by Tina Grazier
Presidential contender Mitt Romney has a plan to fix the miserable non-recovery of the past three years under President Obama.
His stump speeches have included these plans. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t hear much about them. Our media prefers to focus on issues of class warfare or unreleased tax returns. This gives the President a clear advantage except for one important point. The American people do know from their everyday experiences that our economy is in bad shape and we need new leadership to get America back on her feet once again.
According to economists the recession ended in February of 2009 about the same time that President Obama’s budget and spending policies began to have an effect. Since that date the economy has sputtered, we have acquired trillions more in debt, millions more are unemployed, prices are up on groceries and other goods, our dollar is devalued, our nation has been downgraded, even more American jobs have been shipped to China…and American businesses are frozen or failing. The best that can be said for our stock market is that the bears are having a good long run as a shallow market bumps along the bottom on narrow trading. See also here.
Barrack Obama’s unfriendly business atmosphere cries out for change…but we need change we can count on!
Unfortunately Obama promises more of the same if he wins this election. A second term would find this radical president ever more willing to breach the Constitutional restraints placed on the Executive branch to further his agenda. We can expect him to be even less friendly to business as he blunts energy production and creates more ways to “spread the wealth around.”
Michelle Obama said at the convention that her husbands work is not finished. President Obama informs he just needs more time to see his policies work. Incredibly his policies, FDR’s policies have only resulted in more misery over extended periods of time. Obama warns that Mitt Romney offers policy based on old ideas:
“Despite all the challenges that we face in this new century, what they offered over those three days was, more often than not, an agenda that was better suited for the last century…It was a rerun. We’d seen it before. You might as well have watched it on a black-and-white TV.”
Cute phrases that entertain his followers don’t explain how his policies are better. This offensive play against Romney may fool his constituents but it fails to distract from his own borrowing of the failed policies of FDR in 1936:
After campaigning hard for his new soak-the-rich tax increases, President Obama–er, I mean President Franklin D. Roosevelt–won reelection in 1936. A solid Democratic Congress dutifully passed the tax hikes, which quickly led to what’s known as the “Roosevelt recession” of 1937. If President Obama wins his reelection bid and gets his tax increases implemented, we will get the “Obama recession” of 2013.
Through the miracle of television and video America Remembers lessons from the past. It is the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people that drives our economy and makes us strong.:
Strong leadership for a strong America
The American people need policies that support this spirit. Business people need support so they will feel confident to risk, invest, grow, and create jobs. Employees need strong government support of business so that jobs will be plentiful and pay well. Romney’s five business policy ideas offer the American people that much needed support.
1. Energy: Romney vows to let Americans use our natural energy resources to bring the cost of energy down and make America energy independent by 2020.
2. Trade: Romney vows to end policies that have given China the advantage in manufacturing and have left America out of the loop as other countries trade freely around the world.
3. Regulations: Romney advocates eliminating unnecessary regulation. It is estimated that the “invisible cost of government regulation ($10,000 per employee)…yearly cost of regulation on a single manufacturing firm is $700,000…” That’s a job killer!
4. Education: Mitt Romney had success in education reform as a governor. His vision resulted in better scores in testing and revealed that competition is a strong motivator for excellence. Charter and private schools were encouraged to give parents and students choices. Incentives were offered to attract better teachers and to inspire better performance in the public schools. Romney also wants to bring the cost of higher education down so that college will become more accessible for students in all economic classes.
5. Budget and Debt: Romney promises to balance the budget and cap the size of the government at 20% of GDP. Republican governors across American have shown that it’s possible to balance budgets, bring down debt, bring revenues to government, and preserve an adequate safety net by implementing fiscal discipline
In the weeks to come expect to see plenty of negative headlines for Romney like this one in the Guardian: “Mitt Romney pins last hope on debates.” Expect a lot of praise for the President: “Polls show Obama support growing” by the same fawning press. But don’t be discouraged. Your fellow Americans know how things are; they know we need a change of leadership in Washington.
Romney and Ryan are the wise choice because they “Believe in America” and the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people…just as you do!
The two states which know Romney the best, Massachusetts and Michigan, are both heavily favoring President Obama. Why? Well probably because Romney didn’t do very well as governor.
His budget plan is smoke and mirrors. The only way he can give a tax cut to the wealthy AND balance the budget is to stick it to the working class. There is no other way.
Jim we won’t know how those states vote until election day but Romney’s record as governor of a liberal state is not bad:
There is nothing “reasonable” about comparing Obama’s recovery to Reagan’s, since Reagan wasn’t dealing with the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.
Chris calling this the “worst recession since the Great Depression” was a political tactic!
Democrats used the recession, as they always do in a crisis, to manipulate and control the narrative. You’re one of the suckers that bought it…and without an ounce of information other than the liberal progressive political narrative.
It’s equally unreasonable to think that the poor little baby in the white house needs a bottle (a pass) ’cause he had a bigger challenge than previous presidents had!
Recessions are never exactly the same so comparisons are difficult. It could be argued that Reagan was dealing with a worse situation. The Carter years were a disaster! See this timeline of disasters and recessions following the Great Depression:
Reagan was faced with high oil prices, high energy prices, high interest rates, stagflation (stagnanat economy with high inflation) and a crisis in the ME. Did he cry and whine? NO! He did put Americans back to work and the resulting growth and profits for ALL Americans resulted in more revenue flowing to government, more reasonable interest rates and the end to gas lines and rapidly rising prices.
The bottom line is that when government gets too big, too controlling, and too complicated Americans in every class pay a heavy price. Obama’s policies have caused food and gas prices to go up and we get to pay for it with dollars that have been devalued. We have also seen health insurance and healthcare costs go up (Obama said they would come down). How does that help the poor or the working poor? Under Obama’s recovery plan we have high unemployment and more people living in poverty (remember he told us his spending, he called it “investment”, would bring unemployment down).
It should be very clear by now that Obama’s policies don’t create jobs, growth, or recovery!
People are damned tired of Obama’s excuses.
If you want to see high oil prices, wait until Romney starts a war with Iran and they shut down the straight of Hormuz. They actually have a real military in that country and war with them will cause global disaster.
Why does the Republican party want us to get into a third war?
1. Energy: Romney vows to let Americans use our natural energy resources to bring the cost of energy down and make America energy independent by 2020.
Translation: We are gonna just slash and burn it all … with no thought at all for our posterity.
2. Trade: Romney vows to end policies that have given China the advantage in manufacturing and have left America out of the loop as other countries trade freely around the world.
Translation: Abolish the minimum wage! and/or War!
3. Regulations: Romney advocates eliminating unnecessary regulation. It is estimated that the “invisible cost of government regulation ($10,000 per employee) … yearly cost of regulation on a single manufacturing firm is $700,000…” That’s a job killer!
The man is not clear. Is he talking payroll taxes? If so, how does he propose to make up the lost revenue? If hes talking the regulation of production, well, then … Translation: Industrial pollution with impunity!
4. Education: Mitt Romney had success in education reform as a governor. His vision resulted in better scores in testing and revealed that competition is a strong motivator for excellence. Charter and private schools were encouraged to give parents and students choices. Incentives were offered to attract better teachers and to inspire better performance in the public schools. Romney also wants to bring the cost of higher education down so that college will become more accessible for students in all economic classes.
Translation: You dont have to send your children to school with those brown people any more!
5. Budget and Debt: Romney promises to balance the budget and cap the size of the government at 20% of GDP. Republican governors across American have shown that it’s possible to balance budgets, bring down debt, bring revenues to government, and preserve an adequate safety net by implementing fiscal discipline
Translation: You can have it all, and not pay for it … just like Reagan told you, Bushes told you, and now Romney tells you! (Cause we know you is really, really dumb, and will believe it simply because you want to.)
“President Ronald Reagans policies ignited a recovery so powerful that …”
… it generated our first $5,000,000,000 in federal debt, and was no “recovery” at all.
Furthermore, people are getting damned tired of your incessant attempts to re-write history.
You gotta make up you mind. Do you want to bring down the deficit, or do you want to create (and/or keep) jobs? We can bring down the deficit, if you’re willing to give up the job. If you insist on keeping the job, the deficit climbs.
Or, we can raise some taxes and start putting this country back together.
I’m voting for Romney because he has good teeth, if he was running against anyone else I might have to look for a better reason. -Jack
Princess: “If you want to see high oil prices, wait until Romney starts a war with Iran…”
Oh for heavens sake! Romney would not start a war with Iran. He would stand tall for America against the use of nukes by Iran to wipe Israel off the map and for that he would deserve our gratitude and support.
Peace through strength is the best stance for dealing with bullies in the world…and we have ourselves some world class bullies to deal with in the ME. The Republican Party will do whatever it can to avoid war. Unlike the wimpy appeasing Democrats, and the delusional isolationist, they will do what they must do to keep America free and protect the American people.
It isn’t like Republicans go looking for a fight.
But Jack, they’re not even real teeth. That man has been veneered!
Is anyone else disgusted with the failure to pass the Veterans Jobs bill?
Every Republican voted against it.
But I have a HUGE problem with Senators like McCain (the last rich guy the RNC forced on us) who defend bills that fund defense contractors by saying they create “jobs” but vote against bills that actually employ veterans.
And I also have a huge problem with any politician who voted against the bill that would punish the companies that fire American workers and ship the jobs to China. This is happening right now in Freeport Illinois where the factory is being moved to China and the factory workers are sticking around long enough to train their Chinese replacements on the equipment. How about that for a knife in the back?
Obama sucks. The Democratic party sucks. They are pathetic.
But I look at what Republicans have to offer conservatives today and I am not impressed. In fact, many of them disgust me right now. They are playing games with people’s lives. This Congress has been on more vacations than I can count, they have passed no legislation and every one of those worthless people gets a pension and free government paid healthcare.
If we want to overhaul public employee pensions lets start with Congress.
I’d like to see every bill stand on its own. That way they couldn’t load it down with expensive pork, they couldn’t play political games, and everyone would know immediately how their Representative or Senator voted on a particular bill.
If republicans voted against a jobs bill in this economy you can bet it had a stink bomb tucked away inside.
Princess the Republican controlled house HAS passed legislation AND budgets in the last two years…they were dead on arrival in the Harry Reid controlled Senate (some Dem Senators are not pleased with Harry):
See also here:
This next article in the Blaze suggests the Dems are purposely blocking all bills. In the short term they can count on the media to bash the republican house as “do nothing”…in the long run? It could be they think they are toast and will make sure the republicans have a real big mess come January:
Anyone remember the video we posted a while back about what would happen if we took ALL of the wealth away from the rich? If not, go back and re-watch it!
We need much more than the piddling amount they will raise by taxing the rich at a higher rate…we need GROWTH…AND A LARGER TAX BASE. We need the wealthy to make more $$$ taxed at a rate that encourages re-investment. (Would you rather have 15% of $1.00 or 10% of zero?) All that money is sitting on the sidelines right now…begging for a safe place to play. It won’t come to the playground when the forecast promises an earthquake followed by a tsunami.
This is so simple. Come on people…I can’t believe you don’t get it.
If you are one of those who would rather go on resenting the rich than having life work for all the people looking for jobs, for retirees looking to supplement their SS checks, and for 401K folks wanting to see their nest eggs grow, you are sincerely cruel.
Learn from History:
I missed the 60 Minute show last night, but found it online today. The 12 unaired segments were better than those aired.
They’re available here, just scroll down.
Im sick of hearing the lie, The Republican control Congress every time Obama or his talking heads need a scapegoat for his failed policies, economic disaster and lack of leadership skills.
The republicans havent been in control of Congress since Gingrich was Leader of the House and Clinton was President. The democrats had a super majority from 2008-2010, were in control also under Bush and now have 2/3 control, with a Senate Leader who declares everything dead on arrival from the House.
Besides the lies its their refusal to act like an adult and take responsibility for their actions and quit blaming others for their failures that really disgust me. Just tell people the truth and let them decide who they want to represent them
Hes counting on enough uninformed voters to believe their lies to win the election. Again, The end justifies the means.
Also just out.
Eligibility challenge arises in Electoral College
GOP elector demands candidates show birth certificate
A challenge to Barack Obamas eligibility to be president is forming within the Electoral College process, WND has confirmed.
James Grinols, one of 10 presidential electors chosen by the Republican Party of Minnesota, is asking GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and vice presidential candidate Rep. Paul Ryan to provide his legal counsel, Mario Apuzzo, with their paper, full form official certificate of birth with raised seal from the place of your birth.
Grinols goal is to establish a standard in the Electoral College that each candidate for the presidency and vice presidency present to duly nominated electors of their parties an official long-form birth certificate to demonstrate that the candidates are qualified as natural born citizens, according to Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.
Ultimately, Grinols said, he would like to have the Electoral College set a birth credential criteria for all serious presidential candidates, regardless of political party affiliation.
I encourage elector nominees of my party and all other parties to do the same, he said.
I am aware that there are other electors beginning the task for their party. You were chosen for such a time as this. You owe it to your country, your state and your party to trust but verify.
Grinols insisted the requirement to verify candidates are eligible for the office of president and vice president demands electors see long-form birth certificates that are genuine and officially certified by appropriate state authorities.
Minnesota trusts but verifies future teenage drivers by insisting on a physical, full-form, certified birth certificate with raised seal and will not accept an Internet copy, he said. The Electoral College should accept no less.
Full article here:
Libby, but all politician’s are veneered to some extent, right?
Princess: The spending bill violated the limits that Congress just agreed to last year!!!! Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee and this tells me they have no problem increasing the deficit that is about to kill us, no matter what promises they made yesterday.
This bill was very similar President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps socialist program used during the Great Depression that helped extend the depression. So if you don’t care about more socialism and you don’t care about the deficit…then you vote for the so-called Jobs Bill.
Princess: “If you want to see high oil prices, wait until Romney starts a war with Iran…” It won’t be because Iran did anything wrong eh? Seems like I remember this little nation doing a lot of saber rattling, something about building nuclear weapons and wanting to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, threatening the oil supply, supplying North Korean with nuclear weapons assistance, smuggling IED’s into Iraq and they were killing American soldiers while we were there. But, it will be Romney who started it…Iran, eh, just an innocent bystander, a victim of American Imperialism.
If they fail to pass the jobs bill then I’m fine. What I am not fine with is the constant demands that we always, without question fund defense contractors who continually have cost overruns and they don’t always use American workers.
My complaint was that John McCain was demanding that we not cut any defense, because of jobs, but he didn’t want to support a veteran’s jobs bill.
As for war with Iran. I am sick of the saber rattling. Is Iran trying to bait us/Israel into a war? Yes. Why does Romney have to act like it is inevitable?
Have we learned nothing from Iraq and Afghanistan? How many American have to die? Iran is a serious foe. They have the 8th largest military in the world and control most of the petroluem. The first thing they would do is choke off the oil supply and the price would skyrocket.
Sorry, I’m a little Ron Paul on this one. I’m tired of funding Israel while America crumbles.
Post Scripts: We’ve done enough damage in the Middle East (all in the name of Haliburton, et al) – it’s not our job to be the world police. It’s their damn oil supply, and we should be moving away from it (or tapping our own reserves). Why are we entitled to oil from that region? Why do we give a rats ass about Israel (I for one am sick to death of all the financial assistance we hand over to them each and every year – thanks Bush!). American soldiers wouldn’t be getting killed in Iraq if they weren’t IN Iraq. You are the victim of the American Imperialistic Dream, while I belong to the patriotic few who are tired of our govt spending billions of dollars trying to rule the world. Let’s get our own act together before forcing our agenda on people who don’t want it.
Tina: you’re hilarious. Romney’s 5 point plan will cost us jobs/retirement, not create any more: Much like his Energy plan (which is EXACTLY like the one Cheney tried to push through), there is nothing original going on: only repetition of the same things that got us here already. Are you happy with your “trickled down” finances? Are you reaping the benefits of the corporate/bank sector bailouts yet? No – I didn’t think so, because it was a stupid idea that was doomed to fail. Most of the CEO’s who’s corps got bailed out take home millions each year, pay out dividends, etc – while they continue to post losses. The system is about to break, and you can thank your corporate lobbyists for raping our once great nation.
