Democrats Reach New Degrading Low

Posted by Tina


This was brought to you by and Michael Moore, members of the political left in the self-centered generation, featuring deluded elderly members of the greatest generation. Neither is representative of most Americans, thank God!

Vote wisely America!

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22 Responses to Democrats Reach New Degrading Low

  1. Peggy says:

    This is sicking. I thought using the kids was an all time low, but this is in the gutter.

    God help us!!

  2. Libby says:

    Tina, this ad does not feature seniors, it features actors. And I’m sending you back to the dictionary, yet again. There is: satire. There is: burlesque. And there is no small: irony.

    Now I, like you, find the language to be a bit much, but we are not the target market for this ad. Our cultural sensibilities have not been formed by hip hop, and I actually do hope that that “pretense to culture” will, eventually … pass. Or, I’ll just die, and no longer be bothered.

    But I expect the targeted market will hoot, and take the point.

  3. Tina says:

    Libby it does not matter to me that this is satire! It is tasteless and ugly. It does not matter to me that these are (may be) actors; they still profess, by their participation, to represent the greatest generation which is utterly ignorant, despicable, and lacking in respect, not to mention a failure of their responsibilities to younger generations!

    I do care that the target market for this piece of trash is the hip hop and younger generations. However, being that lack of respect is one of the major problems that plague our society, it does not surprise me that this piece of trash passes for humor in a serious political campaign nor does it surprise me that it is representative of the so-called “adults” that associate with, e.g., Michael Moore.

    You, of course, are not at all bothered by the extreme lie imbedded in this piece of trash as it does not occur to you that passing on the foundational principles of civilized society is a responsibility of the adults of society and vital to future generations.

    Mitt Romney will be a welcome change from the hip hop presidency and all it entails.

  4. Harold Ey says:

    ‘RIP’ Libby, we’ll miss your zany and otherwise unrelated remarks and spin, but after all your ideology is a lot like the song “It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to… You would cry too if it happened to you,”

  5. Chris says:

    Oh, come on. I am way more easily offended than most of my peers, but old people cussing and talking about sex still equals hilarity in my book. I would have found this funny even if they had substituted “Obama” for “Romney.” Don’t be so politically correct.

    And they do make a good point about the many seniors that will be disenfranchised due to unnecessary and politically motivated voter ID laws, which at best are intended to solve a non-existent problem, and at worst are intended to “allow Gov. Romney to win,” in the words of Philidelphia state rep. Mike Turzai (R).

  6. Libby says:

    “…they still profess, by their participation, to represent the greatest generation which is utterly ignorant, despicable, and lacking in respect, not to mention a failure of their responsibilities to younger generations!”

    Oh, take a pill. The “greatest generation” has played no small part in the current economic debacle. SS has always been underfunded. An appalling number of seniors paid a rip-snorting $4.36 per month into the pot, and then collected a monthly wage for 20 years. But you couldn’t get them off their political hineys until the thing started to blow.

    Now we have to decide. Do we keep it or pitch it? If we decide to keep it, it will have to be restructured.

    I am just panting for next Tuesday to come … and go.

  7. Tina says:

    Oh yeah…let’s pretend that all of the resistance to reform of the SS program has been elderly WWII seniors rather than big government entitlement loving left activists of the Democrat Party in all age groups! Democrats have been suggesting that Republicans would harm the elderly since Pat Schroeder railed on the House floor to expose the evil Rush Limbaugh, “This is what it’s come to! This is it! Rush Limbaugh actually said he’s going to buy his mother a can opener so she can have dog food.” (After we cut SS)

    You people are plain screwy:

    Democrats are all for giving Americans more of a say and more choices when it comes to their retirement savings. But that doesnt mean taking Social Securitys guarantee and gambling with it. And thats coming from a senator who represents Las Vegas, Harry Reid.

    Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y.: (Bush) did not mention how his plans for Social Security dramatically cut benefits across the board and make the challenge worse.

    House Democrats invited about 15 constituents, including senior citizens, to the House galleries as a symbol of their opposition to Bushs Social Security plans. Democrats also planned a news conference Thursday at a memorial to the father of Social Security, President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    The president neither has the mandate he thinks he has or a majority to make policy because of worries by moderate Republicans, said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill.

    Democrats have always been more interested in their political advantage than in serving the people…or properly managing the people’s money…or telling the truth about the unsustainable programs they put together!

  8. Tina says:

    Chris: “old people cussing and talking about sex still equals hilarity in my book.”

    I might agree if this were part of a Hollywood movie or delivered by a comic in a private venue or club. I’m not a prude; it’s a matter of appropriateness.

