Democrats for Obama Not Welcome

An Arizona gun store has a simple message for Barack Obama voters: you’re not welcome here. The Southwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, AZ posted a sign on its door and took out a newspaper ad declaring that if you voted for the President last week, you’re not welcome.

I expect we’ll be seeing more of that…

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14 Responses to Democrats for Obama Not Welcome

  1. RHT447 says:

    Indeed. In the same spirit, here are some affordable Christmas shopping ideas, and a way to support one of our local entrepreneurs. (Not me, but wish I’d thought of it).

  2. Harriet says:

    silly question I know, but how will he know who voted for Obama? and do liberals go into gun stores? just asking.

  3. Chris says:

    Quoting myself:

    Well, that’s pretty nasty and ignorant. Although I’m sure there’s plenty of other places my gun-loving Democrat dad can get his stuff. 🙂

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Gee, I am feeling better about the next 4 years of Obama’s economic planning already, aren’t you? —

    Hmmmm, a training facility/firing range declaring a political preference for its customers. The nasty and arrogant horror! Those nasty, arrogant, evil bastards!

  5. Chris says:

    Harriet, most people aren’t as rigidly defined by politics as the media would have us believe. There are plenty of gun-loving Democrats and plenty of gay Republicans. I think stunts like these gun stores are pulling only serve to further divide and stereotpye Americans along party lines, and it doesn’t represent the truth about the diversity and individuality of the American people.

    Furthermore, Obama hasn’t made any effort to restrict second amendment rights. He’s actually expanded them:

    “In fact, the few times Obama has done anything relating to guns, it has been to expand the rights of gun owners. He signed a law that allows people to bring their guns into national parks and on Amtrak trains. The gun industry has thrived under the Obama administration. And even in the aftermath of shooting sprees that have taken place around the country, Obama has only called for enforcing current laws — something that gun control advocates have decried as woefully inadequate.”

    But then, voters like these gun store owners have been given a fun-house mirror version of Obama, a boogeyman coming to steal their guns and money. This characterization bears no relationship to the truth, but what does that matter when it comes to tribal politics?

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Yeah, can you believe that? I think this happened after the mayor was at a local coffee house and sat on somebodies brown skid mark.

  7. Tina says:

    Did anyone else notice the Supervisor’s name is Scott Wiener.

    Chris: “I think stunts like these gun stores are pulling only serve to further divide and stereotpye Americans along party lines, and it doesn’t represent the truth about the diversity and individuality of the American people.”

    Any chance we can get democrats to quit with their continual stunts that mischaracterize social conservatives, religious conservatives, conservative women, conservative blacks and Latinos, Mitt Romney?

    “…Obama has only called for enforcing current laws…”

    While the Obama administration said it is committed to gun rights, a gun control advocate has spilled the beans, saying Obama is using stealth to work on firearms restrictions.

    The Washington Post did a story on Steve Croley, the White House gun control czar. Croley is considered to be an expert on regulation and tort law. His approach to gun control appears to be a regulatory one.

    According to the article, Jim and Sarah Brady visited Capital Hill on March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan; to push for a ban on large magazines.

    The couple reportedly were meeting with press secretary, Jay Carney, when, according to Sarah Brady, the President came in. She said the President told her he wanted to talk about gun control and fill us in that it was very much on his agenda.

    She went on to say Obama told her, I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.

    The statement reinforces an article in the Huffington Post describing how the administration is exploring ways to bypass Congress and enact gun control through executive action.

    The Department of Justice reportedly is holding meetings discussing the White Houses options for enacting regulations on its own or through adjoining agencies and departments. Administration officials said talk of executive orders or agency action are among a host of options that President Barack Obama and his advisers are considering.

    Dudley Brown, Executive Director of the National Association of Gun rights and Colorados Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, says he is not surprised to hear the President is trying to unilaterally enact gun control regulations. Its clear that President Obama and Sarah Brady have been using the ATF to enact what they cant get through Congress: a ban on the importation of self defense shotguns, new reporting requirements for multiple rifle sales, and the attempt to smuggle firearms across the border to Mexican gang members are just a few examples.

