The Debate: Romney on the Role of Government

Posted by Tina

Romney won the debate in my opinion. He was respectful, fearless and fully prepared. He was natural in his responses as a result of fully understanding economics, business and how to create conditions to support growth in the economy, and…JOBS…JOBS JOBS…and as a result, increased revenues flowing to government. He has a firm grasp on what is needed to pay down the debt and balance the budget. And I think he has the humility and strength to work with Congress as a leader.

I have little to say about the President. He believes what he believes and is unwilling to move. My way or the highway is no way to lead. He still doesn’t get how lower taxes cause growth and increase revenues so he misleads (lies) about what is possible and what is not. If he can’t get that simple concept he can’t create conditions for JOBS…JOBS…JOBS. He harkened back to the Clinton era but failed to fully explain what happened under Clinton. Success was produced by tax cuts that caused growth and reforms and restraints in spending. Together they brought a surplus…Clinton, unlike Obama, was willing to be moved.

The web is packed and I couldn’t even get on to some of my favorites…I did read that Romney was up in two swing states after the debates and that a restaurant in Denver that refused to host Romney has seen its business fal of.

NOW…what do you think?

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2 Responses to The Debate: Romney on the Role of Government

  1. Post Scripts says:

    What do I think? I think Romney has a shot, but he has to keep up the pressure and no more gaffs.

    Romney has finally established himself as a real contender, not the rich dufus picked by the GOP establishment the MSM has tried to characterize him as, but a real person, with a great family who would look really good in the White House.

    Romney came off as intelligent, articulate and extremely knowledgeable. He sounded like someone who really could jump start the US economy and provide sustainability to social security and other programs we value. He had a detailed plan to handle the deficit and it sounded a lot better than anything Obama’s side came up with.

  2. pal says:

    I was impressed with the way Romney handled himself in this debate. The way he came back at several of Obamas remarks,
    particularly the tax credits given to big oil. His response that directed reminders of the 90 billion in tax cuts to green energy companies in less than 4 years by Obama. Of the three companies mentioned, 3 of 4 are either out of business or are bankrupt.
    He slammed Obama when he kept saying that Romney was giving 5 trillion in tax cuts. This was an untruth. He also mentioned the 716 billion in cuts to medicare to fund Obamacare. He really did well in this debate. I believe a lot of voters got to see the real Romney tonight. He was articulate, knowledgeable, and ready to debate. Obama was ill prepared. He looked uncomfortable.

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