Wha… Senator Ted Lieu-D – Raise DMV Fees 300%?

SACRAMENTO (KABC) — Could California license fees be going up? There’s a proposal to triple them. It’s estimated about $5 billion is needed to fix California roads and highways.

In what could be the first test of the Democrats’ new supermajority powers in the Legislature, a group called Transportation California has asked State Senator Ted Lieu (D-Torrance) to introduce legislation to triple the vehicle license fee you pay when you register your car.

They want it to be a constitutional amendment so it will dedicated only to roads, which means voters would still have to approve it.


PS by Jack

Without the amendment, the State Democrats can do it without your vote. When the voters let the democrats get a 2/3rds majority in the State House there’s no stopping what they can do. They gave the foxes the keys to the hen house.

In reality, I really doubt even liberals will pass a 300% spike in DMV fees, but it’s a safe bet the DMV fees are going up.

Mini-quiz: Which two states are nearly tied when it comes to the highest car taxes?

You’re right if you said… CALIFORNIA! Arizona is the highest by just a few dollars more, but never fear we will pass em up soon. But, the worst part is we are now #1 in most taxed citizens of any state. Consider that since democrats began their march to total power in 1994 California has moved from 16th in 1st place in taxes.

After prop 30 passed there is a feeding frenzy in Sacramento will all sorts of folks sticking their grubby hands out for some of that easy money. Which should be a lesson…there is never going to be enough tax money…NEVER. So wise up and quit feeding them!!!!

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12 Responses to Wha… Senator Ted Lieu-D – Raise DMV Fees 300%?

  1. Peggy says:

    You know what they say about if they’re talking about it, it’s just a matter of time.

    I thought these quotes from the article were perfect.

    “If you triple my tax for my car, you’re just basically taking food out of my kids’ mouths,” said Joseph Owen, a driver.

    “Yeah, that’s a lot. That’s two weeks of groceries for me. So definitely don’t want that to happen,” said Ron Lowe, a driver.

  2. Tina says:

    Wow…I understand that estimates about the cost per Person for the new California Cap and Trade law will range from $80. to $480. per person per year. A family of four making $73K could pay up to $2000 a year more for energy and food. These prices assume $20/metric ton CO2. (see page 8,9):


    For it to work, cap-and-trade needs to increase the price of oil, natural gas and carbon emitting processes, and thereby induce consumers, through price differences, to use less emitting forms.

    According to EAAC, AB 32 will cause California households to face higher prices both directly for electricity, natural gas, and gasoline, and indirectly as businesses pass costs for GHG reduction on to consumers7, for everything from food to building materials. …

    …As indicated in the far-right column, as a percentage of their incomes, lower income households will face larger cost increases than upper-income households. Note,
    Table 5 replicates impacts of auction prices of $20/ton. The impacts would be larger at higher prices and the regressive nature would be exacerbated. …

    …To mitigate these impacts on poor families, EAAC suggested that CARB consider establishing a subsidy program for low income families so that they could afford the higher costs that AB 32 would impose. However, this would negate the intent of cap/tax by reducing or eliminating the necessary price increases (see opening paragraph in the prior subsection), at least for those who receive the subsidy.

    EAAC also recognized that AB 32 regulations will raise costs that will hurt employment in companies that become less competitive compared to other states and countries.

    These idiots DO believe that money just shows up in all of our wallets, rich and poor, every single day and since it does we have plenty to ship off to them for their little pet weather/climate scam projects.

    Jack, between the registration fees, cap and (hidden) TAX and the new zero emission cars California is over the cliff:

    Depending on which side you take in the political argument over government automobile regulation, California is either a champion of clean air and improved fuel efficiency or a ravening beast determined to destroy the auto industry and our freedom to choose the cars and trucks we want.

    The state’s latest update to its 21-year-old zero-emissions vehicle rules, usually called the ZEV (Zero Emission Vehicle) mandate, won’t resolve the argument, but it will bring big changes to the mix of cars on sale in California, not to mention at least 10 other states that collectively make up nearly a third of the U.S. market for new-car sales. You may be a car buyer in Vermont, but California is deciding what cars you might be seeing on dealer lots.

    By the 2025 model year, automakers that sell vehicles in California will have to make 15.4 percent of them ZEVs, according to the update approved in January. That’s an estimated annual output for one state of 270,000 EVs, plug-in hybrids and fuel-cell electrics, based on projected 2025 statewide sales of 1.75 million new cars and light trucks. Plug-in hybrids with extended all-electric range are expected to account for about two-thirds of the total.

