Posted by Tina
Jennifer Griffen at FOX News today confirmed that the US was holding prisoners at the Benghazi annex near the consulate compound. US agents handed three prisoners over to Libyan authorities on their way out of the city on September 12. The prisoners may have been held in the compound for several days.
We have more questions than we have answers about the Benghazi Terror attack. We deserve answers!
Out today, Petraeus will testify but his testimony may be directed by the threats he has had over his head for the last six months or so…the administration waited till the election to drop the axe even though they had the information months ago (and held it over his head to silence him).
My bet is that Charles Krauthammer has hit the nail squarely on the head —
God in his infinite wisdom chose not to give me the brain matter necessary to become a rocket scientist, but He did give me enough to realize there is much more to the Benghazi attack then what this administration wants us to believe.
There have been four generals and one admiral who have been removed or transferred from their duties since 9/11/12.
Four Star General Charter Ham:
The questions concerning General Ham’s role in the September 11 events continue to percolate. Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said that General Ham told him during a visit to Libya that he had never been asked to provide military support for the Americans under attack in Benghazi. Former United States Ambassador to the U.N. John R, Bolton also mentioned Mr. Chaffetz’s account, and contrasted it with Mr. Panetta’s statement that General Ham had been part of the team that made the decision not to send in forces. “General Ham has now been characterized in two obviously conflicting ways,” Mr. Bolton concluded. “Somebody ought to find out what he actually was saying on September the eleventh.”
Read more: TRR: General at center of Benghazi-gate controversy retiring – Washington Times
Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette:
Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette is being sent back to the USS John C. Stennis’ home port at Bremerton, Wash., in what the Navy called a temporary reassignment. The Navy said he is not formally relieved of his command of the Stennis strike group but will be replaced by Rear Adm. Troy M. Shoemaker, who will assume command until the investigation is completed.
It is highly unusual for the Navy to replace a carrier strike group commander during its deployment.
Read more:
Four-Star Army General David Petraeus:
Four-Star Marine General John Allen:
Not in my life-time, that I remember, have this many high ranking military been removed, reassigned and forced to resigned. My gut is telling me there is much more to this. Not sure what, but something big is coming down and the WH, Chicago thugs and Soros Ill bet are behind it.
“Not sure what, but something big is coming down and the WH, Chicago thugs and Soros Ill bet are behind it.”
This just isn’t rational, people. This is paranoia. George Soros didn’t sleep with General Patraeus.
So, I’m supposed to despise Colin Powell because he endorsed Obama even though he did an excellent job during the Persian Gulf War.
But I am supposed to feel sorry for this sleazebag Petraeus? Forget it. This guy deserves the contempt of this entire country. First of all he used a personal Gmail account and used methods he learned from terrorits by hiding things in a draft folder. He cheated on his wife and now we are learning that his girlfriend has classified documents at her house.
This man was the head of the CIA, an appointee of Obama’s from the Bush administration. He makes all of us look bad. When I think back at how outraged I was when took out that full page ad calling him “General Betray Us.” Looks like they weren’t too far off.
I’m not jumping on the Fox News bandwagon on this one. Petraeus put our National Security at risk and he cheated on his wife (adultery is a violation of military ethics code). Shame on him.
The General made a huge mistake and will pay a very big price.
I want to know when we will get answers on the Benghazi coverup. My crazy, never going to happen fantasy would be for Petraeus to go to Congress and spill his guts on the whole thing.
Obama makes all of us look bad every single time he opens his mouth. Today he barked when questioned about sending Susan Rice out to five talk shows to spin the lie…she only said what she knew at the time…who does he think he’s kidding? He’s the President of the United States and he didn’t know what was going on before he let this woman go on TV? Absurd!
Obama went off teleprompter and admitted the WH sent Susan Rice to appear on the Sunday morning talk shows and provided her with the information.
President Barack Obama revealed at his press conference this afternoon that he is responsible for sending U.N. ambassador Susan Rice to speak to the American people a few days after the September 11 Benghazi terror attack.
As I said before, she made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her, Obama said at the press conference, defending the statements the ambassador to the U.N. made regarding the Benghazi attack.
Krauthammer: ‘Why the Hell’ Did Obama Have Rice Address Benghazi If She ‘Had Nothing To Do With It?’
