Romney Leads in 11 Swing States


Posted by Tina

Mitt Romney leads in polls across 11 swing states:

The new Rasmusen poll show the results from 11 key states won by President Obama in 2008 and thought to be competitive in 2012. The states collectively hold 146 Electoral College votes and include Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

According to Rasmussen poll in the 11 swing states, Mitt Romney earns 50 percent of the vote to Obama’s 46 percent. Two percent like another candidate in the race, and another two percent are undecided. Mitt Romney has now led for 11 straight days with margins of four to six points most of that time.

That must be why the Romney campaign has decided to make a final week, “Expand the Map” push into the blue states.

Even in the very deep blue state of Minnesota the race has tightened with Obama unable to capture a critical 50% lead and Romney surging:

The last time Minnesota cast its electoral votes for a Republican running for President was 1972. Even Ronald Reagan failed to win the state in both back-to-back landslide elections. It has elected Republicans to the occasional state-wide office, but for President, it is a deep indigo blue. Except, perhaps, this year. A new poll released this morning by the Minneapolis Star-Tribune finds the race essentially tied. Obama holds a slim 3-point lead but, at 47% support, is below the critical 50% threshold. …

…Last month, the newspaper’s poll showed Obama with an 8-point lead. But that 5-point drop in support isn’t the worst news for Obama in the poll. The number of voters identifying themselves as Republican has surged. In last month’s poll, Democrats had a 13-point edge in the sample, 41-28. Today’s poll, however, only gives them a 5-point edge, 38-33. An 8-point swing in one month is extraordinary.

In 2008, the overall electorate had a Democrat advantage of 4 points, so Republicans still have some room to grow here. Especially considering Obama’s collapse in certain voter sub-groups. In 2008, Obama won independents by 17 points. Today, he leads by 6. He won men by 3 points; today he trails by 13. He won women by 16; today, in spite of a singular focus on what Democrats consider women’s issues, his support is slightly lower at 14 points.

The projection of the presidential race from QStarNews/

7031-electoral projection map2012.jpg


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2 Responses to Romney Leads in 11 Swing States

  1. Toby says:

    At this point Obama has 4 states locked up. California, Illinois, Hawaii, and New York. I will be amazed if he takes much more than that. Time will tell.

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