Lena Advises Young Women on Voting

My prediction: One day, when she is actually grown up, she will be mortified at the thought of this video.

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16 Responses to Lena Advises Young Women on Voting

  1. Joseph says:

    Not to mention that tatoo.

    I’m sure she’s a Schwabista, too.

    Imagine 4 more years of Schwab. Ugh…these liberals can go Schwab themselves if that’s what they want, but they are going to drag us all down.

  2. Jim says:

    Young people her age, remember how bad the Bush years were and don’t want to repeat it. They have the most to loose if Romney is elected.

  3. Joseph says:

    I don’t understand what the appeal is for these young ‘ens to tattoo themselves. Miss Tina, with you being a teenager perhaps you can enlighten us on the motivation behind the behavior of your peers.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    The new Democratic party campaign meme —

    When the chips are down, go juvenile!

  5. Tina says:

    Jim…”how bad it was during the Bush years”? Once again you will have to elaborate to be understood.

  6. Tina says:

    Joseph, I wish I had some answers but you’ve stretched that peer group juuuuuuuuuuuust a bit too far…I’ll ask my granddaughter, who is tat free, how’s that?

  7. Joseph says:

    OK, Miss Tina. And I apologize profusely as I think you mentioned that before. My memory ain’t what it used to be but then it was never all that great.

    But I would be interested in knowing the appeal of getting tattooed to these young ones.

    I knew a guy who was going to get “Mother” tatooed on his armed but he changed his mind halfway through.

    So for the past half century he walked around with “Moth” tattooed on his arm and he has to explain that to everyone who asks.

    In my day the only ones with tattoos were sailors and bikers.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Jim, maybe…but then Romney hasn’t been given a chance and Obama has. We know what Obama has done has hurt the nation and cost each one of us dearly. We are all poorer, we are all heavily in debt now, we are all struggling to deal with the higher cost of everything and the lower value of our dollar. We know, or at least those of us who have been paying attention, that Obama has not been Mr. Transparency, and instead cronyism, Chicago style politics is his hallmark. I’ll take a chance on Romney…he doesn’t have to be very good to beat what we’ve got.

  9. Tina says:

    Joseph there’s no reason to apologize…what grandma in her right mind would be insulted for being mistaken as a mere girl. Maybe it’s that you and I are peers and, in memory at least, forever young…lol.

    Yep, Sailors and bikers were the only ones with tats when I was a young girl and usually they only had a few. Criminals, like the swastika emblazoned Charles Manson, had them too, which doesn’t add positively in my mind.

    But things change. I imagine they think of it as artful expression…in a few years as the skin droops many of them will be sporting cheap Salvador Dali imitations.

    I’ve seen a few that would look mighty pretty etched on glass but I still can’t imagine wearing it. I’ll see what my granddaughter says about it when I see her today.

  10. Tina says:

    Jim unemployment for teens and young adults, not to mention their parents, has been awful under Obama and his policies goinging forward will be more of the same.

    Prior to the crash in September 2008, the highest monthly unemployment rate during President George W. Bushs two terms was 6.3 percent. The average monthly unemployment rate during his 8 year term was 5.3 percent. The Bush tax cuts pulled America out of the recession he inherited in 2001 and spurred six years of uninterrupted economic growth and 52 straight months of job creation. This was in spite of the events of 9/11, the wars, and several natural disasters.

    I’m sorry Jim but in terms of economic health and employment the policies of this administration have produced nothing but misery for the people that make our country vibrant and strong…the average working JOE.

    Not only that, his policies in the Middle East are a disaster. Amid the chaos we find that Al Qaeda has spread to 30 countries. When he was elected they were demoralized and in hiding.

    We need someone with strong leadership skills ton pull America back together…this four years have been a disgrace.

  11. Soaps says:

    Tina: Criminals? Yes. I recall when I first started my law enforcement career a long time ago, I read a U.S. Department of Justice study regarding what criminals in prison had in common. Of course, everyone expected it would be poverty, racism, bullying, or something like that. No, the one thing they had in common? Tattoos. That may not be the cause of crime, but it is certainly an indicator of future criminal behavior. Every cop got a little apprehensive when the next guy in line at the liquor store showed tats from his wrists to his elbows.

  12. Tina says:

    Soaps I imagine its even freakier now standing in line at the liquor store since some of those tats indicate gang affiliation! I don’t envy them their job but I sure do appreciate the fact that they are out there night after night!

  13. Tina says:

    Joseph my granddaughter suggest the usual rebellion that teens experience as well as identity crisis.

  14. Pie Guevara says:

    New Obama ad reaches out their most important likely voter demographic — children, physical and mental. We’re Blaming YOU! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwlW4lx6TTo

  15. Tina says:

    Michael Ramirez is pure comic genious!

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