By now most of Chico knows my opinion of President Obama. CN&R Editor Robert Speer wrote about it extensively in his From This Corner column (“Schindelbeck shoots first”) last week. To recap, I believe that Obama is the most ineffective president since Carter, an utter failure at creating jobs, a failure at balancing our budget, reducing our deficit, and a failure on foreign policy. His naivete on foreign policy is appalling, even to many Democrats.
While roughly 47 percent of you will disagree with me about Obama, the real question is this: How do my beliefs about our president shape my goals for Chico as your next council member?
As a fiscal conservative, I believe we need to pay closer attention to our budget. Everything the city does is predicated on a sound budget. We need to make sure our finance director supplies us with the adequate monthly report required by Section 908 of our City Charter. City finance needs more transparency and accountability.
Our emergency-reserve fund is almost half of what it should be, we just lost state RDA funding, we are cutting police and fire, many businesses are either closing or leaving, and we have lost manufacturing jobs.
Chico’s downtown is filling with homeless and mentally ill who genuinely need help, as well as “street life” enthusiasts and AB 109 early releases. Violent crime and burglaries have increased under Mayor Schwab, yet the current council majority thinks it is more important to craft policy banning plastic bags and making Chico a slavery-free zone, than to create solutions for our homeless population, our unemployed, and our local businesses.
Our liberal council members have not made tough budgetary decisions and are kicking the “deficit can” down the road for future generations, much like state and federal government is doing. This policy isn’t sustainable.
I am what our City Council needs; a fiscal conservative with a small-business owner’s experience and common sense. We have more important issues to discuss, and I plan on tackling them head-on.
The bottom line is this: If you think Chico is a better place today than four years ago, than you’ll likely vote for another candidate and not me. However, if you think Chico needs new leaders who will focus on the core issues that make our city a safer place to live, an ideal place for business, and a great place to raise a family, then I ask you to vote for Toby Schindelbeck this November.
Mr. Schindelbeck has my vote. I will also be voting for —
Bob Evans
Sean Morgan
Andrew Coolidge
On a related note —
Hillary: Loosen Regulation Because Too Many People Still Cant Find Jobs-In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya
See how the ludicrous Obama administration thinks? Do you think they just might consider TRYING THAT HERE AT HOME??? Can you spell FAT CHANCE backwards?
You may have to join CNS News to read this (free).
And let’s not forget we have Tom Lando lurking in the background waiting to push through a local sales tax increase by hook or crook to help fund his and others’ six figure pensions.
We need council members who will stand up to people like Lando.
You have my vote Toby and several others I know of.
Good luck, Chico needs you.
I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Schindelbeck’s assessment of President Obama and his failed leadership.
I only wanted to add that I am sure it is a oversight- but President Obama also has a energy policy which is also hurting America’s economy.
Remember President Carter standing before a fire place in his sweater encouraging Americans to turn the heat down and “just think warm.”
Always shave for your campaign photos, and never call the Commander-in-Chief a “puke”. At least, not in public.
Toby, you, like Romney, aren’t saying how it is that you are going to bring this idyllic Chico (with no poor people in it) to pass.
Now, somebody fill me in … I just can’t keep up.
Wasn’t there a “Toby” who got disgusted with our liberal California and moved to Nevada, but still posted? Or am I thinking of somebody else?
Uh-huh … there weren’t no making a living in that conservative bastion of Nevada … were there?
Or … there were … just a very, very poor one.
Am I right?
So … now that we’re back in the state with a decidely liberal infrastructure … shouldn’t the candidate be campaigning on a plan to preserve and defend said infrastructure?
If there was it wasn’t this Toby. He moved here from So. Calif. several years ago and hasn’t livid in Nevada.
Libby you are indeed confused girl…conservatives don’t offer lots of free stuff (except to those that truly cannot provide for themselves…even then, we believe people should be personally charitable and take familial responsibility first) and we don’t promise a utopian society free of the poor…that’s the liberal progressive promise that never materializes! We offer opportunity to work, save, invest and improve ones circumstance. We suggest it is better to be the writer/ of ones own movie rather than an extra in a big government B film about hard times.
Nevadans were doing just fine (especially all those SEIU dudes) until the housing crash, the roots of which were planted and fertilized by Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. The Obama war on business also hasn’t done Nevadans much good either.
Toby you will make a fine city councilman and the beard is attractive in a Bruce Willis kind of way. Chico could use the determination of a Last Boyscout…”this ain’t no game flash!”
I missed a chance to say hello on Tuesday…saw your truck in front of my dentists office & Blondies…next time!