A Call for Clarity and Strength in Leadership

Submitted by Peggy

Louie Gohmert begins as a lamb and ends as a lion…

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2 Responses to A Call for Clarity and Strength in Leadership

  1. Post Scripts says:

    That was very moving and I agree with this patriot. -Jack

  2. Peggy says:

    The double standard is in full force again. It’s acceptable, according to the media, for candidate Obama to speak out when Bush was president, but not for Romney to do the same when Obama is president. Typical!


    American Deaths In 2008

    Posted on September 13, 2012 at 10:37am by Benny Johnson

    “In many speeches and interviews leading up to his presidency, then-Senator Barack Obama regularly used the death toll resulting from Americas Middle East engagements as a campaign talking point. Why does that matter? Because the presidents campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt accused Romney of making a political attack as America was confronting the tragic death of one of our diplomatic officers in Libya.

    Consider Obamas past Op Ed for the New York Times:

    I believed it was a grave mistake to allow ourselves to be distracted from the fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban by invading a country that posed no imminent threat and had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Since then, more than 4,000 Americans have died
    Senator Barack Obama July 14, 2008

    And his speech on Iraq in March of 2008 :

    Nearly four thousand Americans have given their lives. Thousands more have been wounded.

    Candidate Obama even brought the death toll up in the 2008 presidential debates:

    Wednesday was a different story, however. The President severely criticized Mitt Romney for attacking the Obama administrations response to the attacks. The media was right behind.

    Pundits called Romneys criticism of the President in the aftermath of the attack craven and a Lehman moment, alluding to Senator John McCains fumbled handling of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell berated a Romney spokesperson over the politicizing of American deaths, asking bluntly: Does it seem to be injecting politics into a national tragedy?

    FoxNews has hit back, writing on their website:
    This was an effort not entirely conscious to make it illegitimate for Romney to criticize the presidents foreign policy at a moment when foreign policy has suddenly taken center stage. But thats exactly when such a debate should take place because its when the public will actually pay attention.

    The point, particularly given the Presidents own double standard, is a good one.”

    Full story and video:

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