    Given the Presidents record of bypassing Congress and acting in defiance of a court order the notion that he would use regulations constructed by one of his czars is not implausible.

    Gun sales rose once again following the election. Owning guns, keeping and baring arms, is an American right guaranteed in our Constitution…not that the document means all that much to some “folks”.

    Just wondering Chris…will you be joining in the protest strike at Wal-Mart on Black Friday? some of your recent remarks would indicate you might have been talking with union organizers.

  8. Chris says:

    Tina: “Given the Presidents record of bypassing Congress and acting in defiance of a court order”

    For example?

    “Just wondering Chris…will you be joining in the protest strike at Wal-Mart on Black Friday? some of your recent remarks would indicate you might have been talking with union organizers.”

    You make that sound so sinister. But no, there is no protest in my community that I’ve been made aware of. We don’t have a whole lot of opportunity in this town, thus the people are too afraid of losing their jobs to strike. Doesn’t that just warm your heart?

  9. Harold Ey says:

    Chris posted this in defense of the Obamas non verbal attack toward Guns, non verbal so far!, “But then, voters like these gun store owners have been given a fun-house mirror version of Obama, a boogeyman coming to steal their guns and money. This characterization bears no relationship to the truth, but what does that matter when it comes to tribal politics?”
    Chris, No one in their right mind should buy into what your saying about Obamas support of Gun Ownership. Heres a link that better defines Obamas real attitude:
    Now here is a concern gun owners need to consider, we are only one more Liberal Supreme away from redefining the Second amendment, and the loss of gun rights as we know them today. So I agree with Tina reply and facts she presents, which are closer to the truth, verses any Liberal spin.

  10. Peggy says:

    A different but related subject.

    Is Agenda 21 Already Where You Live and Work?

    Look around your community after viewing the below videos and youll know the answer. My community of Chico, CA has already implemented several of the agenda items with more in discussion now.

  11. Post Scripts says:

    Well, they say ignorance is bliss…so I guess we must have a lot of blissful people voting in CA.

  12. Peggy says:

    Hopefully people will wake up and become informed before it’s to late.

    Agenda 21 is already here. We have the Green Line and home development on large parcials isn’t allowed any more. Instead we have high density only developments.

    Remember the residential developer who sued Chico for the $9 million, he’d already spent, for pulling his permits to build homes in north Chico.

    We are losing our property rights and ability to buy the type of home we want. Instead we’re being forced to live within specific areas like livestock.

    Just look at the homes that have been allowed to be built in the past 4-5 years since I’ve been here. They’re 1000 sq ft homes on 1500 sq ft lots and on streets so narrow two cars can’t pass if a car is already parked at the curb. Avoid at all cost if garbage cans are out and if kids are known to live there. If I heard correctly these homes were built with subsidies from Chico or Butte county and are HUD and/or low income homes.

    I’m all for “starter” homes that provide people entry-level places to live. But, where are the homes for their future being built? Do they exist any more and will they ever?

  13. Peggy says:

    I do believe someone cooked the books. Almost a million more unemployed reported just since the election.

    Week one:
    The Department of Labor has announced that new jobless claims rose by a staggering 78,000 in the first week after the election, reaching a seasonally-adjusted total of 439,000. Over the past year, and in the weeks leading up to the election, jobless claims were said to be declining, dipping as low as 339,000, with the media proclaiming that they had reached the “lowest level in more than four years.” Now, suddenly, the news seems far less rosy.

    Week two:
    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistic, for the second week in a row, over 400,000 new jobless claims were filed across the country. Last week the number was 451k, this week it’s 410k, and as we saw last week, most of the blame is falling on Hurricane Sandy. (Note the change for last weeks totals from 439k to 451k. This week will be adjusted too.)

    Coming in third was California, which saw an increase of nearly 25k new claims due to layoffs in the service industry due to Hurricane Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown.

    Overall, forty states saw an increase in claims.

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