    “…many seniors that will be disenfranchised due to unnecessary and politically motivated voter ID laws”

    The suggestion that voter ID laws would disenfranchise any voter is simply political fear mongering…the Democrats favorite tactic. The Texas legislation included provisions for providing transportation for anyone that was unable to apply for ID without assistance. Most people have someone they can count on to aid them with such things. Seniors have no trouble applying for food stamps, social security and medicare, and, as we recently discovered free phone service.

    The only thing that is political about voter ID is the desire to make sure all votes count and are cast legally….well, that and the way democrats use such attempts to demonize their opponents by shamelessly trying to scare old people, the poor, or minorities.

  9. Libby says:

    “Oh yeah…let’s pretend that all of the resistance ….”

    Well, you can pretend that, if you like. It is not what I said.

    And I do hope the “greatest generation” give this their attention, as it’s them who are being killled.

    Romneys Lax Regulation May Have Fueled Meningitis Outbreak
    By Craig Unger []

    The fatal meningitis epidemic sweeping the United States can now be traced to the failure of then-Gov. Mitt Romney to adequately regulate the Massachusetts pharmaceutical company that is being blamed for the deaths.

    At least 344 people in 18 states have been infected by the growing public health crisis and 25 have died so far.

    But the epidemic may also play a role in the presidential campaign, now that state records reveal that a Massachusetts regulatory agency found that the New England Compounding Co., the pharmaceutical company tied to the epidemic, repeatedly failed to meet accepted standards in 2004 but a reprimand was withdrawn by the Romney administration in apparent deference to the companys business interests.

    It goes all the way up to Mitt Romney, said Alyson Oliver, a Michigan attorney representing victims of the outbreak. According to Oliver, on at least six occasions, NECC was cited by authorities for failure to meet regulatory standards and almost subjected to a three-year probation. It goes directly to the heart of what Romney says about regulation, Hands off. Let the companies do their thing.

    When the person who is supposed to be in charge of oversight does not believe oversight is necessary, this is what happens, Oliver added.

    The philosophy of the Romney administration was to have lax regulations across the board, Philip Johnston, a former secretary of health and human services in Massachusetts before the Romney administration, told Salon. It speaks volumes about the tragic outcome of Romneys view on regulatory issues. There are two dozen people who died needlessly. It was clearly the responsibility of the company to protect them, but it was also the responsibility of the government at various levels, and, as far as Im concerned, they failed.


    Points up the nature of the choice fairly clearly, I think.

  10. Pie Guevara says:

    In appreciation of Chris’ sense of hilarity about genital injury (or rather his bizarre idea of “sex”, see above) —


    Have a laugh riot, Chris. 😀

  11. Tina says:

    Peggy that is priceless! We do know how she feels.

  12. Tina says:

    Libby: “And I do hope the “greatest generation” give this their attention, as it’s them who are being killed.”

    Killed? Pretty dang dramatic! And highly suspicious as an accusation ripped from the pages of a leftist rag just prior to voting day. I particularly love the language of the accuser:

    It goes directly to the heart of what Romney says about regulation, Hands off. Let the companies do their thing. – Alyson Oliver, a Michigan attorney representing victims.

    Come on councilor, do you have that on tape…in an email?

    The philosophy of the Romney administration was to have lax regulations across the board. It speaks volumes about the tragic outcome of Romneys view on regulatory issues.” – Philip Johnston, a former secretary of health and human services in Massachusetts.

    Did these two take notes before or during the interview with Salon? Did Salon hand each of them a 4×6 file card with bullet points?

    Not one word in the portion you posted about the investigation or findings in these cases. And then there’s this:

    “the pharmaceutical company tied to the epidemic, repeatedly failed to meet accepted standards in 2004 but a reprimand was withdrawn by the Romney administration in apparent deference to the companys business interests.”

    According to this site the government reached an agreement with the state that included oversight of their production:

    a negotiated consent agreement where NECC was required to serve one year of probation and pay for a private consultant to monitor compliance.

    And then there is the matter of this company’s long history…as reported in the Boston Globe:

    Pharmacy board records posted on the Massachusetts Department of Public Health website Monday included a number of complaints against New England Compounding dating back to 1999, including instances when health providers said the pharmacy urged them to use nurses names instead of patient names to facilitate bulk shipments of drugs, a practice not allowed by state law. Yet the board took little disciplinary action against the company, the records show.

    Partly as a result of the complaints, New England Compounding was inspected by state and federal health officials in 2002, 2003, and 2004. In a letter Monday to the companys lawyer, Paul Cirel of Boston, congressional investigators said that activities observed during those inspections call into question whether the company was operating on a commercial scale as a drug manufacturer, which would have violated its pharmacy license.

