by Tom Gray & Robert Scardamalia
For decades after World War II, California was a destination for Americans in search of a better life. In many people’s minds, it was the state with more jobs, more space, more sunlight, and more opportunity. They voted with their feet, and California grew spectacularly (its population increased by 137 percent between 1960 and 2010). However, this golden age of migration into the state is over. For the past two decades, California has been sending more people to other American states than it receives from them. Since 1990, the state has lost nearly 3.4 million residents through this migration.
This study describes the great ongoing California exodus, using data from the Census, the Internal Revenue Service, the state’s Department of Finance, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and other sources. We map in detail where in California the migrants come from, and where they go when they leave the state. We then analyze the data to determine the likely causes of California’s decline and the lessons that its decline holds for other states. (end of excerpt)
The demographic change that followed shows foreign persons replacing exiting citizens (illegal immigration from South of our border) has not been good for California’s economy, crime rate, schools, healthcare and prison population. We’re broke! Our schools are failing, our credit rating is embarrassing, taxation is the highest and threatening to go higher, thank you liberals, mission accomplished … read the full story here: