USA Giving Arms to Al Qaeda?


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12 Responses to USA Giving Arms to Al Qaeda?

  1. Libby says:

    But … we already know that Mr. Thiessen makes things up.

  2. Tina says:

    We do?

    Evidence please.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libbya’s: But … we already know that Mr. Thiessen makes things up.

    Like the absurd, useless, idiotic false claim that WSJ withheld the story about Hillary accepting responsibility for the Lybian embassy attack?

    Oh, wait … that was you. 😀

    Multiple sources indicate weapons are being supplied to hard line terrorists and Libbya po-poohs it. How appropriate and so in character.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Hmmm, how did that double post to Libbya happen? No matter …

    Update from Reuters on who knew what, when, and where about the embassy attack —

  5. Peggy says:

    Pie, We were lied to again, but this time four US citizens died because this administration did nothing to protect them before the attack and did nothing to save them during the seven hours they were under attack.

    Greta V. on Fox also covered it tonight.

  6. Chris says:

    Because you asked, Tina:

    “Remember Marc Thiessen, the former Bush speechwriter whose black heart loves nothing in this world besides the torturing of Americas many enemies and people who have been mistaken for our enemies? You know, the guy who has a Washington Post column, for some reason? He wrote a lie, at the Washington Post, this week! (Because he is a liar. In addition to being morally reprehensible, he also lies.) Via Adam Serwer, heres what Thiessen said in a blog post about how Obama likes to catch and release terrorists, like little baby fishes:

    The United States top special operations commander told Congress that because the United States has no place to hold captured terrorists we have simply been letting them go.

    That is a lie. Even leaving aside the fact that it was written in support of an argument in favor of lawless, endless, indefinite detention forever, its not true.

    Vice Adm. William McRaven said releasing people if they cant be tried or send to a third-party nation is an option. He never said it had been done, let alone that it was the Obama administrations standard operating procedure.

    If you want the rest of the story of how Thiessen is misrepresenting the Obama administrations anti-terrorism activities, go back to Serwers post. I just want to point out, once more, that Thiessen lied, in the Post, and I would like to ask if anyone at the Post cares about that.

    Fred Hiatt, the Posts editorial page editor, did specifically hire Thiessen after Thiessen wrote his book about how much he loves torture and how wonderful it is to torture people, so staggering moral depravity obviously does not disqualify you from a columnist gig at that fine newspaper. But Id think lying to the readers would be frowned upon!”

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Obama supporters continue to threaten riots and assassination if Romney wins.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy said, “We were lied to again, but this time four US citizens died because this administration did nothing to protect them before the attack and did nothing to save them during the seven hours they were under attack. Greta V. on Fox also covered it tonight.”

    That about sums it up… plain and simple. Obama was too concerned about how it would look
    during his election bid, so they tried to spin it. Imagine putting the U.S. Ambassador to the UN out on talk shows to tell a blatant lie? Now that takes some gall.

    Makes one question why we invested billions of dollars in Homeland Security and inter-agency communications, if the White House is going to take that information and spin it for the sake of politics.

  9. Harold Ey says:

    Chris, your pattern from past posts of accusing people of lying when opposing your Liberal views is becoming a bit repetitious. I would offer you another link about lying to consider as well.

  10. Tina says:

    Chris am I right? The article writer who attempts to discredit Mr. Theissen actually wrote, “…the Posts editorial page editor, did specifically hire Thiessen after Thiessen wrote his book about how much he loves torture and how wonderful it is to torture people…” and you think this person is credible?

    That isn’t an expression of informed opinion, it is an attitude. To make his own case, the writer also leaves out much of the testimony on which Theisen based his article. (see below)

    The key information that drives the catch and release “option” is that Obama doesn’t want to have a record of detaining bad guys at Gitmo! The catch and release policy was developed so that Obama could avoid doing one “option”, unpopular with his base, that would better keep Americans and innocents in the ME safe and would better curtail Al Qaeda operations, recruitment and success:

    In response to senators questions, McRaven said that in many cases suspects captured in secret operations by Navy SEALs or the Armys Delta Force are taken to a U.S. Navy ship until they can be tried in a U.S. court or transferred to the custody of an allied country. But if neither option turns out to be feasible, the prisoner is ultimately let go, he said.

    If we cant do either one of those, then we will release that individual, McRaven said in response to a question from Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.). I mean, that becomes the unenviable option, but it is an option.

    McRaven did not describe any specific cases in which prisoners were freed.

    He and Lt. Gen. John R. Allen, Obamas nominee to become commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, said the military had recommended against transferring any terrorism suspects captured in countries such as Somalia, Yemen or Pakistan to U.S. detention centers in Afghanistan because of political resistance there.

    Its not our intention to move prisoners to Afghanistan, Allen said.

    McRaven elaborated, adding: We have looked a number of times at whether or not we would do that in Afghanistan, but owing to the nature of the sovereignty of Afghanistan and the concern about the potential backlash from the Afghan government, we have recommended not to do that.

    Their statements marked a shift from previous testimony by administration officials. In February, CIA Director Leon Panetta said that if al-Qaedas top leaders were captured, they would first be taken to a U.S. military detention center near Bagram air base in Afghanistan.

    We would probably move them quickly into military jurisdiction at Bagram and then eventually move them probably to Guantanamo, Panetta told the Senate Intelligence Committee. He has since been named defense secretary and begins that job Friday.

    McRaven, however, seemed to rule out taking captured terrorism suspects directly to the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

    Asked by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) whether Guantanamo Bay is still off the table as a place to detain and interrogate terrorism suspects for long periods, McRaven replied: As far as I understand it, it is, yes, maam.

    I will not indulge you in conversation about torture, Chris, we have a clear understanding of your stance and opinion. As to the charge that Theissen “lied”….I think he came closer to the truth than your source.

    The problem with closing Gitmo, as the Bush administration discovered, is that none of the countries these despicable people came from wants them back!

    Letting them go results in sending them back to their fellow terrorists to wage war against America, freedom, and democracy.

    One perspective is that our Commander-in-Chief is not willing to make the hard decisions of his office to protect the American people. His own political legacy and popularity with his base trumps his most solemn duty.

    Nice call Mr President, she said sarcastically.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Harold Ey: “Chris, your pattern from past posts of accusing people of lying when opposing your Liberal views is becoming a bit repetitious. I would offer you another link about lying to consider as well.

    That just fell on a deaf ear. Legitimate analysis is above Chris’ pay grade.

  12. Chris says:

    Tina, you ask if I find Alex Pareene credible due to his snarky comment about Marc Thiessen. To put this in context: this is a thread in which both Info Wars and the American Thinker have been cited.

    Info Wars is a site which pushes many deranged conspiracy theories, the most infamous of which is that President George W. Bush personally ordered the attack on the World Trade Center, thus murdering 3,000 Americans, all for political gain.

    The American Thinker frequently pushes birther lies, claiming that Obama’s birth certificate (which has been authenticated by several Hawaiian government officials) is a forgery, and frequently publishes articles by hate group leader Pamela Geller; radio bigot Michael Savage, who claims that autism isn’t real and once told a gay caller to “get AIDS and die;” and Ann Coulter, who the other day referred to the president as “the retard.”

    Recently, you defended the credibility of World Net Daily, which has claimed–baselessly–the following theories:

    That the Obama administration is building concentration camps for political dissidents;

    That President Obama is secretly gay, and his marriage to Michelle was arranged by Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright;

    That Obama has proposed a ban on sports fishing;

    Obama is the anti-Christ;

    and many, many more!

    World Net Daily also recently hired Kevin DeAnna as a marketing consultant. DeAnna has also written for the site. Who is Kevin DeAnna? He’s the founder of a white supremacist youth group which has marched with neo-Nazis.

    You argue for the credibility of all of these sources…and yet you are saying Alex Pareene of Salon is not credible because he made a well-deserved snarky comment about a supporter of torture?

    How do you evaluate credibility, Tina? Do you judge the credibility of a source based on facts, or based on how well it conforms to your political ideology? Because your statements point toward the latter strategy.

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