Internet Scam

by Jack

When you are having trouble loading a new product on your computer one of the first things we do is try to contact tech support from the internet. There are numereous websites that look like the factory site, but if you read closely they arereally re-directing you to another commercial site usually in India. You open your chat window and you think you’re talking to the authorized tech support, but what you may have reached is y someone trying to selling you computer repair software and typically at an inflated price of up to 3X what you could normally buy it for direct.

The tech asks you to download a file that lets them scan you computer in order to detect the problem. Then they run a diagnostic which always turns up something horrible and they tell you they can’t proceed with the repair unless you clean up all the bugs in your computer first. Of course this requires the purchase of additional software, then they can help you.

Typically they ask $100 for the product download and if you balk at that price they always say well, let’s see if my manager will allow me to help you with a lower price. Lucky you, they’re going to help you alright. They put the phone on hold for 30 seconds and then come back with a $50 dollar offer. Chances are the actual software costs between $19-$30. It’s all done as a sales scam, even though you may actually get some assistance with the original problem.

Typical products for this scam is software that cleans up old files, malware, cookies, an your register. There are any number of brands out here that will all do the same thing, but few new computers need this software, it’s already in Win 7 and Win 8.

So beware of that website! Make sure that site is for legitimate support by reading their address. For example: A good website will read,, the fake site will look like this But, be samrt, please don’task the tech if they are legit because you know what the answer will be.

Yes, there are worse scams out here, at least this one gives you something for your money…although its at an inflated price and worse yet, it may not fix your problem.

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4 Responses to Internet Scam

  1. RHT447 says:

    IMHO, this is one of the best cleaners out there. Have been using it for years, no problems.

    Always go to Piriform website. Download FREE version from Filehippo. Run cleaner, then registry tool—done.

  2. J. Soden says:

    GREAT utility – and free. You can also buy an upgraded program, but the free version works just fine.

    And when I had a serious problem and wound up talking to Microsoft Product Development, I got extra points when they saw that I already had CCeaner on my computer. They use CCleaner to get at utilities quickly than those found in Windows.

  3. saroyo says:

    The term “Internet Scams” commonly refers to any sort of scam scheme that uses a single or much far more on the net services to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions, or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to monetary institutions or to others connected making use of the structure. We all can share the information to makes it effortless for everybody to establish which websites are credible and who are scams.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    No offense, but is English your first language?

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