    And some of you thought we were nuts when we told you that these progressives want to control every aspect of your life. They don’t mind making you pay for it either.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Yes Tina, we’re not only at the edge of that high financial cliff, we’ve been kicked over it and we’re now in free fall.

    Absolutely every facet of California is in trouble, our highways, education, prisons, bums on the street, high crime, over regulation, high cost of energy, struggling cities on the brink of bankruptcy, highest taxes in the land, there’s no place to run…we’re in so much trouble. And the kicker here is, the idiots that elected these destructive liberals ruining Sacramento have no clue! NO CLUE!

    The recent spate of propositions were self inflicted fatal wounds by taxpayers. I do not get it…I really don’t. WHAT is happening to this state?

    Our enemy voters must never read a newspaper, listen to the news on the TV or radio or have a computer…otherwise they would be totally freaking out right along with us!

    Of course Libby is cheering…she’s watching the meltdown and is just waiting for CA turn 100% socialist and drag the nation down. Then if all goes to plan, she can be appointed to run the main gulag us conservatives will be sent too.

  4. Peggy says:

    California must be high on the Agenda 21’s list of zero footprints. Pretty soon there won’t be anyone left in Calif. to make a footprint. Problem solved. “EASTWARD HO”

  5. Post Scripts says:

    What would happen if we went on strike and refused to pay our taxes, license our cars, etc.

    I bet people could bring this rotten Ca government to its knees with a million angry CA citizens refusing to cooperate, refusing to pay taxes in any form.

    Are they going to arrest all those people?

  6. Peggy says:

    I love it. We could call it OCM (Occupy Calif. Movement) or TBC (Take Back calif.)

    We’d first need to have our Smart Meters removed so they couldn’t cut off our PGE service. We’d also need to have a couple of people pay the DMV fees so they would be safe driving without being arrested for outstanding warrants.

    Let’s get CRC involved so we can cover the whole state. ;>)

  7. Harold Ey says:

    They won’t arrest all the people Jack, just the top 2 or 3% which according to most Liberals are the cause of Calif continued downhill slide. Just recall what was said in political stumping this year, ‘It’s the Rich’ not doing their fair share, they say that so easily without any mention of the abuse of safety net programs called entitlements, nor the ‘special interest’ wastefulness of tax dollars by the elected. Voters in this past election really made a mess out of California politics, and now at least they have to admit ‘They Own It’ if that is any or little consolation at all.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Harold, I’m sure you’re right. They would target what they see as the ringleaders, but that could be a pretty small group…also there is a loophole here…to be discussed in an article coming soon.

  9. Tina says:

    Jack: “What would happen if we went on strike and refused to pay our taxes, license our cars, etc.”

    LOL…they’ve already accomplished as much by sending a lot of business out of the state. Those of us that are left are not making much profit or a salary in our businesses and as we lay people off or shut our doors….they won’t be bringing in much revenue and they are going to really make “folks” angry. More of us are taking advantage of the social system they helped set up as an alternative to working since they made work impossible. The oppression is beginning to take its toll and will trickle, trickle, trickle throughout local communities. One solution for the recently nonworking couple would be to register just one vehicles as non-use.

    The sledge hammer they wield is doing the job without our having to strike. It’s the one thing these bozo’s just refuse to take in…the golden goose is what made their rich lives possible…and they are killing it one stupid idea at a time.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, yes they are killing the golden goose…won’t take much to finish her off either. We need a massive dose of voter responsibility and knowledge and a taxpayer rebellion is a good way to accomplish it. The ignoramouses in Sacramento have inadvertantly assigned to much leverage to the rich when it comes to their tax revenues. I think it’s time for them and others to use that leverage.

    I think a civilized rebellion is what it will take to get rid of this cancer and restore prudence.

  11. Don Honda says:

    Isn’t this funny!?!?!?, given that the DMV fund had $500 Million surplus earlier this year until it was raided by Brown to help balance his “balanced” budget????

    A response from a government financial expert:

    “The Motor Vehicle Account is used primarily for state operations of the Department of Motor Vehicles and the California Highway Patrol. The fund condition published in the Governors Budget did show a $500 million fund balance. The May Revision proposed a $300 million loan from the MVA to the General Fund. In addition, the budget passed by the Legislature increased the loan to $432.2 million, which will result in a fund balance of $109 million. The budget requires repayment of the loans by June 30, 2016.”

  12. What do police think about these sharks in sacramento ? I can’t believe Law Enforcement people will enforce this DMV rip-off ? Cop’s drive cars too ! Unless they all have a SS NAZI ideology behind them ? Authority over American freedom ?

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