Help Keep Chico Clean – Don’t Feed the Panhandlers

by Jack


The bums are out in force, have you noticed? Chico’s like a bum magnet! And these are not old or disabled people, overcome by a run of bad luck! These are more often than not, young, able-bodied people. Some are ex-cons seeking a shortcut in life again, or they’re professional drifters or just petty criminals working the system – begging for spare change when they are not stealing something.

If you go by the Chico Mall the bums have all the exits covered, smiling and waving, holding up their “gimme money” signs. I guess waving is the new gimmick. Because they are all doing it. And then over the freeway bridge by Petco, they are working those corners too, and they’re doing the same act! Good grief… these are healthy young people who could be working! But, they would sooner beg than work. They have smokes with them, typically a dog on a rope. They work in shifts, and they seem to have a well rehearsed routine…this is their career.

You may wonder, why beg when we have have so much free stuff for them already? Because Bunky, in addition to all the free stuff they still need money for drugs and booze. Nobody needs food, they got food. Nobody needs shelter, they got shelter. Nobody needs clothing or shoes…they got first rate hand me downs from a dozen places. When they need a change of clothes they just go get some from any number of places and then throw the old clothes away in a lot or under a bridge where they camp during their non-begging hours.

I was sitting at the stop light on 20th street near the Mall when this young lady rolls down her window and passes a bill to the panhandler. An hour or so later in another area of the downtown I saw another young woman at the stoplight hand a panhandler a hamburger… his sign said he was hungry. He was not hungry, the hamburger was tossed in the dirt! She just bought it to give to him and he takes it then shows his disdain for her kindness by throwing the burger in the dirt!

We’re sick and tired of these bums from far off places coming here looking for a free ride. They get drunk then the cops have to deal with them. They are always stabbin, robbin and stinkin up the town and we’re sick of it and we’re mad at the idiots who give them a financial reason to come here.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH…if you see somebody giving them money tell them what you think about it. Or if you don’t wish to talk, I suppose you could tie a small note on a large brick and toss it through their windshield.

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23 Responses to Help Keep Chico Clean – Don’t Feed the Panhandlers

  1. Libby says:

    So … hire one. Or change the laws and have them incarcerated.

    Honestly, Jack, listen to yerself. You seem to be advocating that these people be starved out of the county, or even to death. Your fellow citizens are out there are practicing Christian charity, and you propose putting bricks though their vehicle windows?

    You come spend some time down here, a sojourn that will re-align your priorities. I’ve been mentally composing a letter to the editor over this guy I saw a couple days ago. First, he’s ranting. (Nothing extraordinary there but it attracts your attention.) Second, he’s only got one shoe on. (Unusual, but at least the pants are on.) And as he gets closer, I get a look at the unshod foot … and, my god. The whole top of his foot is laid open, bloody and ulcerated, and really, really gross.

    But I, being a liberal, do not go off on the guy. The guy is a hapless, helpless, crazy person. I am disgusted with this society, where a hapless, helpless crazy person is required to stagger the streets in that condition.

    But then, it dawns on me … he is not “required”.

    I’m sure that, at some point in the recent past, the wound was packed and dressed. I’m sure he was sent away with instructions for it’s further treatment. And I’m also reasonably sure that shortly after they turned him loose, he decided that it made more sense to stagger the streets, undressed, and ranting.

    He needs to be incarcerated, and we have to change the laws and find the money so that he can be. How’s that for liberal.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, have you ever tried to hire one of these people? They don’t work – get it? That’s so unreal -they do not work – they are professional bums. If they really wanted to work, there are jobs somewhere, but you don’t come here to a county with over 12% unemployment to find work, you come here when you know that there’s a lot of free things that liberals in government are offering that are paid for by the labors of conservatives.

  3. Joseph says:

    So Jack, whadda I gotta do to get a purdy girl to buy me a hamburger or give me money??? Hah!

    I guess I’ll put on my Sunday’s worst and hold up a sign on east 20th. 🙂

    Maybe I try it on Halloween. 🙂

  4. Joseph says:

    “I’ve been mentally composing a letter to the editor over this guy I saw a couple days ago. First, he’s ranting. (Nothing extraordinary there but it attracts your attention.) Second, he’s only got one shoe on. (Unusual, but at least the pants are on.) And as he gets closer, I get a look at the unshod foot … and, my god. The whole top of his foot is laid open, bloody and ulcerated, and really, really gross.”

    Ah Libster, that was just Uncle Joe Biden after he removed his foot from his mouth.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby I agree we should change the law so that people who are not mentally capable enough to properly care for themselves can be incarcerated. Not all of the bums on the street are in this category. Jack is correct, this is a Lifestyle choice for too many of them. People give them money because they think they are being nice. These people need a serious attitude adjustment. Would it be smart to raise a child to remain helpless and dependent or alcoholic/drug addicted? These guys have been enabled/why should they change their ways.

    The BIG problem is decades consisting of an entitlement/sympathy approach (talking about the enablers here) along with social mores that include:

    1. The idea that heavy indulgence in sex, drug, and alcohol is cool (But smoking, unless it’s weed is not? How freaking half-a**ed is that!)

    2. Self-actualization therapy (and others) that encouraged people to become self-absorbed seekers of personal gratification.

    3. The rise of the bi**h feminist seeking dominance and control, she demeaned the role of males (her sons noticed)…eventually it was decreed that “he” was unnecessary. Check this out:

    4. Anything you want is alright with the short term caveat, “as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else” Unfortunately left out were all themes of personal responsibility or restrictions and considerations regarding long term consequences for society as a whole.

    5. The notion that religion/faith is stupid.

    6. A declining educational system.

    7. Destruction of the intact family.

    These are but a few of the things that have helped to create a world with too many useless, irresponsible, totally lost men.

    Jack is right the solution is not handouts in cash; cash just encourages the behavior.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Joseph, Libby thinks we can hire these guys and all will be wonderful. If that bum is holding a sign that says he’s hungry and then he throws a free hamburger in the dirt, why would she think he would work? Crazy huh?

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Tina these professional beggars are playing society for all it’s worth. What they need is motivation to go get a job and knock it off..something to let them know the free ride is over.

    The motivation would be that begging is against the law.

    We got by for several hundred years until 1983 with a darn helpful vagrancy law and then the #$%^ liberals said it was an UN-Constitutional law…can’t do that! And we’ve been suffering ever since.

    We had that law on the books from 1776 how could that be wrong?

  8. Post Scripts says:

    I found this nifty Bible quote on bums who won’t work… ”

    2 Thessalonians 3:10 – “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. ”

    Now that’s what I call motivation!

  9. Tina says:

    Jack I’m with you. Add to that restoration of laws regarding trespassing and defacing of property. It doesn’t seem like we teach kids these laws of respect anymore and we certainly don’t enforce them. We have lived with ans excepted “the new norm”.

    Glad you take the time to speak out about it.

    Watching old movies can be very instructive in this regard. Imagine (even in big cities) walls, buildings and sidewalks without graffiti all over them and without filth in the streets and on buses!

    There will always be a certain number of people who refuse to uphold community standards. I think if they want to live on the fringe they should expect to be shunned.

    I believe in personal choice and I love the diversity that makes us all unique as individuals. I don’t think
    F-U, which is what a professional beggar is saying, is an acceptable expression of human individuality. Time these dudes grew up…or disappeared into the wilderness away from tax paying, contributing members of society.

  10. Harold Ey says:

    When you provide a environment of a sustainable nature such as Chico’s policy of tolerance toward panhandlers as well as the aimless, this is what you get. We have a liberal city council that tolerates, no I might even suggest encourages transits to blighting our town ( remember Holcomb’s brilliant idea of a tent city in the park). There are some out on the streets that are actively seeking help and a hand up, we need to focus on their needs to re-enter work force. But this post isn’t about them, we are discussing those who are professional and know how to play the system as well as benefit from the charity of motorist, or a seeming casual contact of pedestrians, as well as approaching people fueling their vehicles with lies of woe. I am not sure that I agree, or for that matter disagree with Jacks sarcasm about the brick, we need to make people aware that this behavior should not be encouraged. Chico is currently a marked town, much like the the way hobo’s of the past while traveling around the country would mark a fence or building to alert others behind them of a easy mark.

  11. Princess says:

    Hire them? No thanks. Ever heard of Elizabeth Smart? Her mom hired one of these guys and he kidnapped her.

    I have a friend who bought food and dog food for the guy at the Toys R Us entrance (stop light). When she got back to him with the pet supplies and food for him the dog wasn’t with him. She says “where’s your dog?” He tells her “over in my truck.” They guy had a Dodge Ram truck, newer model parked in the shade.

    Sorry, it should be illegal to give panhandlers money. It makes the world unsafer for all of us.

  12. Post Scripts says:

    Princess… smart girl, good comments.

  13. Libby says:

    “Libby, have you ever tried to hire one of these people? They don’t work – get it?”

    Well, I was trying to get you to realize, all by yourself, how silly it is to insist that these guys “go out and get themselves a job!” … when they are totally unfit for conventional employment. You won’t hire them, and neither will anybody else.

    So I don’t want to hear that, ever again.

    And I’m sorry, but starving them to death, or even just out of the county … this is not a option. There are other places on the planet where such policies are in effect, but not here, in America … for the time being, anyway.

    This leaves incarceration, hopefully with an eye toward rehabilitation. We’re not really very good at this, yet, frankly (and damn the Supreme Court for tossing the baby of conservatorship with the bath water, so to speak). However … practice, practice, practice … and we’ll get good at it someday.

  14. Post Scripts says:

    Libs, you should have said that then and saved us all the trouble.

    But, I must admit a few of these guys looked very employable, IF… if they would make an effort, but they DON’T and they WON’T. They are people content to beg and steal their way. They unfairly take the generosity from kind people.

    The problem is sorting them out from the people who would benefit by a helping hand and that’s not always easy. Which brings up another reason to dislike these professional takers, they make life hard for those in real need, because they give them a bad reputation.

    Jail and forced hard labor on a chain gang should be the answer in any society with half a brain.

  15. Libby says:

    “Jail and forced hard labor on a chain gang should be the answer in any society with half a brain.”

    Well you give him the opportunity, and Chief Justice Roberts will probably grant your wish.

  16. Chris says:

    Not sure why my comment the other day didn’t post. I’ll try it again.

    Jack, you are essentially saying that the homeless should be forced into slave labor, and that this is the only thing an intelligent society would do. I find that absolutely disgusting, and I ask you to think further about this position and reconsider.

  17. Post Scripts says:

    Chris, I only ask that people who are (professional bums) swindlers, con-men, thieves and leeches be discouraged for being that way. The easiest way is to give them hard labor when they are caught trying to swindle or steal. Begging when you are on welfare so you can bolster your bank funds to buy booze and drugs is a crime..that’s what I call swindle or defrauding, whatever. It makes for an unhealthy society.

    Chris do you ever listen to yourself? You continuously try to stand on your know-it-all liberal pedestal and excuse bad moral behavior for the sake of sounding like you’re more caring than the rest of us.

    Two words: Tough love! Figure it out and you will be a better person for it.

  18. Chris says:

    Jack, I believe thieves and con men should be punished. But forcing anyone, including criminals, to perform “hard labor” is slavery, by definition. I don’t think I’m being a “liberal know-it-all” by pointing that out. I am all for voluntary labor programs for prisoners–give them something to do, teach them how to do something productive for society, move them toward rehabilitation and everyone gets something out of it. But forced labor? No. That’s slavery, and it’s wrong.

