Obama’s origins, it also presents a mass of information about who Obama is, who influenced him, and how his mindset was formed.
As to your own psychology, Libby, I suggest you read the following book referenced below. You may get some insight as to your own mentality (or lack thereof), but I doubt you have the courage, intellect, interest, or capacity for self-reflection and self-scrutiny, to bother.
The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness