Posted by Tina
The Movie is the straw man bad guy and he is joined by the straw man Romney BUT, as Breitbart-Big Hollywood reports today…there’s a guy who made a film that is a big Obama supporter….and nobody noticed…ya gotta read this great piece that begins:
Blame the movie.
Blame the movie.
Blame the movie.
Even though “the movie” was on YouTube for months prior to the collective indignation of thousands of Middle Eastern Islamists all coming together on the eleventh anniversary of September 11th (through a wild coincidence, no doubt), we are being told by our government and our media overlords that we must blame the movie.
You see, if we blame the movie for the burning of our foreign outposts and the brutal murders of four Americans (including our Libyan ambassador who was reportedly raped), we won’t blame the burners and the looters and the murderers and the rapists.
I don’t understand the defense of the moviemakers. From what I understand they have links to the porn industry and one of them was convicted of fraud. They seem like perfect examples of Hollywood sleaze to me and I’m not going to defend them at all. Even Mitt Romney condemned them and their pathetic “film.”
What bothers me is the pure hatred from people to make a movie like this and from people offended by it. I find the religious hatred to be really offensive and I don’t understand when politics became part of religion.
I love Post Scrips because this is a great local place that almost always has factual information and when it is wrong, the posters admit their mistakes. I am so sick and tired of spin and baloney.
Unfortunately today I accidentally clicked Gate and was horrified at what I saw there
Horrified. This hatred and spitting on the death of a person because they might be gay is just disgusting. Christopher Stevens served under Richard Lugar and was a Republican. That does not mean to me that he is more valuable than a Democrat but he was serving our country in a volatile place and he does not deserve to be treated like this by an American like the guy at Gate who supposedly loves America more than anyone who disagrees with him and who is supposedly some born again Christian. I don’t see much difference in the hatred from him than I do in the hatred from the Muslims that hate America.
I just want to thank Post Scripts for keeping it respectful and real, and for allowing all of us with different conservative beliefs and even liberal beliefs to have a place to come and talk locally about some of our national and global issues.
Princess thank you. We do try to allow everyone free expression.
I just read the piece at Gate and my take is very different from yours. I didn’t get any hatred toward Christopher Stevens. I saw the piece as being about the double stupidity of appeasing bullies (in this case Muslim radical terrorists) and sending a gay man as ambassador to a region where he is more vulnerable than most to become a target of violence and disrespect. I would only add that not giving him sufficient security was even more stupid.
As for the obscure Muslim movie it has been used to distract from and excuse the inept and thoughtless approach of this administration in dealing with the Middle East. It has been used as cover for mistakes. It was not the reason for these attacks and demonstrations.
But the question post at Breitbart is what about the other anti-Muslim movie? How come there has been no outrage over that movie? It was done by a high profile guy in the main stream media.
Well…I looks like my tease didn’t really pique anyones curiosity so I’ll excerpt the part about the other movie:
As the violence continues it’s become quite obvious this 10 minute video was only an excuse.
There is genuine and widespread outpouring of hatred toward the United States. That can’t be ignored by even the liberals among us anymore. Nor can the number of Afghan allies killing American soldiers. Two more died many is that, 68-69 dead this year? Twice that killed by our friends last year.
Imagine, we’re suffering more combat deaths from the people were trying to protect, who smile at us until our backs are turned.
I just read Chucks piece on the dead ambassador. If it’s true, then the ambassador was taking a very leftist point of view regarding Arabs and Israel. I’m stunned by this and how any Ambassador with those kinds of feelings would be placed within 10,000 miles the Middle East? Reminds me of the blunder when we put old Kennedy in England in 1939 and he was pro-Nazi.
A far as this Ambassador being a gay man, another poor choice. That would seem to be quite an obstacle to dealing with Muslims who often execute gays, and do so with the backing of Sharia law. It just makes no sense for gay person to be in that position in this region?
Given his views on Israel and his support for Arabs, I’m surprised the Israelis didn’t kill him first, or then again maybe….
I believe Clinton, at the body arrival ceremony, announced she is the one that asked Stevens to serve in that area.
Wonder how she feels about that decision now?
Princess, I just hopped over to Gate’s little cesspool, and you are 100% right. That was disgusting, and filled with tons of lies. Gate claims, with no evidence, that “The only reason they murdered [Stevens] and sodomized him was because he was gay.” I can’t even find any confirmation that Stevens was sodomized. He also claimed that the marines stationed at the Libyan embassy were not allowed to carry live ammo, which is a discredited lie that has been put forward by many conservative blogs.
In his most recent article, he claims–again without evidence–that Obama ordered the arrest of the filmmaker behind the anti-Islam movie as punishment for the movie. Do I even need to point out that this crazy conspiracy theory isn’t true? The filmmaker has not been arrested, but was brought in for questioning because he may have violated his parole. He was arrested for bank fraud in 2010.
In the same article, Gate pushes several discredited birther claims.
But lies are nothing new from Gate, a self-described born again Christian. A few months ago, he falsely claimed that the American Psychological Association supports pedophilia, and implied that I myself might be a pedophile for the sole reason that I cited the APA, the largest and most respected psychological organization in the world. When I showed him that the APA does and has condemned pedophilia for decades, and asked him to retract the false information he printed, he refused on the grounds that the APA supports homosexuality, which is against God. In other words, he believes it’s OK to lie about those he sees as God’s enemies.
Ironically, Gate has criticized Muslims for the practice of “taqquiya,” lying in the service of one’s religion. Often he accuses individual Muslims of taqquiya based on no evidence, simply because they are talking while Muslim. Yet Gate himself sees no problem with lying in the service of his God.
My first interaction with Gate was on Post Scripts, where he wrote an article arguing that the U.S. would be better off today if women were never given the right to vote. As a silver lining, I think that’s the most traffic this site has ever generated.
To sum up, Gate is a lunatic who makes a mockery of Christianity. He has no problem exploiting tragedy and lying in order to further his cause. Christian conservatives who defend him bring further disgrace to themselves and their movement. It is long past time for Jack and Tina to stop providing cover for Gate’s lying, bigoted ass.
You force me to post the same comment I posted to you on my blog here, because you claim something that is false Oh well. It is what it is.
—————————————————————You need to lighten up a bit lady. No where in the post did I once disparage his character or name. Now if you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at Obama and the Muslims instead of me who just reported the facts.
So, Princess, tell me why this is not a hate crime? The only reason they murdered him and sodomized him was because he was gay. So by yours and others who would dare to accuse the messenger of being disrespectful, I would better expect you to yell hate crime and demand justice.
Served under Bush huh? Republican you say? Maybe we now learn why the Libyan embassy marines were not allowed to have live munition to defend the embassy. Maybe, just maybe he was a sacrificial lamb for the Muslim hoards from Obama. Where is your anger at Obama for appointing a gay man as an ambassador to a Muslim country?
Why don’t we look at what others, some even from the gay community are saying about this to put things in perspective for you, OK?
First off, the author of the article from HillBuz is a gay man who thinks Obama should be held accountable. this is from the article he wrote that I published on my blog
Comments from on Stevens being appointed to an Islamic country as ambassador
Maybe you need to start looking at Obama in the way hre needs to be looked at, a traitor of everything American. Now we learn that Obama had the man who made the movie that had nothing to do with these attacks arrested. So much for freedom of speech in America under Obama.
I will do the same for you Chris. here is my reply to your comment on my blog.
Sorry, but many of the gay community in Chicago even admit he was raped. get with it Chris. You either believe the lies from the MSM who have proved time and time again they will not tell the truth, or you believe a man who spoke to those of the gay community and knows what Muslims do to homosexuals.
You give me a link to a leftist communist site that defends Obama and the many unconstitutional things he has done and expect me to bow down and admit you are right? You really are delirious aren’t you?
As for CNN, come on, no one even watches that stupid cable news show anymore. CNN lost all credibility years ago when they were interviewing Baghdad Bob when he told the world there were no American troops in Baghdad. Not to mention we now know that Sadam allowed them exclusive reporting int the country as along as they would not report the atrocities he was committing. Those in Iraq know CNN is a joke, and it’s high time yoi learn and admit the truth about them, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, ans even FOX is showing signs of selling their soul to the left by carrying Obama’s water the last few years.
As for the arrest, you are wrong.
You claim he was just brought in for questioning? Why? When was it illegal to make a move about anything in America that would give the government the right to even demand you explain yourself. Since when in America does the government have the right to take an individual in the dead of night to the police station and demand that a citizen explains why they made a movie and what their motivations are?
NO, Not in America. We do not do it, and we cannot allow it. Maybe you have no problem with a government demanding that we explain why we are expressing our 1st amendment right, but I do.
He was arrested, otherwise they would not have taken him in the middle of the night. They would have requested he come in on his own. However, unless the movie is illegal, there is nothing that would compel hem to go in.
This is America Chris.
Not some tin horn South American dictatorship. We are not obligated to explain our actions that are legal. Now I know what type of government you desire. One where the government is all powerful and the citizens are living in fear.
Maybe you should move to North Korea, I understand they drag people into the police station all the time to explain why they do the things they do. Sounds like the perfect sort of place you would feel comfortable in.
As for you attack on my faith, this is what I posted as my response to your attack on it at my site.
I fail to understand how responding to anything you write will ever promote anything but a headache. Go beat your head against the wall at Post Scripts, because Tina and Jack seem to have no problem answering your same repeated attacks over and over again when none of them sink into your closed off mind. Facts mean nothing to you, truth means nothing to you. logic means nothing to you.
You are a lost individual who would rather wallow in your own perverse ideas of what you think is reality, but one day you will know that I am right, and you will wonder why you were so ignorant to understand it.
You are whom Jesus told Nicodemus about when he said;
How can you ever understand that which is true when you will not even admit that you are wrong. Why else would you even claim that god is OK with homosexuality? Don’t you understand that when you attribute an evil thought or deed to God or Christ that you are guilty of Blasphemy? Until you understand such a simple Theological truth as this you will forever continue to defend evil and attack good, because you refuse to believe God.
Basically Chris, debating you is a non starter because you deny the basic truth that God is the same today, yesterday and always, and no one will ever be able to understand anything about the Scriptures until they accept that;
It is time for you to open both your mind and the Bible.
This part is for Jack & Tina,
I really wish you guys at PS would refuse to post attacks on me because of what I write on my blog. Mainly because I do not want to get in a habit of checking every blog on Norcal to see what someone is commenting about on a story I posted.
If they want to comment and attack me, let them come to the source, instead of running around attacking me on sites where I may never see their attack so I cannot respond in a proper way to defend myself.
If I leave a comment on PS, then I understand that I leave myself open to defend what I write, but I should not be expected to defend comments made on PS about something I write at GATE.
I would do the same for you if anyone came to GATE and attacked attacked you. I would direct them to go to PS where you have a chance to defend yourself.
Thanks ahead of time.
Chris I won’t speak for Post Scripts because I don’t think it’s my place to do so but I will speak for myself when I say that your propensity for calling people liars and racist simply because you cannot grasp or allow another point of view is contemptible. I think you are a person who incredibly sticks his young head in a PC bucket and from this stilted miniscule perspective wrongly considers himself to be of superior social and mental intellect.
There are Muslims that practice taqiyya. They recruit and teach others to do the same for the purpose of creating a world wide caliphate in the name of Islam.
That is particularly chilling given the recent murder of Ambassador Stevens and the circumstances around his death.
More here:
The Muslim Brotherhood is in power all across the ME thanks to the Obama administration. This is their stated goal:
There are those who are pushing to decriminalize pedophilia and changing the APA definition to “normalize”pedophilia (as just another lifestyle choice).
Your own intolerance of the views and opinions of others, including their Christian beliefs, is well established here at Post Scripts and yet you remain and the people who post here engage you in conversation. Therefore I must add that I don’t appreciate your preachy presumptive edict: “It is long past time for Jack and Tina to stop providing cover for Gate’s lying, bigoted…”
I don’t know where you got the idea that someone appointed you the monitor and judge of acceptable thinking and expression but I can assure you, from my perspective, you are nothing more, nothing less than an equal contributor here and my advice would be that you begin to act like it.
Does anyone find it interesting that the Obama administration is attempting to blame this obscure movie for all of the violence across the globe when the movie “Religulous” by Bill Mayer contained a more explicit damning of Islam and it hasn’t caused even a raised eyebrow?
Gate: “Sorry, but many of the gay community in Chicago even admit he was raped.”
Is this what you think backing up your claims looks like? Wow. How would “the gay community in Chicago” know whether Stevens was raped in Libya, unless they heard it reported from a reputable source?
I was skeptical on whether Stevens was sodomized because I had not heard a legitimate source report this information. I did think it was possible, but I wanted confirmation. The Washington Times (which is a very right-wing publication) has now published a memo showing that the claim was faked:
“The AFP has sent out the following statement:
Greetings, Concerning your query on the report published by a Lebanese website according to which ambassador Stevens was sodomized. That report falsely quoted our news agency and has no truth whatsover to it. AFP promptly sent a strongly worded complaint to that website and they removed the report and published a denial, saying that AFP did not report such a thing.”
This information was obviously from a dubious source all along, Gate. But you and others believed it and passed it on like a bunch of high school gossips, not because there was a preponderance of evidence for it, but because it suited your agenda.
But even if Stevens had been raped, that still wouldn’t justify your ludicrous claim that the “only reason” Stevens was raped and murdered was because he was gay. I mean, you see how that’s crazy, right? You think that this whole mob attacked the embassy just for one guy? The three other people they killed, was that because Stevens was gay too?
“You give me a link to a leftist communist site that defends Obama and the many unconstitutional things he has done and expect me to bow down and admit you are right? You really are delirious aren’t you?”
Mother Jones is not a “communist” site, but then, you think everyone left of Sarah Palin is a communist, so I’m clearly not going to be able to persuade you on that.
Regardless, I linked to Mother Jones because they had obtained a memo directly from the Marine Corps in which they debunk your claim that Libyan Marines were forbidden from carrying live ammo.
Since you won’t believe Mother Jones, maybe you will believe FOX Nation, which has issued a correction to its initial report that Marines were forbidden from carrying live ammo:
Further Marine spokesman at Pentagon Lt Col Chris Hughes says these reports are NOT true. This is on the record:
The Ambassador and RSO have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. No restrictions on weapons or weapons status have been imposed. This information comes from the Det Commander at AMEMB Cairo.
“As for CNN, come on, no one even watches that stupid cable news show anymore.”
So you don’t want us to believe anything reported by CNN, but you do want us to believe the gay community in Chicago when they say that Christopher Stevens was raped in Libya (based on second-hand information). Yeah, that makes sense.
We should also believe you when you say that President Obama personally ordered police to arrest the filmmaker, even though you’ve provided no evidence that this is true.
Do you not see how ridiculous that is?
“As for the arrest, you are wrong.
L.A. Times wrote: Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.”
Nowhere here does it say he was arrested.
“You claim he was just brought in for questioning?”
It’s not my claim, it’s the claim of the L.A. Times, which you just cited:
“[Updated at 1:40 a.m. July 15, 2012: [Department Spokesman] Whitmore told The Times that Nakoula was taken in for a voluntary interview with probation officials and has not been arrested or detained.]”
“When was it illegal to make a move about anything in America that would give the government the right to even demand you explain yourself.”
*sigh* It is not illegal to make a movie about anything. It *is* illegal to violate your terms of parole, which in Nakoula’s case, prevented him from having access to a computer (because of his bank fraud conviction). The fact that he made a movie and had it distributed online is relevant because it is evidence that he may have violated the terms of his parole. That is why he was brought in for questioning–NOT arrested.
If you have any evidence to the contrary, please provide it. I am especially interested in seeing your evidence for the claim that this was ordered by President Obama himself. You do know that’s not how that works, right?
“Since when in America does the government have the right to take an individual in the dead of night to the police station and demand that a citizen explains why they made a movie and what their motivations are?”
Again, since that individual may have violated his parole in the making of said movie.
One more thing, Gate. You accuse me of attacking your faith. If by that you mean I have attacked Christianity, you are 100% wrong. I have never attacked Christianity. You, on the other hand, have attacked me for expressing doubts about religion. You have also attacked all Muslims, calling Islam an “evil” religion.
I personally think the world’s largest religions are, in themselves, morally neutral. They are tools, which have been used for both good and evil. Unfortunately Islam is being used by incredibly evil people these days. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be that way. But I don’t really want us to get into that discussion, because it would be completely unproductive.
