Obama is a “Sophisticated Consumer of Intelligence”
by Tony Herman
This is regarding President Obama not attending intelligence briefings – the National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said:
“The President is among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet. He receives and reads his [Presidential Daily Brief] every day, and most days when he’s at the White House receives a briefing in person.”
Obama’s Aides Say Obama “Among The Most Sophisticated Consumers Of Intelligence On The Planet” (newenglishreview.org)
Translation: Obama is so smart and so sophisticated that he does not need a briefer. He does not need an expert to walk him through the intelligence, answer his questions or dive deeper into the findings presented. Reading the PDB briefing every day, his people argue, is just as good as meeting in person every day with his intelligence officials to discuss issues. This is, quite simply, preposterous.
Mr. Obamas lack of foreign affairs knowledge from skipping the Intelligence meetings is coming back on him and showing why were in the mess were in.
Be sure to read the update at the end.
Obama is Carter on steroids.
White House clarifies Obamas statement that Egypt is not an ally
Posted By Josh Rogin Thursday, September 13, 2012
President Barack Obama didn’t intend to signal any change in the U.S.-Egypt relationship last night when he said Egypt is not an “ally,” the White House told The Cable today.
In an interview with Telemundo Wednesday night, Obama said that the U.S. relationship with the new Egyptian government was a “work in progress,” and emphasized that the United States is counting on the government of Egypt to better protect the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, which was attacked by protesters on Sept. 11.
“I don’t think that we would consider them an ally, but we don’t consider them an enemy,” Obama said. “They’re a new government that is trying to find its way. They were democratically elected. I think that we are going to have to see how they respond to this incident.”
That comment had Egypt watchers scratching their heads, especially since technically, Egypt was designated as a Major Non-NATO Ally in 1989 when Congress first passed the law creating that status, which gives them special privileges in cooperating with the United States, especially in the security and technology arenas.
White House spokesman Tommy Vietor told The Cable Thursday that the administration is not signaling a change in that status.
UPDATE: At Thursday’s State Department press briefing, Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Egypt remains a Major Non-NATO Ally. Asked if the president misspoke, she said, “I am not going to parse the president’s words.”
Full story here:
Tony Tony, give Obama some slack, he is a busy person, he is so busy that the Chair in the Oval office has been referred to as an “Empty Chair”. Also given the fact that even Benjamin Netanyahu’s has to chase him around the USA as Obama does his thing (you know, fund raising as compared to National defense) to discuss what Americas position with Israel might be. So the fact the latest report of Obama not having time for Intel briefs is understandable. How does he even find time for signing all those Executive privilege’s or orders he has to do to CYA Holders behind. I mean his golf handicap must be horrendous of late.
The only reason Obumble is considered to be the smartest person in he room is because he only enters rooms filled with liberals . . .
The lack of attending intelligence briefings in today’s world is nothing more than irresponsibility. Period.
J, I’m with you…I was just saying today:
What if all of the people who think Obama is really smart aren’t very smart? Do you suppose it’s beginning to dawn on any of them?
Find some related gossip to chew on here:
I know you don’t want to face it … have swallowed this pill fed you, so you won’t have to … but the revelations of last week have cleared up much for me.
The Shrub’s “deer in the headlights” response to the attack … his behavior during that school outing when he heard the news … he was putting it together … or trying to. History will damn him … for not abandoning the neocons right then and there.
Tina, I do think some of them are.
My daughter-in-law posted to FB a family picture of Obama with a statement of support and that she was going to vote for him. (She a product of our CSU system.)
After cringing and moving on to check messages I went back and found she’d removed it. My only guess is she did so because of the negative comments she’d received. If they’ed been positive she’d have left it active.
Although it’s small, it is a hopeful beginning.