Children Point Fingers at Adults and Parents in Anti-Romney Future Fantasy Ad

The ad was created by the ad agency, Goodby Silverstein & Partners, according to The Daily Caller:

A new video from the founders of a celebrated advertising agency features children “of the future” singing about the aftermath of a Mitt Romney presidency: A world where sick people are required to “just die,” the atmosphere is “frying,” gays can be “fixed” and “oil fills the sea.”

The children, who stare blankly at the camera throughout the video, even take pains to explicitly mention that they blame “mom and dad” for all those horrors.

How desperate and sick is it to use these children and teach them such utter, contemptible trash! Thanks Pie, this is ugly but oh so typical of the party that refuses to compete in the “arena of ideas”.


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11 Responses to Children Point Fingers at Adults and Parents in Anti-Romney Future Fantasy Ad

  1. Chris says:

    Wow, that was beyond tacky. I don’t believe in using children to spread propoganda, even if I agree with some of the messages. They don’t have the experience or maturity to have a fully formed opinion or know what they are talking about, so it just comes across as manipulative.

    However, Tina, didn’t you post a video a few weeks ago featuring young teenagers in support of Mitt Romney, some of which made misleading claims about the current president? Aside from the fact that the teens were a little bit older, how is that much different from this?

  2. John R. Largent says:

    I am not to sure if it was a good idea to use kids to sing an anti-Romney skit, but at least the message was correct. By this time most people are beginning to realize that to vote for Romney is to basically destroy the gains that Obama has made. Certainly Obama has not performed to the complete satisfaction of the people who voted for him, but the obstacles which he encountered as President were enormous due to the Republican desire to bring the whole country to a halt. I and most other thinking Americans will vote a second term for Obama.

  3. Tina says:

    Chris: “Tina, didn’t you post a video a few weeks ago featuring young teenagers in support of Mitt Romney…”

    We did. There is a difference beyond the fact that the video we posted featured older kids. This ad was created by a professional ad agency and two liberal men who support Obama. The video we posted earlier this month was made by an organization of kids who are apparently interested in preserving the Constitution. They seem to be informed and engaged and capable of creating the video themselves. I like to see students participate in the process. One day soon they will be old enough to vote.

    See the video by the im2moro (“I am tomorrow”) teens we posted here:

    “Vote Wisely” By Post Scripts on October 1, 2012 10:46 AM

    The video was created by:

    Mission statement of im2moro here:

  4. RHT447 says:

    “By this time most people are beginning to realize that to vote for Romney is to basically destroy the gains that Obama has made.”

    Indeed. The increasing momentum of Romneys gains is certainly confirmation of that. Heh.

  5. Tina says:

    “Gains” Obama has made since the recovery was announced in 2009: sustained high unemployment, businesses stumbling or closing, stagnant incomes, more people in poverty and on food stamps, an unpopular expensive new entitlement program, healthcare regulations that are too complex and expensive, higher taxes and fees with more pending, higher gas/energy prices, higher food prices, debt that is growing at $4.5 billion a day, a sluggish growth rate, new banking regulations that are killing small banks and do very little to stop the problems that caused the housing bubble…

    Those interested will find these articles of interest:


    When President Obama was elected, the unemployment rate was 6.8%. When he took the oath, it was 7.8%. The next month, the rate cracked the 8% mark and has been there ever since.

    This is the worst recovery from a recession in at least 30 years and, according to some, including Stanfords Edward Lazear, the worst in all American history.

    The recession officially ended in June 2009…the economys decline in 2008 and 2009 has been calculated at 3.1%…In 2010, the effect of stimulus spending turns out to be even worse than we had thought. Growth in that year was revised down last week to 2.4% from 3% by the Commerce Department…Growth in 2011 was revised upward by one-tenth of a point to a miserable 1.8%…Growth from April to June this year was just 1.5%. (4% growth is sustainable growth…Reagan’s tax cuts produced 7.2% recovery growth)


    The government’s most widely publicized unemployment rate measures only those who are out of a job and currently looking for work. It does not count discouraged potential employees who have quit looking, nor those who are underemployed wanting to work full-time but forced to work part-time.