  19. Post Scripts says:

    Chris you’re right it is slavery! And the irony here is I have been a victim of slavery my whole life. That’s not fair! I’ve been forced to work when I would have rather been doing something fun. I have been threatened with consequences of not working since I was 13 years old! Child labor – slavery – it doesn’t get any worse than that. Could you sent me $500K so I can be free for awhile? I’ll settle for free healthcare, a nice monthly salary, free car, home, tv and food, but I reserve the right to beg for more if I need beer money.

  20. Chris says:

    That a completely idiotic response, and you know it. There is no comparison between working to make a living, and being forced to do hard labor in prison.

  21. Tina says:

    Chris: “forcing anyone, including criminals, to perform “hard labor” is slavery…”

    Oh brother! Chris your sense of what is “fair” has to be skewed by your youth and inexperience as a taxpayer and contributing citizen.

    An incarcerated individual who is required to work is simply earning his keep. Actually, given his breach with civil society, repaying the taxpayer for the exorbitant cost to them for his incarceration and the benefits he receives while incarcerated: housing; food; energy; equipment; personnel, including psychological and spiritual mentoring, and free medical; dental; education; television; workout equipment! He has earned the consequence of hard labor…we used to understand this in our society. People who believe they can mooch and live on the backs of other who labor are, in effect, sticking it to their fellow citizens…con men are successful because people are silly enough to be fooled by their scams. Their sympathies and good intentions would be better spent giving support to institutions that help people who want help. The scammers would have to find a different gig if people would stop playing into their game.

    Hard work would be good for these people. give them a sense of accomplishment and contribution.

  22. ima says:

    Before you judge try shifting your perspective.Leave your home ,car and all your money and credit cards and try sleeping outside or trying to seek daily shelter for just a few days and see if you arent desperate and begging in no time.See if people will even hire you and if they do try to find shelter everyday while you wait for a paycheck that takes 3 weeks to come without begging so you can sleep indoors . Most Americans are 2 paychecks away from homelessness.There are way more homeless people out there that there are beds and services and churches dont help, call them and pretend your homeless and see them blow you off!If you suddenly had not a dime and nowhere to sleep at night these people you want arrested and punished could be you…

  23. Post Scripts says:

    ima, here’s a reply fo you:

    What a total crock of liberal B— Sh- _!

    No…. it couldn’t be me. I’ve worked since I was 13 years old. I’ve pulled myself up time after time when I’ve failed or been taken by others. I willed myself to make it by hard work, despite all the setbacks life has thrown at me!

    However, I have voluntarily subjected myself to those physical trials you talked about…I understand how tough it can be. But, I still say the only excuse for living in such horrible conditions is mental illness or infirmatey due to some health condition, then you deserve some public help. All the rest of you are living in denial of your own own poor life choices, be it drugs, alcohol, avoiding school, laziness or crimial behavior.

    Any healthy person, can get cleaned up, be provided with decent enough clothes and with just a little persistence…anyone who tries hard enough can find a job.

    This is a great country where the poor can get free education, free medical, free housing and work training, if they seek it out. Most of the bums on the street that I see are willing to settle for free meals and a free bed in a homeles shelter, then beg for spare change for booz or drugs.

    You can’t come here B— SH– us, we know the truth!

    We know your kind better than you know yourself and some of us have been where you are today and then wised up. Here’s a thought: Get off your lazy ass – do something to help yourself, enough of the pitty party already. Quit your begging and work to support yourself. Keep trying and you will get there!

    Too many of you give up way too easily, because you’re slackers, you’re the entitlement generation. You think the world owes you something…you’re takers, plain and simple. You better wise up because every day you spend as a slacker is one more day spent convincing yourself this is the best you can do.

    Wise up… sober up…. clean up…. get a job and stay straight!!!!

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