by Tina Grazier
Security wasn’t adequate for the simple reason that this administration is not led by a serious man. He is all over the map attempting to be everyone’s friend. He went to Cairo and announced a new approach, extending the hand of friendship to regimes and evildoers that want to kill Americans and Jews. He comes as peacemaker and steps up the bombing. He releases dangerous terrorists while condemning those who put them away. He denigrates his predecessor while adopting most of his methods and personnel.
He crows about killing the head of Al Qaeda but leaves his ambassador without adequate security! Smile a lot and carry a stick on your shoulder just doesn’t cut it. This man is in charge of the big stick, the US military…but hasn’t the grounding to know how to use it with purpose. At the end of the Iraq war the Middle East was relatively stable.
Americans were not loved by any means, but citizens had a healthy respect for our strength and resolve. Moderate elements were given a space in which to claim power and bring the ME into the current century. All that was required of the United States was a strong, enduring, stability presence and a gradual stepping back. Obama’s shift has thrown the region into chaos and empowered radical extreme elements. His weakness and disinterest has given radical elements around the world to gather in strength and resolve and devise new methods.
His snubbing of the ONLY country in the region that is stable, that is free, that does have economic strength (6% GDP…we should be so prosperous!) Rush just reported US Marines in Egypt were not allowed to carry live ammunition…orders from Hillary’s State Department and consistent with the squishy…PC…policy of President Obummer! Also in the news…this is a coordinated 911 attack. The video is an excuse…ideology is the reason! Obama extended the hand of friendship and then at the DNC Convention bragged about killing Osama bin Laden…do you think that, telecast all over the world, went over big in the ME? Diane Feinstein utters incredulity that Libyans would behave this way after we liberated them? How indeed?
Could it be that liberal thinking is flawed…totally lacking in principle and bereft of common sense?
Speaking of common sense…how common sensical is it that the left finds a bigger enemy in Mitt Romney than it does in the dangerous radical elements that tell us unequivocally they want to kill us…and then FOLLOW THROUGH on the threat? Ego, even if underpinned by good intentions, is very dangerous in a leader. Boot this bunch back to Chicago…a place not much safer than the ME.