    For that count, the government releases a separate number called the “U-6,” which provides a more complete tally of how many people really are out of work…Economically troubled California has a 20.3 percent real rate

    The Foundry-Heritage chart above illustrates what the countrys fiscal future looks like. As analyzed by the Congressional Budget Office, even after the massive tax hikes included in Obamas budget, federal deficits total $9.5 trillion. In other words, under his budget, the President would more than double the national debt in just 10 years. Simply put, Obamas budget (which didnt even win the support of his own party in the United States Senate) would push America over a fiscal cliff.

    The Presidents media apologists are attempting to carry water for Obama and shift the blame for the budget mess squarely at the feet of President George W. Bush. Specifically, they argue that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, and the recession are all to blame for todays deficits. Its an argument we heard before from Obama since the days of his campaign, and its an argument that is as flawed today as it was then. One simple number explains it well: the budget deficit figure in 2007, the last Bush year prior to the recession. The tax cuts were in full effect, both wars were raging, and the recession had not yet struck, yet the budget deficit in 2007 was $160 billion, or about a tenth of Obamas deficit this year.

    Then theres the Presidents stimulus spending binge, which made matters worse. The policy was rooted in the false premiserecited by The New York Timesthat government spending can propel the economy out of a recession. Well, it hasnt. The economy is stuck in slow, and the hundreds of billions of stimulus dollars have only added to todays debt and deficits.

    Americans are hurting in this non-recovery and cannot stand another four years of leadership that creates such “gains”.

  6. Toby says:

    Do you think those kids know how lucky they are that their parents didn’t murder them?

  7. Tina says:

    Good question. I often wonder how many children think about that, Toby…they’re not fools.

  8. Peggy says:

    Here’s a 13 year old’s video about the election.

    Awesome Ideas Packed Video by Thirteen Year Old

    Jenny Cantrell is a thirteen year old student playing the role as teacher for a day. And in her lecture, she grades the candidates. This her first video with a tad under 200,000 views:

    Jenny is a 13-year-old 8th grader who’s been interested in politics for a couple of years. She was confused about the claims of the Democrats and the claims of the Republicans. So, she decided to look at the facts and do a report card for President Barack Obama and one for Governor Mitt Romney. She compared them and now presents her findings in this video.

    And her second video:

    Jenny got a lot of questions when she was Teacher for a Day. Now she looks at the auto industry bailout, the debates and the candidates’ values. Make your voice heard; vote on November 6th!


  9. Proteus says:

    Imagine an America
    Where we are always free.
    Where gays are normal
    And sick people wait months
    And soldiers fill the streets

    We dont have to pay for cellphones!
    Our schools are filled with lies.
    Give us deceit and lies
    From brainwashed guys
    And lots of free stuff.
    Were the children of Obama
    Communist through and through
    You decided to change our country
    And Comrade, were thanking you

    We havent killed all the Right Wing
    But hey, we still are trying
    Freedom is sacked
    The US is cracked
    And the atmosphere is fine.
    Congress went home early
    We forced them out we know
    You cant cut spending
    With elections pending
    So why even let them vote?
    Were the children of Obama
    Communist through and through
    You decided to change our country
    And Comrade, were thanking you
    Find a park that is not monitored
    And take a breath while cameras watch
    They bugged your place
    To watch you from space
    But you can write off your free will
    Its a really great pleasure to tell you
    But you brought us to this land
    When we look look out back
    Vorwarts! We chant
    And under The Leader we stand!
    Were the children of Obama
    Communist through and through
    But you decided to change our country
    And Comrade, were thanking you
    You did your best
    You passed the test
    Mom and Dad
    Welcome to the New America! Thanks for your vote.

  10. Lian says:

    I never thought they could actually use children for this kind of Ad.

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