I mean, after all, what she said was absolutely and completely misleading either inadvertently, in which case is complete incompetence, or on purpose in which case its deception. And he basically he took the bait on that and said, Look, that wasnt her speaking. That was me speaking. If you want to pick on somebody, pick on me.
What are you talkin’?! It was splendidly chivalrous. I was quite primitively thrilled.
And I do wish you’d try and stick to what facts we have. Petraeus is going to testify. Apparently we did muster the troops, but they only got as far as Italy before it was all over, and the embassy secured by indigenous forces.
You guys have just gone all nutsy over this, more extravagantly nutsy every week … which is actually good. The more wildly fringe you get, the less attention we have to pay … except of course, the FBI has to keep any eye out. You really must chill.
Tina: “I want to know when we will get answers on the Benghazi coverup.”
There. Was. No. Coverup. As you already know, the terrorists claimed that the video WAS their motivation at first. Rice was acting on the intelligence she had. I don’t remember you complaining about her predecessors claiming there were WMDs in Iraq, an error which cost a lot more than four American lives.
The Republicans elected to congress are melting down. This is ridiculous.
Bad enough that McCain skipped out on the Benghazzi hearing to demand more meetings, but now it turns out that 5 of the 8 Republicans missed yesterday’s meeting of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
What an embarrassment.
Chris, when you say flatly there was no coverup, you do so with much confidence absent a fact finding investigation. Your assert is therefore based on little more than faith. Faith is the domain of religion, don’t worship Obama. He may think he’s the Messiah….but I know Jesus, he’s no Jesus. ; )
Chris: “There. Was. No. Coverup.”
Are you sure or are you just believing what you’re being fed before all of the facts come out? Sure is looking more like a cover up.
Former CIA director David Petraeus testified on Friday that he believes the Sept. 11 attacks on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya was an act of terrorism that did not arise out of a spontaneous demonstration, a lawmaker who heard the testimony said.
He now clearly believes that it [the Sept. 11 attacks] did not arise out of a demonstration, that it was not spontaneous and it was clear terrorist involvement,
Chris: “As you already know, the terrorists claimed that the video WAS their motivation at first. Rice was acting on the intelligence she had.”
No we don’t know it was casued by a video. We now know Patreaus informed the WH it WAS a terrorist attack and his findings were changed by someone at the WH before sending Rice out on the talk shows. Who changed the CIA report and why?
.. Petraeus testified Friday that the CIA gave the White House and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice information on the Benghazi attack that differed from Rices public comments on the incident.
Chris: I don’t remember you complaining about her predecessors claiming there were WMDs in Iraq, an error which cost a lot more than four American lives.
Colin Powell and the US was not alone in believing Iraq had WMDs. Glad you brought it up as an example of why we shouldnt jump to conclusions until ALL of the facts have come out.
You are right, no one came to Powells defense because he was black, that I remember. As a woman Im offended that Obama is treating Rice like she was his 16 year old sister who needs to be protected. She has a very high govt position and should expect to be treated the same as her predecessors. If she cant hold her own and defend her actions she should look for job that she is better suited for. If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. She needs to step out from behind Obama and tell the truth about who provided her the information Obama now says she was provided with.
