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This Is the Man We Need – Not Obama!
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If he had been for the past 4 years we for sure wouldn’t be in this mess.
What a concept for a leader who knows how to lead a nation from the front instead of bowing to kings and dictators of other nations.
We deserve and our nation needs someone like Mr. West, not what we have.
Peggy I could not agree more. Obama is under fire and he clearly doesn’t know what to do. Meanwhile the embassy attacks continue and innocent people die and he is in gridlock?
Ugh. What a completely unproductive discussion. Everyone in this video comes off looking like an idiot. The man who stood up to ask Mr. West his thoughts on Islam is clearly uninformed–of course you can find verses in the Quran advocating violence against innocent people. You can also find verses in the Bible advocating violence against innocent people. Those verses are there, and that’s just a fact. But what does that tell us about the majority of people who practice these religions today, or about the relative dangers within each? Absolutely nothing.
West does have a point that radical Islam poses a danger; no one denies that. But I can’t trust any man who can look an ordinary (if uninformed) American Muslim citizen in the eye, in front of a crowd of people, and say “You attacked us!” “You?” Who is West talking about? He is conflating all Muslims in with terrorists, as he has always done. And the crowd goes wild. Disgusting.
In a related story of prominent Republicans saying stupid (stuff) about foreign policy, Rush Limbaugh has somehow found a new low, theorizing that Al Qeada may have intentionally given up Osama bin Laden in order to keep President Obama in power, so that it would be easier for them to destroy Israel. Seriously. He said this.
Limbaugh: “What if Ayman al-Zawahiri and other al-Qaida leaders gave up Osama Bin Laden for the express purpose of making Obama look good? Giving Obama stature, political capital. Obama got Osama! I mean really, do you think al-Qaida depends on Osama Bin Laden any more, like it did? So they give him him, they give away his location. We go in, SEAL Team 6, Obama puffs up Keep him in power, furthers the cause Do you think the militant Islamists will be as hopeful of getting rid of Israel with a Republican president or with a Democrat president? Just throwing it out there.”
This should disgust everyone, conservative or liberal, even if you are a longtime Rush Limbaugh fan. There have to be limits to what people will accept. There has to be a line where morality comes in and trumps partisan advantage. It is time Rush Limbaugh’s listeners realize that he has crossed that line. And it is time we all stop giving this idiot a platform to spew hatred, lies and crazy conspiracy theories in an effort to misinform the public for his political agenda.
Jack, did you watch the video I posted about Obama’s speeches on Islam? If not do. It really brings to light his thought process and beliefs that governed his leadership of OUR country.
So, it’s Rush Limbaugh that’s the real problem, not crazy Muslims running around on three continents, killing innocent people, bombing and burning everything in sight? I see, uh, ok….thanks Chris.
Yes I saw it Peggy… I’m finally getting to know Mr. Obama very well.
Jack, that is a total strawman argument and you know it. I never said that Rush Limbaugh was a greater problem than radical Islamic terrorists. That would be ridiculous. I just thought this was something that should be brought to people’s attention, since there are a few Limbaugh fans here.
Chris I am only going by what seems to irk you the most. Haven’t heard you express any anger over the Muslim attacks, just defended Obama, but you were obviously irked over Limbaugh.
Well, now we know and I for one am I’m surprised you listen to Limbaugh. I haven’t heard him for a few months.
Don’t you mean this is who we want instead of Romney?
The RNC will never let that happen.
Princess: Nope. I mean need. We need a guy like West.
West is and will continue to be a prominent voice of the republican/conservative/pro-military movement. Republican – to preserve the republic. Conservative – to preserve our economy and heritage! And pro-military – because the federal government is charged within the Constitution to defend the people and the various states.
West knows history and he defended his position well.
The initial question was stupid. Terrorists themselves site the Koran and Islam as the source of their empowerment and purpose. They identify as Muslims. They specifically mention Israel, America, Jews, Christians, the West as their enemies. They make war in the name of Islam.
This young man’s problem and question should be directed at those Muslims who bring disgrace on the supposed religion of peace. there is a problem with that…they would just as soon kill him if he confronted them and then did not bend to their will.
The notion that Islam cannot be criticized is ridiculous anyway and anyone that thinks singling out this one religion for protection is a grand idea is just plain NUTS!
Freedom of speech, thought, expression is vital in free society.
Jack, I don’t have a lot of time to comment here this semester, so when I do comment I try to make it count. It should go without saying that I am outraged at the attack on our embassy and the senseless murder of American citizens. I mostly focused on defending Obama’s reaction because I didn’t see many other commenters here doing that. I try to give voice to the other side. Of course we can agree that these attacks were horrible. What we are arguing over is what to do about it; how to work toward peace.
I think the Wests and Limbaughs of the world are totally counterproductive at meeting that goal.
Tina: “The initial question was stupid.”
Yes, on this we agree. The guy made it way too easy for West. Little frustrates me more than seeing people I’d otherwise agree with make terrible arguments.
“The notion that Islam cannot be criticized is ridiculous anyway”
But who is saying that Islam cannot be criticized? There is substantial criticism of a religion, and there is West telling a regular Muslim “You attacked us…” There is a world of difference there.
“and anyone that thinks singling out this one religion for protection is a grand idea is just plain NUTS!”
Again, who is saying that?
The man in the video is saying it. You are saying it, Chris. I know you think you are tolerant and inclusive…the peace maker and all of that but believe me you are not!
West is right. The man is arguing that Islam and the Koran have nothing to do with the war being waged on the West…he would have us believe that the Koran is not being used as justification when it clearly is.
His problem is with those who use the Koran to justify the killing and torture of Jews, Christians, infidels…who use the Koran to justify waging war on the West…he should take his argument to them and the Imams that preach this violence and murder! But he can’t because they would kill him. Since he can’t, his intentions in confronting Americans instead seem questionable and make him suspect…what is he up to? What does he wish to accomplish? Good he thinks it’s a religion of peace. That’s fine for him but for those who believe differently…and that is what those who discuss terrorism and terrorists need to do…it is not a religion of peace.
America has welcomed Muslims from other countries into our midst. We have bled and died defending them in their countries of origin. Is it really that crazy to you that Americans discuss this conundrum and condemn the acts of those Muslims? Is it really so unusual for us to expect that Muslims like this man, living in America, would clearly stand with their American neighbors against those who represent Islam through jihad instead of needing to defend their religion?
This man should not live in America if he cannot bear to hear Islam discussed, criticized, or questioned; it will only frustrate him.
Personally, I think he is part of that group that does want to take over the West by infiltrating and eventually undermining our heritage and values and replacing it with Islam and sharia.
Tina: I think you’re absolutely right! The man from CAIR was, to coin a phrase, carrying the water for the jihadists, only he’s doing it in more diplomatic way that almost seems benign.
He’s still part of the movement that has many facets, some are suicide bombers, some are spokesmen for CAIR, but they are all pushing for Sharia law, they are all pushing for conquest and domination over certain inalienable human rights. Islam taken literally is incompatible with a free and open society, only a fool would think otherwise. We tolerate Islam (because we hold that a person’s religious beliefs are a right), but Islam does not tolerate us!
If any one of us speaks disrespectfully of Muhammad or Allah, they’re wide open for killing and if they can’t get to that person, they will kill any other non-Muslim in retribution.
After the tens of thousands of acts of savage murders on every continent on earth (in just recent history too) over the most trivial of reasons, and after the public proclamations (fatwas) calling for murder coming from some of the highest authorities in this religion, how can anyone call this the “religion of peace” with a straight face?