Meet Your Candidates – Open to the Public

The non-partisan Tea Party of Chico will host a candidate’s forum tonight at Marie Calendars on 20th Street. The focus will be on ALL candidates running for Chico City Council. The forum will begin at 7 pm.


An informed voter is a smart voter. Unfortunately too many people must think ignorance is bliss when it comes to elections… look at what the ignorant voters have done to California!

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6 Responses to Meet Your Candidates – Open to the Public

  1. Joseph says:

    Is there anyone for school board worth voting for?

    Is there anyone who won’t rubber stamp what the bureaucrats and unions want?

    Anyone running who is against the $78 million boondoggle bond measure that will wind up costing us much more by the time interest is factored in?

    Anyone running who will find out what happened to the last $50 million dollar bond that was supposed to go for a high school that was never built but that we paid for?

  2. Peggy says:

    Darn, I missed it. Been out of town. Do tell us what happened.

  3. Joseph says:

    No candidates worth recommending, eh?

    Well, I nominate Harold Ey.

    And he can use my great campaign slogan, “No On E, Yes on Ey!”

    Harold, where are you when we need you?

  4. Peggy says:

    Joseph, School board elections are held in June not Nov. Chico and Butte elect their county supervisors and school board members in June and city council members in Nov. when the Chico state students are back.

    The liberals on the city council wanted to make sure they remained in control with votes from students who are told who to vote for by their instructors and given extra credit for voting.

  5. Joseph says:

    Oops, sorry Ms. Peggy. My ignorance comes back to bite me again. I thought those seats were up in November and since I didn’t get a ballot yet I didn’t know.

    Well, I guess that’s why Harold hasn’t replied, but it gives him time to run, doesn’t it?

    And so much for my great campaign slogan! But who knows, maybe the Schwabistas will have another awful ballot meaure that will be E.

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