Polls Show Romney Continues to Gain Ground


Posted by Tina

Washington Examiner – NPR Poll – Romney 48% Obama 47%

Say what? Yes that’s right…an NPR poll has Romney currently leading the President!

Ayers said that Romney is doing particularly well among independent voters. According to NPR, “most of the gains for Romney have come from independents, who went from favoring Romney by a few points before the debates to favoring him 51% to 39% after the debates.”

Ayres added, “So were it not for the debates, I think Obama would be cruising to a victory right now. Because of the debates, this is going to be an incredibly close election.”

See Karl Rove’s electoral map:

“Mitt Romney has the momentum in the final days of the campaign, with two states moving in his direction in the latest Electoral College map.
“Tennessee moved from ‘lean’ to ‘safe’ Romney, while Michigan moved from ‘lean’ Obama to ‘toss up.’

“Mr. Romney now has 180 ‘safe’ Electoral College votes – only four behind Barack Obama’s total of 184.

Meanwhile, last gasp campaign emails show desperation on the one hand and confident leadership on the other…

We can either give it our all in these final days, or wake up on November 7th wishing we’d done a little more.

Don’t wait!

Supporting this campaign once more will move us closer to victory, and enter you to win a trip to join Barack on Election Night.

Thanks, Michelle


Tonight, Ann and I are keeping the people in Hurricane Sandy’s path in our thoughts and prayers.

I hope that if you can, you will reach out to your neighbors who may need help getting ready for the storm-especially your elderly neighbors.

And if you can give of your resources or time, please consider supporting your local Red Cross organization – visit Redcross.org to get involved.

For safety’s sake, as you and your family prepare for the storm, please be sure to bring any yard signs inside. In high winds, they can be dangerous and cause damage to homes and property.

I’m never so proud of Americans as when I see how we pull together in a crisis. There’s nothing that we can’t handle when we stand together.

Stay safe and God bless,

Mitt Romney

Rasmussen has Romney at 50% and Obama at 48%.

Breitbart informs that Gallup has Romney 52% to Obama 45% in early voting.

But remember…the only poll that matters is the final count on election day…if you haven’t done so already, please remember to VOTE!


Our thoughts and prayers go out to those on the east coast that are suffering in the aftermath of a terrible storm. Follow Mitt Romney’s and President Obama’s advice and give what you can.

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15 Responses to Polls Show Romney Continues to Gain Ground

  1. Toby says:

    The difference being, Mitt will give what he can. Obama will give what we can.

  2. Libby says:

    I don’t get it Toby. That’s what government is for, to harbor resources and expend them during catastrophies.

    You’re not one of those silly libertarians, are you? … who expect a citizen to get the tree untangled from their shredded vehicle all by themselves?

    You know what I heard? I heard that your big beef with “government” stems from some traffic safety engineering that prevents people from left turning into your business. That true?

    Civic life is hell, ain’t it?

  3. Tina says:

    Libby the people that founded this country would find you an odd duck.

    How ignorant do you have to be to think that government officials get out there and untangle the tree…the people do that and they do it quite well without government. Oh sure government at the local level coordinates but, were they absent, others would step forward to organize and coordinate rescue and clean up.

    Our first president wrote that government is “a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

    In this situation take your pick.

    How sad that you, like so many of our citizens, are quick to sweep freedom and responsibility aside for the “safety” of the dangerous servant/fearful master.

  4. Libby says:

    “How ignorant do you have to be to think that government officials get out there and untangle the tree….”

    Firefighters, those guys with the heavy equipment in the Department of Pubic Works … they don’t work for your government?

    “Oh sure government at the local level coordinates but, ….”

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is “denial.” I’ll be sending you off to a psych textbook. You would seem, I am very sad to say, to fall into that much-too-large category of people in complete and total denial about how much your government does for you … and how much it costs.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby: “Firefighters, those guys with the heavy equipment in the Department of Pubic Works … they don’t work for your government?”

    No, they don’t work for the Federal government!

    They work for the people and are paid locally…nobody on this blog has ever disputed the need for local fire and police. We also have local volunteers…and local road service, local PGE (in our case), local phone service guys, and local medical folk. Communities come together in times of crisis.

    Long before there was big government in America there were hearty people with good reasoning skills and a strong commitment to see things built or restored. Read about the recovery from fire that swept Chicago (In fact didn’t I post about that recently?). Just because you’ve gotten used to big FAT WASTEFUL federal government doesn’t mean its the best way to go.

    “ou would seem, I am very sad to say, to fall into that much-too-large category of people in complete and total denial about how much your government does for you … and how much it costs.”

    And you, dear heart, are in complete denial about who pays that bill and how. You seem to think it materializes out of thin air for all the credit you give. Government doesn’t do it lady…the people do!

  6. Tina says:

    Thanks Peggy I have been so busy lately I completely missed that one. Coal miners and the coal industry certainly do deserve our support.

  7. Peggy says:

    I liked it because they took a stand against Obama’s lying ad by sending him a letter signed by 500 coal miners and held that news conference to tell everyone about it.

    Of course it’s not covered by the MSM making it necessary to use the internet to get the truth out. I sent it to everyone in my email contact, posted it on FB and added it to several other political post’s comments on FB.

    Just doing my bit to make sure the BO doesn’t get reelected.

  8. Peggy says:

    This is great! Even 5 year olds understand it’s wrong.

    Obama-style Halloween


  9. Tina says:

    Peggy we are of the same mind…heads up around 6:05 in the AM.

