High School Teacher Mocks, Attempts to Humiliate, Sophomore Romney Supporter

by Tina Grazier

A sophomore student at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond, Pennsylvania chose to wear a Romney/Ryan T-shirt to school on a free dress day because she had been reading up on the two candidates and decided she preferred the republican candidates. That decision made her a target:

Samantha Pawlucy, a sophomore at Carroll High, said her geometry teacher publicly humiliated her by asking why she was wearing a Romney/Ryan T-shirt and going into the hallway to urge other teachers and students to mock her.

“I was really embarassed and shocked. I didn’t think she’d go in the hallway and scream to everyone,” Pawlucy said. “It wasn’t scary, but it felt weird.”

This teacher has no right to treat any student with such disdain and contempt.

If true as reported this is wrong on so many levels…but it gets worse, according to the report:

The teacher then allegedly called a non-teaching assistant into the room who tried to write on the t-shirt with a marker. She allegedly (was) told to remove her shirt and she would be given another one.

During the incident, Samantha Pawlucy said the teacher told her that Carroll High is a “Democratic school” and wearing a Republican shirt is akin to the teacher, who is black, (to) wearing a KKK shirt.

The teacher could not be (r)teached to comment. Fernando Gallard, district spokesman said an investigation is ongoing. He said the student had the right to wear the t-shirt.

I believe the student has now been assigned a different teacher but I don’t think that’s a sufficient solution. This teacher should lose her job. More than likely she won’t and that will send the wrong signal in the classroom.

The left promotes this attitude and it’s a loser but the political left is widely supported by the teachers unions so reform in our schools will be a difficult task. That this could happen in any school in America is disgusting and a further indication that too many of our nations teachers are more interested in indoctrination than they are in teaching. They are more interested in furthering an agenda than they are in teaching. They serve themselves and the union first, the Democrat Party second and the students not at all.

I say its time for self-respecting teachers who are dedicated to their profession to begin to fight back. The integrity of the profession, the fate of our young people, and the survival of our great nation depends on it. Many are doing just that by starting charter schools. I understand the new movie, “Won’t Back Down” may be influencing and empowering parents across the nation. According to
Rich Lowery the unions are pitching a fit over it:

In an outraged public letter, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten, complained that the movie traffics in “the most blatant stereotypes and caricatures I have ever seen.”

Really? Weingarten must never have seen a World War II movie, or a film featuring a hooker with a heart of gold, or pretty much any romantic comedy.

What makes “Won’t Back Down” so objectionable to her isn’t that its characters are stereotypes but that they are revelations. Time-serving teachers beholden to a union obsessed with its prerogatives and power don’t often show up on the big screen, or we’d hear about more union pickets of movie openings.

We have seen too many failing schools that pump out failing students. We have seen standards lowered in schools at the same pace that our educational standing has fallen in the world. We have seen evidence of indoctrination rather than education going on in our schools and we have seen too many instances like that of Samantha Pawlucy where students are bullied or abused by teachers.

It is long past time for parents to take back the power in education to demand better schools in America for the students and the teachers that just want to teach.

God bless all of the the truly dedicated teachers all across this land. I stand firmly behind each and every one of you. But I am prepared to rid our schools of people like the teacher above and I am prepared to back all efforts to restore educational principles that put the education of our students first.

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10 Responses to High School Teacher Mocks, Attempts to Humiliate, Sophomore Romney Supporter

  1. pal says:

    I just heard this incident described on a news broadcast
    as a joke. The student was just being taught a history lesson by a geography teacher. So they say. They also said the student was making a big deal over nothing.
    Isnt is true that most bullies say they were just kidding when confronted with their words or actions? The fact that a teacher did this makes it much worse. A school should not punish (bully) a student over having a different view. The teacher should face discipline.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    You cant expect to wear a Romney/Ryan shirt into a government school without consequences:

    Samantha Pawlucy, a sophomore at Carroll High [in Philadelphia], said her geometry teacher publicly humiliated her by asking why she was wearing a Romney/Ryan T-shirt and going into the hallway to urge other teachers and students to mock her.

    Pawlucy said she decided to wear the shirt after researching the candidate and President Obama and concluding that shes a Romney supporter. Her father, Richard Pawlucy, said she was especially interested in Romneys opposition to partial-birth abortion.

    Sorry Samantha. Opposing the gruesome murder of half-delivered infants is too far beyond the pale to be tolerated by the militantly tolerant.

    The teacher then allegedly called a non-teaching assistant into the room who tried to write on the t-shirt with a marker. She [was] allegedly told to remove her shirt and she would be given another one.

    During the incident, Samantha Pawlucy said the teacher told her that Carroll High is a Democratic school and wearing a Republican shirt is akin to the teacher, who is black, wearing a KKK shirt.

    Richard Pawlucy is an independent. Maybe, by giving him an idea of what conservatives are defending the country from, this appalling incident will give him a push to the right.

    Her father said she was visibly upset when she returned home, but at first did not want to tell her story, for fear of retaliation from the school suspension, being moved out of the class, or expulsion.

    Fortunately, it was the teacher who was switched out of the class. However, Samanthas classmates have ostracized her for reporting the event to the principal.

  3. Libby says:

    Yeah, well, this is what happens when you won’t pay for decent help.

    Teachers really have a lot of power to do a lot of damage, and people who haven’t got the maturity to handle it should be ushered from the profession.

    This is the one and only area wherein I am prepared to bash on teachers’ unions. They will try to “remediate” that young woman, and I doubt that it’s possible. She can take up law office management; she’s got just the personality for that, and it pays much better than teaching.

  4. Tina says:

    Libby teachers are paid well when you consider their vacation time and generous perks. The ridiculous notion that teachers are protected from performance review and firing is unconscionable.

    This teacher is apparently hiding from the press. Her family members have said she “loves teaching”. The problem is her bigotry.

    I blame the PC progressive left that foments hatred, bigotry, and racism for political power. She might also be the victim of the extremely racist black liberation theology.

    This is truly disgusting!

  5. Tina says:

    Pal: “Isnt is true that most bullies say they were just kidding when confronted with their words or actions?”

    That’s been my experience. Good point!

  6. Chris says:

    Obviously, if the allegations are true this woman should lose her teaching credential. Teachers are supposed to give students the tools to come to their own conclusions, not sermonize or bully them into believing the exact same things.

  7. Libby says:

    “The problem is her bigotry.”

    You need to hit that dictionary again, Tina. Politics and racism are not interchangable.

  8. Tina says:

    Libby quotes are usually reserved for exact words. I didn’t say “the problem is her bigotry”.

    Want to try again?

    Bigotry isn’t reserved to race or racism. Bigotry, hatred and racism are, as I wrote, fomented by the left for power. It does not surprise me that this woman, a teacher who should know better for having received a college education and training, doesn’t seem to realize what she is doing. Could it be that her union/party has given her permission to hold this biggoted attitude and provides cover when she openly displayed it with student?

    It sure reminds me of the old racist Southerners that knew they would not be held responsible for trreting blacks horridly!

    Bigotry: the state of mind of a bigot; 2: acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot

    Bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

    Bigotry applies to any group, although it is more commonly associated with race.

    The hard core left is extremely bigoted toward republicans, Christians, gun owners, and others. It goes well beyond political disagreement and competition between the parties. This woman is the face of the extreme left in terms of her attitude. The lame stream media has been getting away with this garbage for decades, pretending all the while to be practicing journalism.

  9. Chris says:

    Tina, Libby correctly quoted you. You did say in a post dated Oct. 8, at 8:13PM, “The problem is her bigotry.”

    I do agree that bigotry can encompass political ideology, and in her irrational actions, this teacher is guilty of bigotry. I definitely disagree with the premise that Christian conservatives are now or ever have been the primary targets of bigotry in this country.

  10. Libby says:

    “I definitely disagree with the premise that Christian conservatives are now or ever have been the primary targets of bigotry in this country.”

    Well, now, we do have the sporadic spate of Christian church bombings, but the congregants of the bombed and/or burned churches are invariably “of color” … which gets us right back where we started.

    Tina, as long as you keep on with this specious nonsense, you are right in there with church and/or mosque burners, and we cannot respect your opinion.

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