    The letter from Representative Fred Upton, a Michigan Republican and chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, and other committee members said the panel hopes to determine why the pharmacy was able to operate in this manner for so long.

    Might Governor Deval Patrick be culpable? He’s been presiding as Governor since January 4, 2007 (and he’s been out stumping for Obama):

    Patrick agreed to a request by Attorney General Martha Coakley to appoint an independent investigator to look into broader issues surrounding the now-closed lab. A former chemist there is accused of skirting protocols and faking drug test results.

    It may just be that Governor Patrick is attempting to deflect attention from his own oversight of this lab while helping out his buddy Obama in the process.

    Libby this story stinks to high heaven!

  13. Libby says:

    Fact: The pharmacy in question is known by state authorities to have been running grubby premises since 2004, but the Romney administration could not even be brought to “reprimand” the company, let along enforce compliance.

    Fact: 29 people are dead (mostly elderly), 377 are sick.

    That’s all there is to it. You elect Romney President, he will eviscerate regulatory efforts, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of this.

  14. Chris says:

    Pie, I have no idea what you are trying to prove with that link, or why you think it has anything to do with this discussion. You are insane.

  15. Tina says:

    Libby: “Fact: …blah blah Salon spin….but the Romney administration could not even be brought to “reprimand” the company”

    Not true. As I wrote in my previous response that included articles reporting on the situation at the time the state, under Romney, negotiated an agreement where ‘NECC was required to serve one year of probation and pay for a private consultant to monitor compliance.” Got that…they were placed on probation and were forced to PAY to have an outside entity to monitor for compliance. The facility had been inspected by state and federal inspectors in 2002, 2003, and 2004. If problems still persisted perhaps Governor Romney didn’t trust the findings of previous inspectors and that is why he negotiated a separate entity to monitor. That would indicate that he expected normal regulatory inspections would continue.

    More damning to me is the fact that Deval Patrick has been governor since 2007 and according to FOX News, as I wrote, he had some problems of his own regarding this company. Reiterating:

    Patrick agreed to a request by Attorney General Martha Coakley to appoint an independent investigator to look into broader issues surrounding the now-closed lab. A former chemist there is accused of skirting protocols and faking drug test results.

    “Faking drug testing” that occurred under Patrick’s term as governor.

    The Salon smear is a desperate move to discredit an honorable man as a last ditch effort in the campaign.

    You wanna talk scandal, check out the latest democrat slimeball story:

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Chris: Pie, I have no idea what you are trying to prove with that link, or why you think it has anything to do with this discussion. You are insane.

    I am insane? You are the crude, sicko creep who thinks a foul mouthed elderly woman threatening a “c**k punch right in the nut sack” is hilarious. You, Michael Moore, and are no strangers, but you are very strange, very sick, and very twisted bedfellows.

    This political ad you find so hilarious tells a lot more about you than it does me, chump. I’ll stick to The Three Stooges when it comes to extreme slap stick, you stick to genital mutilation.

    To be honest, I also find the ad quite amusing, but on a very different level from you, Chris. I am always amused when progressives make complete asses out of themselves and show people who they really are. Your mentor who wanted to “wreck that bi*ch”, the “bonerfiable” Sarah Palin would be proud of you Chris. My complements. Keep up the good work, but keep a good hold onto your n*t sack. You never know what these old farts are capable of.

    (Pie…I hope you appreciate my editing…your point is well taken. Tina)

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    Not a problem, Tina. I should have edited it myself but decided it might be best to reach Chris at his own level. In any case, even he can probably fill in the blanks. All I did was quote the filthy language of his peers and mentors which, while accurate, is still not acceptable in civil society.

    Ultimately I am pleased by the ad. The ridiculous notion that progressives think they should be taken seriously by the rest of society is wonderfully destroyed by this ad. I suppose I could do a frame by frame dissection, but what would be the point? It speaks for itself brilliantly.

    Nevertheless I still wonder, who do Chris and his comrades think they are reaching? The stupid vote? Democrats already have that nailed down tight.

    There is a fine line between the hilarious and the hysterical when it comes to progressives. A line they, themselves, obscure quite well without any help from me.

    And Chris calls me insane.

  18. Pie Guevara says:

    Just in case you were wondering if Democrats could go any lower, in steps Obama himself.

    Obama — “Voting is the best revenge.”

    So this is what elections have come down to, foul mouthed ads and revenge from the great uniter community-organizer-in-chief.

    Four more days.

  19. Pie Guevara says:

    How low can Democrats go? THERE IS NO BOTTOM!

    Democrats exploit mentally disabled voters —

    Remember when Obama said of his bowling, “It’s like the Special Olympics.”

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