Latest Polling on Prop 30 – Support Faltering

Polls Show Prop 30 Falling Short, Gov. Brown making the rounds to rally support, but it may be too late. Brown will be at CSUC at noon Monday pitching Prop 30.

VOTE NO on 30 – It’s a $50B Tax Hike we can’t afford and it’s a Jobs Killer!

Who doesn’t understand that raising taxes when you’re in recession is a bad idea? Even Obama figured that out, but not our CA legislators who want Prop 30 to pass.

Here’s what you need to know about Prop 30 (aside from coming at totally the wrong time) First off, it’s being advertised with a big whopper as it’s key point. Give us the money or watch your schools fail! Well, they’re already failing… but, Prop. 30 does not require ANY cuts to schools in the event that it does not pass. Fact is, Prop 30 has no reference to any trigger cuts! See, they lied to us again.

Those so-called trigger cuts they have threatened were purely a creation of the liberal politicians in Sacramento – it’s just a way of scaring the voters to vote yes for higher taxes (pass 30 or we kill schools). It is another deceptive budget gimmick from Sacramento.

When 30 fails, the governor and the legislature can immediately go back in and correct the education funding ship. They simply need to have the will power to do it and to make the tough decisions that we are paying them to make instead of always bucking it to voters with calls for higher taxes.

The fact of the matter is the politicians and the governor can do better than this Prop. 30 gimmick. And they will. . . if we vote no on 30.

Need to know more?

The legislature has not demonstrated good fiscal stewardship of CA large budget and for 20 years or more we have seen CA schools sink from 1st to near last, despite the billions we’ve thrown at education.

54% state budget spent on Education already, why is education not working? Prop 30 offers no reform and no guarantee students will benefit from the money.

Gov. takes money from education in 2011 knowing voters will “backfill,” so its effect is a form of extortion. Either pay higher taxes or we will kills schools!

There is nothing in Prop 30 that mandates trigger cuts, this is a creation of the legislature and it’s an arbitrary decision to pressure the taxpayers.

Increasing taxes is a real bad idea – we’re in bad shape, thanks more to Sacramento than the national economy. CA has over 10.2% unemployment (EDD stat) and under-employment is estimated at twice that. Our state sales tax and use tax are the highest in the nation and going higher, if Prop 30 passes.

Prop 30 might help school funding, but only temporarily and that is no guarantee – funds could still be diverted!

Prop 30 wont increase jobs. In fact it will hurt job creation. Adding new taxes is a sure fire jobs killer.

Prop 30 wont improve anything, it just gives more money to Sacramento to squander. Remember the stimulus money from the FEDS? That was supposed to jump start the economy by putting money into the taxpayers pocket, well, Prop 30 takes that money out of our pockets – score this one a reverse stimulus!

Where money is going is unclear.

Throwing more money at a problem has seldom helped, especially when the root cause of the trouble is not addressed. Increased tax money alone has never solved any problems.

This problem has been in the works for over two decades – it can’t be fixed overnight with a single proposition of taxing the taxpayers.

We need to say NO! Force the legislature to make tough calls to cut their pet programs and live within their means.

In 2012 California is going to the taxpayers looking for money in the form of increased fees, permit costs and the new Cal Fire tax. At the same time local jurisdictions are asking for more money. For example, in Chico Proposition E seeks to raise another 78M for schools! And that’s not all, consider CA already has the highest income tax and the second highest in sales tax (we’ll be the highest, if Prop 30 or 38 pass)

We keep throwing money at problems and it just never works! When do we say enough is enough? Sacramento needs to do their job, they need to reform the spending and stop leaning on the taxpayers to bail them out of a big fiscal mess they created!

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11 Responses to Latest Polling on Prop 30 – Support Faltering

  1. Chris says:

    You keep saying it will raise taxes, but you conveniently leave out by how much. Prop 30 raises sales tax by 1/4 of a cent. How is such a small increase going to be a “jobs killer?” That doesn’t make sense to me.

    In addition, California’s wealthiest 2% of earners will see a small increase on their income taxes. Those earning over $250,000 will pay an additional 1%. Those earning over $300,000 will pay an additional 2%. Those earning over $500,000 will pay an additional 3%.

    The horror! If the rich are taxed at another 1%, they’ll have no choice but to stop creating all those jobs they’ve been creating over the past few…oh, wait, they haven’t been doing that even with a historically low tax rate. They created more jobs when their taxes were much, much higher. The idea that there is a direct correlation between lowering taxes and job creation is a fantasy.

    “Well, they’re already failing… but, Prop. 30 does not require ANY cuts to schools in the event that it does not pass. Fact is, Prop 30 has no reference to any trigger cuts! See, they lied to us again.”

    You’re uninformed. Prop 30 itself does not have any reference to trigger cuts, but it doesn’t need to. The cuts are part of a pre-approved budget mechanism. Prop 30 brings in new revenue to the state government. If it doesn’t pass and we don’t get that revenue, we will have a budget shortfall which will result in an automatic $2 billion in cuts to education.

  2. Tina says:

    “Where money is going is unclear.”

    Comments this morning on FOX business likened California accounting practices to Enron accounting at the height of the scandal and California was deemed “much worse”.

    A recent CATO study critical of Republicans and Democrats alike finds that welfare spending under Obama has increased 41% so that combined state and federal welfare spending has reached “nearly $62,000 per poor family of three”. We already know that California is the highest welfare state and that means that many working families now live on yearly income that is less than what welfare recipients receive. Talk about unsustainable!

    CATO link:

    Rather than raising taxes on struggling citizens this state needs to cut the bureaucracy, the fat, the pork, the waste. We are in a state of emergency in my mind. We either find a way to cut the cost of government or the bad management and accounting will see it crashing to the ground from the excess.

    California is morbidly obese and must lose the excess weight or DIE! Where’s the warning label for this state government?

    NO ON 30!

  3. Jack says:

    I’m very well informed on Prop 30. I actually read it and I have read the summaries from the Gov. The legislature is using our schools as ransom, give us the money or the schools get it! ll, we have been supporting schools and we even guaranteed them a level of funding in Prop 98. We support our schools. But, last year the demoncrats were the ones who raided the schools piggy bank and spent the money to keep their pet projects alive. Tell me who supports schools more, the taxpayers who give generously of their tax revenues or Sacramento who steals that money and places it in other pockets, then comes back on us and says “Give us $50 billion more or we’re going to make it rough on schools!” Gov. Brown and I were on television today and he had the gall to say to his mostly CSUC student audience, “Do the good thing and get $250 put in your pocket or do the bad thing and get $250 take out.” That is outrageous. It’s just not true. We’ve got to force Sacramento be responsible. Giving them more money without getting to the core of the spending problem is asking for trouble. -Jack

  4. Joseph says:


    We already have the highest state sales tax of any state in the country.

    We also have a magrinal income tax rate of 9.3% that kicks at $48,300. No other state has such a high rate at that level of income.

    In addition other taxes in this state are very high such as the taxes on gasoline. We always have the highest price or close to highest price gasoline of any state in the country.

    Did it ever occur to you liberals that maybe the people are just taxed out, especially in this awful economy? That regardless how small any proposed tax increase is it makes no difference because people are already taxed enough or too much?

    Prop 30 and 38 will be defeated just as the propositions to keep the tax increases Arnold got through were defeated. The electorate is trying to tell the politicians that taxes are as high as can be tolerated and actually that may be a generous assessment considering how many people are leaving the state.

  5. Joseph says:


    I saw on the evening propaganda…er…sorry…I mean nightly news that the old Brown buzzard visited Chico State today!

    And guess who was standing right by his side demanding we pass his sales and income tax increases? (Hint: It sure wasn’t Sean Morgan!)

    The head Sandinista…er…sorry…Schwabista!

    Is there any doubt that if she is mayor next year she won’t back Lando’s sales tax increase?

    Imagine if 30 or 38 pass (I don’t think that will happen) and the DemoNcrats get a 2/3rds majority in the state legislature (could happen) and could then pass any tax increase they want and the Schwabistas still retain control of the city council (may very well happen).

    You think your taxes are high now? Well you ain’t seen anything.

  6. Joseph says:

    Double Hah!

    I just saw the channel 24 news and guess who was on?

    THE famous Jack Lee!

    Jack, yer a star, a star I tells ya! 🙂

    And I can’t believe that the media actually allowed some discussion of the other side of these tax increases so good job to 24, too.

  7. Joseph says:


    Jerry is making us pay for bullet trains to nowhere, tuition and other expenses for the college educations of illegal aliens, for unsustainable pensions for state workers that those in the private sector can only dream of and a host of other items that take advantage of taxpayers.

    And lets not forget state agencies have slush funds of tens of millions of dollars that we are not supposed to know about (such as the Parks Dept.).

    And lets not forget all the commissions and boards whose members get paid 6 figure salaries for meeting a handful of times a year.

    Chris, the taxpayers of Colliefornia (as Ahnode sez) are sick of this nonsense.


  8. Joseph says:

    Also, Chris, I notice that liberals such as yourself never mention the huge tax increase that is coming starting next year.

    That is when California’s version of cap and trade kicks in and it will amount to another billion dollars (at a minimum) in taxes that Californians will have to pay. It will be a tax that no other state has.

    The old Brown buzzard fails to mention this when he lectures us on Prop 30 and the “need” for higher taxes.

  9. Joseph says:

    Here’s what the Old Brown Buzzard said today at CSU Chico:

    It’s pretty simple,” Brown said. “‘Yes’ means $250 in your pocket, ‘No’ means no $250 in your pocket. It’s pretty simple. This is about third grade arithmetic. It’s money in or money out.”

    Jerry, THIS is about a BRIBE!

    So let me get this straight. He comes up her on the taxpayer’s dime to an institution paid for by taxpayers to offer cash bribes to the institution’s “customers” who are also subsidized by the taxpayers.

    Could Jerry possibly be more corrupt?

    And he gets away with this?

    What’s sad is that these days people don’t even recognize this as outright theft and corruption.

  10. Harold Ey says:

    I agree with Jack, this is a tax increase for the benefit of a uncontrolled spend spend spend mindset of Liberal proportions. I refuse to accept that wasteful spending and a more efficient school system filled with waste can not be created. Proper management without another tax increase is what is needed. Also,what is serious troubling is the money IS NOT protected from the states ability to raid the funds for what and whenever their need arises. Much like Measure E in Chico(they want another 78 million dollar school bond!, what happened to the 50 million dollar bond we are still paying for?) we are just supporting, no encouraging wasteful habit of tax money verse providing the needed control of Administrative spending habits. As to Chris’s statement , the horror of the RICH (liberal dirty word)being taxed another 1% or everyone taxed a additional 1/4%, how about the horror of the Elected being able to waste more taxed earnings on ????? without maybe reducing their spending habits by those same proportions and let the people keep what the work for during these tough times.

  11. Joseph says:

    Also,what is serious troubling is the money IS NOT protected from the states ability to raid the funds for what and whenever their need arises. Much like Measure E in Chico(they want another 78 million dollar school bond!, what happened to the 50 million dollar bond we are still paying for?) we are just supporting, no encouraging wasteful habit of tax money verse providing the needed control of Administrative spending habits.

    You are absolutely right, Harold.

    And I wish you were running for school board to set these people straight.

    In my book it’s NO ON E, YES ON EY!

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