From Wikipedia:
During the regime of Saddam Hussein, Iraq was believed to have weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Hussein was internationally known for his use of chemical weapons in the 1980s against Iranian and Kurdish civilians during and after the IranIraq War. It is also known that in the 1980s he pursued an extensive biological weapons program and a nuclear weapons program, though no nuclear bomb was built.[citation needed]
After the 1990-1991 Persian Gulf War, the United Nations located and destroyed large quantities of Iraqi chemical weapons and related equipment and materials throughout the early 1990s, with varying degrees of Iraqi cooperation and obstruction.[1] In response to diminishing Iraqi cooperation with UNSCOM, the United States called for withdrawal of all UN and IAEA inspectors in 1998, resulting in Operation Desert Fox. The United States and the UK asserted that Saddam Hussein still possessed large hidden stockpiles of WMD in 2003, and that he was clandestinely procuring and producing more. Inspections by the UN to resolve the status of unresolved disarmament questions restarted from November 2002 until March 2003,[2] under UN Security Council Resolution 1441, which demanded Saddam give “immediate, unconditional and active cooperation” with UN and IAEA inspections, shortly before his country was attacked.[3]
During the lead-up to war in March 2003, United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix had found no stockpiles of WMD and had made significant progress toward resolving open issues of disarmament noting “proactive” but not always the “immediate” Iraqi cooperation as called for by UN Security Council Resolution 1441. He concluded that it would take but months to resolve the key remaining disarmament tasks.[4] The United States asserted this was a breach of Resolution 1441 but failed to convince the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution authorizing the use of force due to lack of evidence.[5][6][7] Despite being unable to get a new resolution authorizing force and citing section 3 of the Joint Resolution passed by the U.S. Congress,[8] President George W. Bush asserted peaceful measures could not disarm Iraq of the weapons he alleged it to have and launched a second Gulf War,[9] despite multiple dissenting opinions[10] and questions of integrity[11][12][13] about the underlying intelligence.[14] Later U.S.-led inspections agreed that Iraq had earlier abandoned its WMD programs, but asserted Iraq had an intention to pursue those programs if UN sanctions were ever lifted.[15] Bush later said that the biggest regret of his presidency was “the intelligence failure” in Iraq,[16] while the Senate Intelligence Committee found in 2008 that his administration “misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq”.[17] A key CIA informant in Iraq admitted that he lied about his allegations, “then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war”.[18] In 2012, Britain will help the Iraqi government dispose of what is left of Saddam’s chemical weapons. The teams will work to safely destroy remnants of munitions and chemical warfare agents left over from Saddam’s regime.[19]
Your remarks surprised me Chris since youre constantly demanding people to tell the truth and admit theyre lying on this website. But you jumped to believing the truth had already come out without all of the information being disclosed. People lie all of the time. Thats why we have courts and the disclosure process to uncover the truth. We are in the disclosure and discovery stage and should all wait until the facts have been presented before saying, “There. Was. No. Coverup.”
Point of clarification: Powell was Sec. of State not UN Ambassador. He did speak at the UN about Iraqs WMDs. He was not Ms. Rices predecessor.
Secretary of State Colin Powell Thursday defended the Bush administration’s position that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction programs and defended his speech on the matter to the United Nations last February.
“This game is still unfolding,” he told reporters.
He was responding to a study that found Iraq had ended its programs by the mid-1990s and did not pose an immediate threat to the United States before the 2003 war. Powell said he had not read the report but read news reports about it.
Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war
The defector who convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons programme has admitted for the first time that he lied about his story, then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war.
Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed Curveball by German and American intelligence officials who dealt with his claims, has told the Guardian that he fabricated tales of mobile bioweapons trucks and clandestine factories in an attempt to bring down the Saddam Hussein regime, from which he had fled in 1995.
“Maybe I was right, maybe I was not right,” he said. “They gave me this chance. I had the chance to fabricate something to topple the regime. I and my sons are proud of that and we are proud that we were the reason to give Iraq the margin of democracy.”
We need the facts, all of them before we draw any conclusions. Everyone needs to man up and present the truth no matter what gender they are.
Just heard a group of DC democrat women are using the War on Women to circle around Rice. Unbelievable!
Chris: “There. Was. No. Coverup. As you already know, the terrorists claimed that the video WAS their motivation at first. Rice was acting on the intelligence she had.”
Chris your lack of curiosity is amazing to me. The video is being used as an excuse by this administration. Even if the video played a part the administration knew immediately it was Al Qaeda and they were not being straight with the American people. Obama sent Rice out to spin a false story, a lie of omission, to cover something up. Was it just the election? oe was there something else. there are questions and we deserve to have answers. Why were the pleas for more American security ignored. why did they watch this in real time and not send help…and don’t give me that “they were on their way and it was too late. It went on for seven hours and help was two hours away! There are other questions that require answers:
” I don’t remember you complaining about her predecessors claiming there were WMDs in Iraq, an error which cost a lot more than four American lives.”
I think the fact that all of the worlds intelligence agencies believed there were WMD in Iraq, the fact that Saddam had used chemical WMD in the past, the fact that Saddam was in violation of the treaty he signed with the US and 17 U.N. resolutions carries quite a bit more weight than you are willing to give it in the decision to go into Iraq as part of a war strategy to fight Al Qaeda in “many ways and on many fronts.”
There is no comparison.