Tina: “It isn’t like Republicans go looking for a fight.”
Yeah, Iraq attacked us first! Oh wait.
Princess, technically five Republicans did have the good sense to vote for the veterans jobs bill.
Jack: “The spending bill violated the limits that Congress just agreed to last year!!!! Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee and this tells me they have no problem increasing the deficit that is about to kill us, no matter what promises they made yesterday.
That’s not true. The jobs bill was fully paid for by new revenues, and would not have added to the deficit.
“This bill was very similar President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps socialist program used during the Great Depression that helped extend the depression.”
This is just willful ignorance. The CCC was one of the most successful New Deal programs. But then, you still cling to the idea that the New Deal failed. Just because you want to believe this, doesn’t make it true. Libby is right. We are sick of this political revisionist history.
Better a president with veneered teeth (if they even are) than a VP with hair plugs.
I have to agree about the CCC. I think we are still benefitting from the infrastructure improvements from that time. Campgrounds, roads, bridges, dams. What a great thing we did for America. The only thing that I appreciate more is Eisenhower’s Interstate system. I drive I-5 a lot. We are so lucky to have it!
I have to say that the veterans jobs bill didn’t sound CCC to me (that would at leas have tangible results) it seemed like an explosion of public employees since they were looking at putting them in law enforcement and fire protection. Again, my complaint is that we always have money for defense contractors but never seem to be able to afford veterans.
Libby: “it generated our first $5,000,000,000 in federal debt.
And Obama did the same in three short years and you think he’s a hero!
Debt increased under Reagan. The House and Senate spent like drunken sailors after promising spending cuts…do they ever do anything else?
The biggest problem was entitlement spending which is why the Republicans tried to reform SS. You refuse to admit that entitlement programs are the biggest chunk of our spending and our most troubling problem. Entitlement spending skyrocketed during the eighties (Reagan). What that means is that no other president would have done better:
Entitlement spending skyrocketed again under Bush. Military spending, in comparison, has had a downward trend with occasional spikes. Carter refused to spend on the military and it was left to Reagan to rebuild…Bush was faced with 911 and the world wide war to defend against terror. (denials notwithstanding)
Entitlement spending 2010:
Mandatory entitlements (Unemployment, Medicaid, Medicare, SS) : 2,009 million dollars about 56% of the 2010 Federal Budget
SS: 19%
Medicaid: 8%
Unemployment: 16%
Medicare: 12 %
Defense Spending (including overseas operations): 663 million dollars or 18% of the budget
Entitlement debt will continue to be a problem unless we reform SS and MCare (and dump Obamacare).
Some of us have been attempting to educate on this subject since the 1980’s…dim bulbs refuse to even consider the problem never mind possible solutions.
Accusations need to be backed up with information that actually informs. all you do Libby is spout the liberal talking points…anyone can cherry pick statistics to spin the narrative.
Chris: “Yeah, Iraq attacked us first!”
Ignorance abounds!
Saddam Hussein was firing on our planes in breach of his agreement at the end of the Gulf War. Iraq violated 17 UN resolutions and was playing cat and mouse with the world over WMD. Wimpy Clinton was an appeaser, like Obummer, and dumped the Iraq mess in Bush’s lap, including “the wall” that protected Clinton but kept our intel from connecting the dots so that we got 911. Iraq was part of Bush’s global effort to keep the US and our allies safe not just from Al Qaeda but from other elements that threatened.
Looks like our next president will also have mess to clean up after the idiocy and failures of the Obummer/Clinton foreign policy.
Non-recovery recoveries featuring high unemployment and growing poverty numbers are deemed a success by the lefties contributing on this blog while Reagan’s millions of jobs created, increased revenues to government, and thousands of new businesses is thought of as failure.
Ignorance does indeed abound!
Dubguy I’ll get back to you later…it’s gonna take awhile and I gotta roll.
Chris redux: “”Yeah, Iraq attacked us first!”
Obama has an excuse for the mess he’s made of the ME…how ’bout we just apply it to the last 11 years: