Death Threats and Violence Threatened Over 2012 Elections

by Jack Lee

You’ve probably heard about all the threats being made if Romney is elected president. This is an example of what can happen when anyone can use the internet in anonymity, I get it. But, aside from juveniles being stupid, there’s some real hate being said and it’s not just on the internet and it’s not just juveniles.

I don’t believe we’ve ever had a close election like this one that has sparked so much incivility among the bomb-tossers of the far left. Twitter has been flooded recently with violent comments from Obama supporters as Romney’s poll numbers edge higher and Obama loses ground. Those that are direct death threats against Romney have come to the attention of the Secret Service, They announced that they are “aware” of the death threats and would “conduct appropriate follow up if necessary.”

For those who want to leave America if Romney is elected, I say, well, there’s the door…feel free to use it. Just be sure to leave your passport on your way out so you can’t come back. For those who will try to rally violent mobs or attempt to do harm, our prisons may be pretty full, but we’ll make room for you.

On the other side, we’re just as concerned about the future of our country, and save for the most extreme crackpots, we express those concerns in ways that don’t threaten violence or abandoning America. Here’s my response, maybe you would like to join me:

Hi Lord, it’s just me.

We are getting older and our fortunes are getting smaller. Things are getting pretty bad here.

Gas prices continue to increase, no jobs, food and utility costs are too high. You have been taken out of our schools, government, veteran’s funerals and even Christmas.

The state I live in is broke because our politicians misspent the billions we’ve given them and they’re coming back asking us for more this year.

So Lord, we sure could use your help, that’s why I’m asking you to come back and re-bless America. Help us elect the best man to be President who will restore our hope for the future. We really need you and there’s still more of us who want you – than those who don’t.

Thank you Lord, amen.

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5 Responses to Death Threats and Violence Threatened Over 2012 Elections

  1. Libby says:

    Hmmm, well, should gun purchasing suddenly spike in San Francisco, there could be a problem … but don’t hold your breath; that just ain’t our thing.

    This is an interesting read:–politics.html

  2. Tina says:

    I’ll join you in that fervent prayer, Jack. Amen!

  3. Peggy says:

    There is a nation wide moment of prayer at 6pm PDT every day until the election. This prayer would be perfect to pray at that time for those who would like to join in or of course say one of your own.

  4. Joseph says:

    And the Schwabistas will go bananas if their bag lady is not anointed to lord over us for the next 4 years.

  5. Joseph says:

    Speaking of bananas…I’m watching an incredible video about how corrupt Bill Clinton is and the Vince Foster “suicide” and I google bananas and what is the first thing that comes up? Bananas Foster. Talk about weird. Anyhoo, you people ever eat these?

    From Wikipedia:

    “Bananas Foster is a dessert made from bananas and vanilla ice cream, with the sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum, and banana liqueur. The butter, sugar and bananas are cooked, and then the alcohol is added and ignited. The bananas and sauce are then served over the ice cream. Preparation of the dish is often made into a tableside performance as a flamb.”

    And as far as Clinton goes you HAVE to watch this incredible video about Clinton.

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