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4 Responses to BHADDA- BING

  1. Joseph says:

    Instead of hiring more government run school teachers I wish Romney would have said, “We could have given tens of billions back to taxpayers, it is their money after all, so they could have more money to home school their kids or educate educate their kids the way that works best for them.”

    And before anyone votes yes on props 30 or 38 they should check out this article.

    Old buzzard Brown and Molly Mugger complain the gummit doesn’t have enough money but there is plenty of money for the kind of nonsense mentioned above, plenty of money for bullet trains to nowhere, plenty of money to pay the college tuition of illegal aliens, plenty of money so gummit workers can have pensions those in the private sector can only dream of.

    And lets not forget the hundreds of useless boards and commissions the politicians use to reward their cronies with six figure salaries for only meeting a few times a year.

    And lets not forget that state agencies have slush funds of tens of millions of dollars that we are not supposed to know about.

    Of course Buzzard Brown, Darrell Stinkberg, Porky Perez and Molly Mugger refuse to right all these wrongs (and the many, many more that exist in the cespool of Sacramento) and instead insist on looting us even more!

    How much more do you tolerate? Only the most myopic fool can’t see it’s way, way past time to break up the dystopia of Caulifornia (as Ahnode calls it).

    So get on it, people. Break up this state now before it’s too late!

  2. Joseph says:

    Hey, if Antwerp can do it so can we!

    We can secede from the cesspool that is Sacramento.

    Let’s get on it, people!

  3. Joseph says:

    And to see how this country got into this mess you need to understand central banking.

    click here

  4. Peggy says:

    Wow Joseph, It sure sounds good to me. What do we do to get this started? Invite everyone to move to a certain area or city and expaned from there out? Let’s go!

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