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Jack, what the heck is going on with the comments in this blog? Some disappeared and some of mine never even appeared.
And something really needs to be addressed. Did you see the hatchet job Mary Gulag did on Toby Schendelbeck in the CNR a couple of weeks ago? And the CNR also said that Sean Morgan was for a tourist tax which he isn’t.
And this week it appears that they did not allow Toby to respond to the lies Mary said about him.
I don’t want to tell you how to run your blog but I think you really ought to put this up:
I tell you, old Bobby Speer really knows how to run a newspaper, doesn’t he?
And all you see in his rag are ads from the liberal candidates and articles telling us how wonderful they are.
Let the liberals go Schwab themselves if that’s what they want. But the rest of us don’t want them micromanaging our lives.
If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are elected, they plan to engineer the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in American history.
Joseph, this software we are given to use by the ER is pretty unstable, I’m hoping that’s all it is and nothing more. I heard something about Toby and Mary Gulaff, thanks for the reminder, I’ll take a look into that. Feel free to give us a nudge in the right direction anytime.
Well, Bob Evans did have a very good mailer and ad that at least mentioned the pension issue and detailed the financial situation.
And it is $63.7 million in unfunded liabilities and the state wants nearly $10 million in RDA money back!
And it sounds like if the city can’t continue to raid it’s reserve funds it will be insolvent.
This was all done under the Gang of 5. Let’s face it, Schwab, Hokum, the Grundler, Gulag and Walker have been calling the shots for years and this is where we are now.
Rex: If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are elected, they plan to engineer the largest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in American history.
Rex I have no desire to convince you but I do invite you to consider that your assertion and fear, based on the information you provided, is misguided since it relies on opinion using half truths and distortions.
There is nothing in the Ryan budget that will make you write a check to the wealthy. There is nothing in Ryans budget to force the government to take more from you to make up for the losses they believe will happen under the Ryan plan. The Ryan plan cuts middle class taxes and creates a positive environment for private money investment and risk that will make your chances to make money greater.
The article you posted used words like gut to describe small decreases in spending increases. You read that right. A cut in Washington is no cut at all but rather a smaller increase to budgeted items. See CATO:
Tell me Rex which would you prefer, a country with a huge government bureaucracy that encourages greater dependence and the need for ever higher taxation (our current unsustainable dilemma) or a country where the numbers of people inj need of government assistance declines because more people can find work and training, and have the ability to make and keep more of the money they earn? Which is better, the sick economy that has been created under current democrat policies, or a robust economy like that created under Reagan, Kennedy, and Clinton after the republicans defeated Hillarycare and took over the House and the budget in 1994?
One last thing. The wealthy got wealthy because they know how to optimize investment returns. They got rich by being smart about spending and saving to maximize outcomes. That includes human capital outcomes. Romney and Ryan want to create that kind of opportunity for all Americans and at the same time preserve the programs that the truly needy require to keep them from lives of misery.
Democrats are interested in preserving big government control. Their policies always favor growing the size of government. We are now experiencing the result of this thinking: enormous debt that continues to grow; more people on food stamps and living in poverty (the poor and minorities hurt the most); high gas prices and rising food prices; rising healthcare costs, high unemployment, businesses closing or barely hanging on, and a middle class being squeezed with few opportunities to better their circumstances.
In this midst of this deplorable economic state the progressive left has the nerve to throw rocks at the Ryan proposal without offering a new direction of their own and without taking responsibility for the failures of their policies. That alone should make you highly suspicious of democrat criticism. They have done a lot of damage to the poor and middle classes in the last four years and they have added to the debt in greater amounts per year than did George Bush whom they criticized. Do they really deserve your vote?
“Democrats are interested in preserving big government control. Their policies always favor growing the size of government.”
I know that this is the traditional Republican talking point, however is isn’t true. Bush dramatically grew the size of government, and Romney has stated that he wants to increase government spending. Obama has done the opposite:
On his watch, government employment has gone down, and federal spending has increased at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years.
Jim both democrats and republicans have platforms. The democrat platform generally favors giving government greater control suggesting more regulation, higher taxes, expanding or adding programs, and downsizing the military. The republican platform generally favors limited government suggesting a strong military, reforming government programs, simplifying regulation and taxes, and empowering individuals and the private sector. Generally speaking, where the two parties come from is very different. Neither party is always able to accomplish its goals. I think you would agree that bipartisan cooperation has, over the last sixty to seventy years, favored the Democrat Party goals and we have seen the size and scope of government explode.
There are many ways of looking at the size of government and how it has increased in size. The political trick to call a reduction in the size of an increase is one way to mask an increase or punish the opposition for gutting programs. There is the debt which is a fat indicator; Obama has increased the debt at a much greater rate than former presidents. See chart here:
The following articles offer a few more opinions to consider:
Jim you can beat Bush over the head with that drug plan all day but it cant compare to the incredible spending and increase in government that has occurred under Obama or the addition of government programs and spending that democrats have given us over the years.
Clinton was successful because the 1994 republican’s were determined to restrain the size of government. They did reform welfare and sent him budgets that gave him the positive record he enjoys. He declared “the era of big government over” but had he and Hillary retained democrat control of Congress and succeeded with their original plans (Hillarycare) his would have been one of the worst presidencies in terms of spending and growing the size of government.
It makes sense to me to keep or put in power those who will attempt to restrain spending and make government more efficient while encouraging and empowering Americans to succeed in their own lives, jobs, and investments. Strong individuals will make a strong America.