Debate Results by Biddle

From our favorite Police Chief, Bud Biddle. . .



Obama made trite little, nonsensical attacks trying to bait Romney and discredit him.

Obama did not get Romney flustered as was OBVIOUSLY his plan.

Obama moved himself to the Middle somewhat and kind of sounded like a Conservative Hawk on some of his foreign policies. I began to think he was sounding like a Republican at times. He sounded good on some of his foreign policy which is what he’s exposed to everyday so it was easy..

I wonder how his Base liked his moves to the Middle for the debate.?

Obama was convincing about having Israel’s back.

At times, Obama glared `mightily` at Romney and was likely trying too hard to gain some kind of photo op advantage (or argument going) to make up for his passive role in the first debate. Sometimes it looked very petty/trite.

Obama was narrow in his overall focus on many things. He made everything sound like his tenure as President was all correctly executed and the policies he’s undertaken have worked well, here and globally.

Obama rendered some petty attacks on Romney that were irrelevant and it made the President seem very small at times.

Obama looked pretty good at times because he had command of the facts in ongoing, foreign policy issues; many of which have little or no impact on things people are worrying about here at home.

Obama was on the attack and remained ready to attack; didn’t look stoned. His attacks were generally petty and the facts were wrong about what he accused Romney of. He never ruffled a hair on Romney’s head though.

Score:…see below (possible 10)


Romney did not get bogged down on Benghazi as Obama had hoped he would. It’s has been beaten to death and you could tell the President was ready to spin the Benghazi debacle his way and couldn’t.

Romney looked Presidential, went after Obama’s record and stayed on it, off and on. Brilliant. He never got petty with Obama’s well laid traps and ever changing `body` language, neck up.

Romney and Obama agreed on many strategic things about the military. Disagreed on others. Romney had a few different ways of looking at things which made a lot of sense.

Romney took the high road tonight and was not as ‘strong’ as he was in the first debate. He chose to deliver his points with moderation and dignity and in the end he came out ‘stronger.’

Romney listened to many good statements by Obama and handled them well and honestly agreed at times. That looked strong as well.

Romney didn’t defend the lies by Obama, like he did before, about his possibly raising the Debt by $7 Trillllionnnnnnnnnnnnn.

Romney handled the petty attacks by Obama with dignity and never got down into the pettiness that Obama occasionally delivered. Obama tried some manipulation and was very condescending towards Romney once or twice. Romney never bit.

Romney delivered most responses to what he deemed as false accusations by Obama with responses that were very convincing. Obama tried to interrupt some of those responses with arrogance and Romney got his points across without looking angry or arrogant.

Score:……see below (possible 10)


Both men stayed away from the Iranian weapons flights over Iraq to Syria and it was never brought up.

There was no clear ”winner” or ”loser”.

Both men inserted things that sounded very different. Obama used his same old lines about Romney with no substantive proof.

Obama seemed like he was on the ropes and tried a desperate strategy of baiting Romney; albeit subtle, it did not escape me. I hope the electorate felt some of this.

The big deal for me was the fact Obama kept alluding to all of his alleged success with all our allies but inferred they were all BACK CHANNEL/SECRET matters. Like ‘hey, this is all going on but you (the public) aren’t involved, I’m cool, all’s good.’ Seemed cheap..?

I scored it:

Romney: 7.5….out of a possible 10

Obama: 6……out of a possible 10

The election is wayyyyy too close to call now. I doubt conservatives and moderates have the numbers to win it. Nothing more. Hope I’m wrong but since 2000 and Al Gore….the Democrats have won over Hispanics by 75%, Unions, Gays, most Women, Hollywood’s influence, Blacks by 80% now due to Obama being mixed race, teachers, professors, illegal’s, 13 million more welfare recipients, students with loans, most liberals, etc…millions of people are bought and paid for.

The mainstream moderate and conservative values voter is hardly considered any longer by the 3 major networks and the spin machines by both sides have confused many people.

Most youth, 18-35+, pay little or no attention to these kinds of politics and know even less about national security.

Unless the silent, massive, “Silent Majority“ we used to hear about, finds itself and comes out to help elect Romney we likely don’t have the numbers to beat Obama.

It is a numbers game now. Advantage: Obama…a bad choice.

Let us all hope there’s a good showing by Conservative Independents and lots of defections by Conservative Democrats. That might give conservatives the numbers to retake the country with a good man like Romney. Someone clean who cannot be bought.

The people now know that Mitt Romney can be an effective President but can he get enough of the numbers to go his way to be elected on Nov. 6th..? It’s all about the numbers after tonight…nothing more.

But…you will ‘likely’ see Obama pull some kind of grandstand stunt before the election which will be popular with all of us. He is desperate for power and will do all he can to defeat Romney between now and election day. We wait…! Ok, ok…what..? My guess is he will Drone the killers of the American Ambassador in Benghazi…he keeps hinting at that possibility…very carefully but I’ve seen it change in his new, more confident, facial expressions and body language, wherein he says, “we will bring those responsible to justice”…and he has an air about him as he says it now, unlike before. Like, ‘just wait, you’ll see’..!? And I could be wrong…?


Bud Biddle
Debate Lake, Montana

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4 Responses to Debate Results by Biddle

  1. Soaps says:

    you will ‘likely’ see Obama pull some kind of grandstand stunt before the election

    I’ve been thinking about that. We keep hearing that Ohio is the key state. Whoever wins Ohio wins the election. Ohio has a population of about 11 miliion, according to the last census. What if Obama were to give $1,000 to every man, woman, and child in Ohio? Let’s see, one thousand times 11 million equals 11 billion. That sounds like a lot, but not out of reach for Obama. He gave 400 billion to Fannie Mae. The first economic stimulus package was 168 billion. The second stimulus package was 787 billion. Yes, $1000 for each person is quite doable.

  2. Toby says:

    If I were in Ohio I would take that money, donate it to the NRA and vote for Mitt.

  3. Tina says:

    Echos my sense of the debate fairly closely. Don’t agree about the outcome. Women have moved toward Romney since the debates as have others. Obama will not have the support he had in the last election.

    Democrats are are a little less likely to foist big surprises in the next two weeks…our side has shown a new willingness to surprise right back!

    Only a couple of weeks and this crazy thing will (hopefully) be over. I think we are all a bit weary from the process.

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