I think you are very used to believing things not because of evidence, but because you deeply want to believe them, and because those you see as part of your community also believe them. I suppose faith requires some degree of that impulse, some suspension of rationality. I think that’s fine in the spiritual realm, and I can respect the belief that there are larger forces at work in our lives that we cannot see or prove. But when you discuss real-world issues in public, with a diverse range of people, not all of whom will share your same faith, you need to abandon your tribalistic mentality for a while and try to debate using evidence and logic. Here, people won’t believe everything you say just because you say you are a Christian. You need to back up your claims.
I gave clear, specific, well-argued reasons for why I identified the claims made by Gate as lies.
For you to ignore all of the evidence I provided in order to argue that I called Gate a liar “simply because [I] cannot grasp or allow another point of view” is not only contemptible, it makes you look like an idiot who cannot read.
I did not call Gate a liar because I have trouble understanding his point of view. I called Gate a liar because he made claims, with no evidence, that are objectively and provably false. If one does that every now and then, and then apologizes and corrects the record, I wouldn’t call them a liar. But this is a habit of Gate, and when he is called out on it, he simply doubles down on the lies. It is therefore perfectly fair to call him a liar.
If you are going to defend the liar, at least have the decency to defend the actual lies. Not once in your post did you address any of the points I made about why Gate’s claims were untrue.
Do you think Gate was correct when he claimed, without any evidence, that President Obama ordered the arrest of the anti-Muslim filmmaker as punishment for the film? Even though multiple news sources report that the man was not arrested, but was taken into questioning due to a parole violation? And even though the president does not have the power to order local police departments to arrest citizens? If you believe Gate was telling the truth on this issue, please explain why, with evidence.
Do you think Gate was correct when he claimed that Christopher Stevens was sodomized, and that the only reason for his rape and murder was because he was gay? Even though the source originally cited as saying that Stevens was raped now says they never reported any such thing, and that the reports were completely fabricated? And even though the theory that Stevens’ sexuality was the “only reason” for his murder makes absolutely no sense? If you believe Gate was telling the truth on this issue, please explain why, with evidence.
Do you think Gate was correct when he claimed that Libyan Marines at the embassy were forbidden from carrying live ammo, even though Marine representatives have told Fox News, Mother Jones, and other sources that no such restrictions existed, and the reports were fabricated? If you believe Gate was telling the truth on this issue, please explain why, with evidence.
Do you think Gate was correct when he claimed that the APA supports pedophilia, even though they have condemned it for decades? If you believe Gate was telling the truth on this issue, please explain why, with evidence.
If you’re not willing to address these specific points, then you have no grounds to criticize me for calling Gate a liar. I have shown extremely compelling evidence that this label fits Gate to a tee. You need to either explain why I’m wrong, or admit that I’m right.
Instead, you’ve once again taken the coward’s way out, ignoring all the evidence I’ve presented in yet another attempt to paint me as a PC bully who is “intolerant” of others’ opinions. But the claims made by Gate were not “opinions!” They were assertions of fact, and they were false.
There are things in this world called “facts,” Tina, whether you recognize their existence or not.
You even have the gall to claim that I am intolerant of peoples’ “Christian beliefs.” You have made this accusation several times before, but not once have you provided any evidence for it. I have never said anything exhibiting intolerance for Christians or their personal religious beliefs. Unlike Gate, who calls the entire religion of Islam “evil” and believes all non-Christians are simply ignorant.
Yet you take no issue with his disrespect of religious differences, because…he’s your buddy. That’s what this amounts to.
Well, you know what? I don’t care how far back you two go. When someone posts lies on your blog, you have a responsibility to correct them, whether they are your friend or not. Period. You do not allow people to spread lies on your blog. To do so is immoral. I will never understand why the Christian right seems to have collectively decided that this is morally acceptable.
Sorry Chris, but how can anyone talk to someone who’s head is so far up your a*@ that you see thing through your mouth? You claim i lie, but you use leftists sites and leftists reasoning to say so. I respond and you dislike my sources.
You attack FOX, yet you claim CNN is a reputable site. You attack conservative web sites as ignorant and full of lies, yet you expect me to accept anything from any leftists site you offer as the gospel truth.
You attack Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservative pundits and talking headfs, yet you expect me to accept every thing that comes from the trap of Bill Maher, Eleanor Clift, CVhris Mathews, Alan Colmes etc. etc. etc.
You attack the things I say about Christianity as if I am so far off that even the pillars of Christianity disagree with me. Yet I follow the teachings of the very theological Scholars who are fluent in reading and speaking the languages the original manuscripts were written in like Aramaic, Konania Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. I my self have a cursory knowledge of these ancient languages and even use the original texts when studying the word for sermons or bible studies. Can you say the same? No, you repeat the same lies you hear form other men and women who could not even tell you the difference between Hebrew, Greek, or Hebrew if their life depended upon it.
I read the Qur’an from front to back, along with many of the Quranic Commentary, Interpretation and Explanation (tafsir or tafseer), recitation (tajwid) tutorials and the hadith. I also have at my disposal which I use for writing Islamic articles and for debating infidels like you, the comparative studies of such Islamic schools of thought that are taught by various Imans on Shafii, Hanafi, Maliki, Hanbali, Jafari, Zaydi, Ibadi and Thahiri.
When was the last time you even cracked the book cover open on the Quran, let alone even set an eye upon the hadiths written by the great Islamic teacher Shamaa-il Tirmidhi? When I write about something, I do not take by blind faith what i read others write. I look to see if it can be back up with proof.
I remember when I was in college in the late 1970’s, my last 2 semesters were Winter 1979 and Spring of 1980. Right in the beginning when the Iranian Muslims attacked our embassy and took Americans as hostage in Iran. I remember going to the dorm room of some Iranian students and spending a few hours a day for about a Month talking about the whole incident as i tried to understand what made them tick. As much as I thought their religion was wrong, I came away with much respect for their understanding of their own history, and what drove them to dislike the West so much.
I did not come to an understanding of the things I believe by listening to some Saturday Night Live skit from some Hollywood liberal. I did not come to my understanding of the history of America and the world bunch of professors who hate America, and I did not com,e to my understanding of economics from some socialist professor who never worked a day in their life.
Your problem Chris, is that you are outmatched. That is why you always revert to personal attacks. You want to know why I never post most of your comments? I told you before, but I’ll tell you again, because you have a serious memory problem. It’s because I refuse to read a book every time you leave a comment. I also refuse to rewrite my articles to make you happy.
I am very comfortable in my skin, and very comfortable with my stance on things. I am comfortable with the knowledge that I am right on 99.99% of everything I believe. I am so comfortable with my ability to comprehend what I read, that I do not need to spend hours upon hours to know that you are a lost cause. Christ tells us;
I am finished with you Chris, you refuse open a Bible to check your facts, because you say men wrote it and thus it is wrong. Why is it, those who hate Christianity, would rather change what it is then begin their own religion?
You never ever look at the other side of a political argument to see if you or those you follow might be wrong? You cannot even admit you are wrong when those you follow are proved to be wrong, you attack the messenger instead.
Finally, from hence forth you can write or say what ever you desire about me and I refuse to address it any longer. After all, it only reflects upon your character, not mine. Like Libby, you no longer exist to me. I pray that you will one day open your mind and eyes to the truth, until then I will never address you again.
Gate: “You claim i lie, but you use leftists sites and leftists reasoning to say so.”
Liar, I cited FOX Nation and The Washington Times, both right-wing sources, in my last comment. Then I cited the LA Times, which some say is left-wing, but you cited it yourself!
“You attack Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and other conservative pundits and talking headfs,”
This has nothing to do with what we’re talking about right now.
“yet you expect me to accept every thing that comes from the trap of Bill Maher, Eleanor Clift, CVhris Mathews, Alan Colmes etc. etc. etc.”
Liar, I have never cited any of these people, and I’ve criticized Bill Maher and Chris Matthews on this blog many times.
You then try and turn this into another argument about Christianity and Islam, even though that’s not what this conversation is about, and I’ve already said I don’t want to have that conversation. Then you bash me simply for not sharing your same religion.
You refuse to acknowledge that you made several claims in your article that turned out to be false. You said that Christopher Stevens was raped because he was gay, that Libyan Marines were not allowed to carry live ammo, and that the anti-Islam filmmaker was arrested because of the movie. ALL of these claims were false according to your own sources! And you don’t care. Because you are a liar.