Benghazi – Judge Jeanine Rips Obama Administration – Ex CIA Speak Out

Posted by Tina

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5 Responses to Benghazi – Judge Jeanine Rips Obama Administration – Ex CIA Speak Out

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    After weeks of lies, deceptions, and stonewalling Obama now says he “takes offense” at suggestions that he and his administration have not been forthcoming.

    Intelligence procedures and protocol and simple logic clearly indicate that Obama knew exactly what was going on while it was happening and, if he had bothered to pay any serious attention at all to security issues, was warned of the potential danger long before the assault occurred.

    Yet he and his subordinates did nothing to secure or evacuate the embassy before hand nor did they do anything to respond to the attack in eight or more hours of its progress.

    Pardon me, Mr. President, but rightfully concerned American citizens take offense at YOU.

    This gross and grotesque negligence and incompetence of the Commander-In-Chief can be easily rectified by the American people in November.

    I pray it shall.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Wow… did she nail em! Good for her, they should be nailed, better yet kicked out of office on Nov. 6th. -Jack

  3. Tina says:

    Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage has an interesting point regarding unnecessary military and civilian deaths and appeasement policy:

  4. Peggy says:

    Obama’s dangerous emasculating of our military
    Exclusive: Gen. Patrick Brady asks, ‘Would I want this man with me in combat?’

    Most decorated living veteran, Gen. Pat Brady said,” I believe that Obama has no knowledge of or interest in military matters. Nor does he have the capacity to deal with crisis the reason for a military and he knows it. A feeble military would give him cover. A lack of resources is the perfect excuse for doing nothing, an Obama hallmark. And there are no votes in military spending this man lives for votes. In a world aflame with uncertainty and violence, watch the presidents campaign media. You will never hear a word about increasing or preserving our military strength, only that the troops are coming home. Ignorance of military matters is one thing and can be overcome, but ignorance of the importance of military might in promoting peace worldwide and protecting America is deadly.”

  5. Tina says:

    I don’t think the general is alone in his thinking among both military and civilian citizens.

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