Mark your calendars folks: Here are some important local event dates coming up that you might want to attend. They are all free and open to the public.
League of Women Voters – Panel members will discuss and debate three important initiatives on the Nov. ballot aimed at funding education through tax increases.
Where: First Baptist Church, 850 Palmetto, Chico.
Date – Time: Saturday, September 29th at 10 a.m. until 11ish? Refreshments will be available starting at 9:30 a.m. Please come out and enjoy a lively discussion on Propositions 30-31 and 38. Events like this are a good way to be an informed voter!
Contact: 895-8683 for more information.
Open to the public – non-partisan!
Speaking of women voters, I had to share this, from a Politico analysis of Obama’s better-than-we-thought chances of winning. The article quotes many people, including James Carville (our Karl Rove). He is irreverent.
We lost Bubba a long time ago; hes done, said Democrat James Carville of working-class white males. But what we didnt realize at the time is that we picked up all the post-college white women by the same amount. You walk into any grad school class today, the women are all our voters.
And, Carville added, its both racial minorities and such working women who are uneasy about some of the nostalgic language Republicans use when it comes to taking back the White House.
They keep saying they want to restore America but to a vast number of Americans, they werent part of that America, he said.”
I’m still worried that the election will go to Romney on account of low voter turnout. But I swear, every time the man opens his mouth, he persuades another couple hundred thousand working women that they should NOT sit this one out.