  10. Libby says:

    “They work for the people and are paid locally….”

    Again, I am afraid you are quite ignorant. Lots of this activity, especially in impoverished communities, is funded by federal grants. I’m interested to see if Romney’s FEMA idiocy does him any damage in Oklahoma. They can’t do without FEMA in Oklahoma.

    “… nobody on this blog has ever disputed the need for local fire and police.”

    Yes, yes … but everytime we do suggest something to be abolished, it’s all … “no, no, we need that!” I’ve read your campaign page. Quite vague. Tell us. Just exactly which city department were you thinking of shutting down?

    And we don’t want to hear about the Sustainability Task Force. There are, I think, two city employees associated with that committee, and they’re both employed in several other capacities as well. Everybody else on the committee is participating gratis, as a matter of professional enhancement, and even hoping to leave an inhabitable planet to their posterity.

    No, some actual service performed by the city government. Out loud, in public, tell us what we can do without.

  11. Peggy says:

    Here is another example of the MSM not covering what I consider a news worthy event. (Even more news worthy than the 500 coal miners sending Obama a letter about his lying ad.) Lee Iacocca endorsed Romney on 10/19/12, yet the information I could find on it was by Fox News with a link to Humanevents.com. I found NO links to any MSM. I didnt hear about this, did anyone else?

    Actors, comedians and others from the entertainment industry who support the BO get front page coverage and on all of the alphabet news programs, but the King of Chrysler motors and an auto industry icon who was the CEO during it’s very troubled times doesnt even earn a footnote for supporting Romney. While I’m not surprised everyone should be asking themselves why and demanding all news sources to do their job and report the news instead of promoting their selected candidate.

    Anyone still relying on the MSM for the truth is being played for a fool. This is news worthy information we should have been informed of.

    Again, a lie by omission is still a lie!

    Lifetime Democrat Lee Iacocca Endorses Romney

    Lee Iacocca endorses Romney for president

    Iacocca, who now lives in California, issued a statement saying he backed Romney because of his dozens of years of experiences in the public and private sectors and because the GOP nominee has a plan that will enable a stronger America.

    In his 2009 book Leadership, Iacocca was highly critical of President Obama and his administration, and in his statement endorsing Romney, he said hope and speeches wont get our people back to work.

  12. Peggy says:

    Great to hear a democrat feel the same way I do about the MSM.

    Dem Pollster: Liberal Media Is a Threat For Not Reporting on Benghazi

    Democrat pollster Pat Caddell on the Jeanine Pirro show.


    Read more at http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2012/20121031002-dem-pollster-threat.html#OuimuvCk8HM49gqW.99

  13. Post Scripts says:

    Good find Peggy. -Jack

  14. Tina says:

    Libby: “tell us what we can do without.”

    Absolute truth? WE CAN DO WITHOUT ALL OF IT.

    Human beings are quite capable of caring for themselves and their families. They are quite capable of joining with neighbors to solve common problems. It is how we built this nation and it worked very well for a long time. It has begun to rot since socialist thinking pushed to turn it into a workers paradise where administrators decide how much we can keep of the money we earn so that they can redistribute it (much of it to themselves) as they see fit. It worked well until the servants of the people forgot themselves and realized they could quietly and covetously take from their neighbors behind the shield of “the public good”.

    Ed Mendel


    Plunder! by Steven Greenhut, a columnist for the Orange County Register for 11 years, is subtitled: How public employee unions are raiding treasuries, controlling our lives and bankrupting the nation.

    Pensions are a big part of the book.

    But its a broader argument citing, among other things, excessive pay, unparalleled job security, incompetent teachers that cant be fired, brutal police that go unpunished and child protection services that tear apart families.

    Simply put, the publics servants have become the publics masters, the book contends.

    It’s out of control and a lot of us want to reign it in and restore public service that is accountable and respectful of the taxpayers.

    The questions we citizens should ask are as follows:

    1. Which services do we actually want?

    2. What are we willing to pay for each service?

    3. What is the reasonable upper limit, in terms of cost, for each service?

    4. What things are we better able to do ourselves or contract out as a community on a case by case basis?

    I don’t know about you, Libby, but I’m unwilling to pay $100K for an automobile. I would be quite incensed at the suggestion that I could forced by my government to pay $100K for a car. I would be dang mad if I had to pay for it year after year so that people serving me could retire early with a fat pension that I also helped pay.

    In terms of state, local, and federal services I think we are being forced to pay more than any market would bear and often for a clunker or so that someone else who is not necessarily deserving gets the benefit.

    To discover what “we can do without” we should begin at nothing and add till the suggestion gets dicey, impractical, unreasonable or unsustainable.

    Libby since you can’t seem to grasp the simplicity in the argument that excessive, mindless, wasteful spending is driving most of the ire from the right, you are left to argue from the ignorant misconceived notion that conservatives are cheap or greedy. The truth is we can’t abide waste, excess, pork, covetousness, or tyranny. We want value for our dollar. We have the audacity to think that those charged with spending our money should be considerate, mindful of their duties as servants of the people, responsible, and accountable. These are not unreasonable demands and ideas, in fact, they are well reasoned! They are sensible; they are adult.

    The left position is childlike. A child has no concept of what it takes to make money for the things the family needs and wants. They just want and, if spoiled, expect Mom and Dad to just fork over the money. They often don’t take care of what they are given either.

    The right is simply saying, “It is time to grow up.”

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