Posted by Tina
Jackson is broken and can’t work but he’s got the system down. PJ Media reports:
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. was re-elected on Nov. 6 despite being both under ethics investigation and in rehab at the Mayo Clinic. He has not actually been on the job in Congress for the better part of a year. Now that the ethics investigation seems to be heating up again, he’s negotiating for a way out that would put him on the dole, forever.
Rep. Jackson struggles with addiction and other disorders but has threatened he will not step down from his position in Congress unless he is guaranteed permanent disability insurance, claiming that disability payments would be “his only source of income”.
Can you spell entitlement mentality? It pervades in our nation.
Congress has a couple of weeks to respond to his demand. Guess how?
Jacksons “reverend” father is reportedly worth $10 million. (How wealthy are his perishoners that they can give so much?)
No longer are we the home of the free….we have become the home of the spoiled rotten, demanding dependent.
“Can you spell entitlement mentality?”
Yeah, and I can spell “yellow journalism” too. This is really slimey.
The Congressman has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, which explains all the extravagant behavior that’s got him in trouble. The plea deal in the works is rumored to include jail time.
He’s ill, and entitled to any disabilty he’s got coming.