Posted by Tina
Progressives believe in drama and intimidation. They enjoy trying to shock people to force “change” they can “believe in”. Women seem particularly attracted to the shock protest. In the sixties and seventies they burned their bras. During the last campaign they dressed up like vaginas, parading around like giant %#&@*. Now several clownish females, joined by equally silly men have written slogan on their bodies and removed their clothes as a form of protest. The spectacle took place in the hall outside John Boehner’s office off to call attention to “the naked truth” about potential spending cuts in HIV funding.
The men were smart enough to dress and mingle or get lost…the women stayed naked to get arrested.
The clown assault from the special interest left has begun. Whether it be HIV or climate change get ready for the splash and flash of progressive whiners who want other peoples money redistributed to their favorite cause.
Yeah, liberals! Quit whining about AIDS!
And you wonder why some people call you heartless?
I don’t wonder at all. The left has one weapon which they use continuously…avoid honest discussion and negotiation by demonizing others.
I think they should either freeze spending for five to ten years or make across the boaard cuts to all programs.
In a $48.4 billion dollar program (up from $22.8 billion in 2007) there is surely a little room for a cut without terribly harming this cause.
Everything seems to be about your personal agenda. You’re all for tax policy that will ruin the chances for a job for 15 million people looking for work but golly don’t touch pell grants or aids funding.
Chris, you have proved you aren’t serious about the fiscal problems that face this nation which is pretty incredible since it is your future we are talking about.
I suppose this person is a real bas*#@d in your view:
Since the late 1990’s?
Hmmmn…could it be that the aids lobby has been so busy sucking up all the funding they forgot about the children?
And you wonder why some people around here find you ridiculous, contentious, and downright unwilling to learn!
The notion that the federal government does not already spend inordinately huge amounts of taxpayer money on AIDS prevention and cure research is the sort of ignorant stupidity one expects from Chris and his buck naked peers.
Welcome to the new normal brought to you exclusively by what was once a laughable and asinine extreme. Stupid beyond belief is the new left wing intellectual. Desoite the fact the vast majority of AIDS cases are brought about by human behavior, period. Damn I am so heartless drawing attention to stupid human tricks.
AIDS is an easily preventable disease and government funded research into drug cures include the new vaccine. Not to mention the taxpayer funded information glut on AIDS.
At this point one might think that no government help is really necessary except for blood donor testing and prosecution of AIDS homicide. But this is the new norm — progressive stupid. How do you like it?
Nevertheless AIDS drug and disease research continues despite the idiotic and offensive protests of naked progressives from Chris’ corner of the jackasses from hell department. If the protesters (including Chris) were really serious, they would have staged an all AIDS carrier love-in complete with the exchange of bodily fluids between the diseased and the non-diseased and demanded that government do something about it.
Evidently, it is the business of government to fund the stupid to protect themselves from the stupid.
Damn, I am heartless.
Chris, I don’t see your response as thoughtful, rather more knee jerk liberal BS. Let me be more specific… I see it as juvenile and emotional absent logic, and I want you to think about that. You’re saying by your snide comments, that anything goes when it comes to delivering the liberal message! You disrespectfully made fun of Tina for posting it with your off the wall absurd remarks about whining and being heartless.
Well, I read the same article as you and I didn’t read anything close to suggesting those who oppose shock demonstrations are being heartless or that we’re saying quit whining about AIDS. Who’s telling anyone to quite whining about AIDS? That is completely outrageous of you!
I read the crystal clear message, that liberals use shock protests and it’s wrong. I rationalized from what was said that those shock protests are without respect or consideration for anyone else, especially those who accidentally happen to be sharing their immediate space and that might include little children touring of Congress. That is contemptible, outrageous, criminal behavior and no one should try to justify it.
Chris do you not know or care that we’re a nation of laws? Do you not understand that our laws were created to maintain order and civility for darn good reasons? Bad things happen when order and civility give way to chaos and mayhem…get it?
When people like these shock protestors place their agenda ahead of the law, ahead of decency and consideration for others they risk creating an angry backlash among others who may actually agree with their position. That’s foolish of them because it’s counterproductive. It does nothing to advance their cause – their method ONLY encourages disorder and the opposite of rational discussion.
I am offended by their conduct. That is my Congress too, and I don’t appreciate it being disrespected by pervs and idiots and neither should you! If you still go along with such things, then you are the one who is heartless. You owe Tina another apology. -Jack
Well, I sure hope we won’t see Chris and Libby nude.
Jack, I was responding mostly to this statement:
“Whether it be HIV or climate change get ready for the splash and flash of progressive whiners who want other peoples money redistributed to their favorite cause.”
I don’t agree with the tactics of these protesters either, Jack, but the above statement seems to paint with a pretty broad brush. That’s been known to turn people off of your cause too.
Tina, I don’t think the doctor in your article is heartless, because he’s making an evidence-based argument that current AIDS spending is enough. Had you made that argument to begin with, I wouldn’t have made the same comment. Instead you seemed to imply that those who are concerned about serious issues such as climate change and AIDs are all whiners. This came right after you complained in another thread about being called heartless. I don’t think you’re heartless, but I do think you should be aware of the impression you create due to the language you use and the types of arguments you make. It makes you sound callous and uncaring.
You can’t blame the left for the way you come across sometimes. Democrats are not responsible for the perception of Republicans as people who don’t care about those who are suffering. Prominent Republicans as well as every-day bloggers such as yourself have made conscious efforts to routinely dismiss the concerns of the poor and the sick. Bill Whittle did that in the last video you posted, Andrea Tantaros did it this week when she said she should go on food stamps to get thin, Mitt Romney did it when he said that people who are too poor to pay income tax are irresponsible, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do it nearly every day, as does FOX News. This is the impression you are creating. You built that. You can either take responsibility for it and try to change your rhetoric, or you are doomed to be a minority party for a long time before sliding into irrelevance. I don’t see that you have other options.
Seems appropriate that the phase ‘put a cork in it’ could solve a lot of problems on self serving issues like this. Both STD’s and those too numerous to list from unrelenting posts by the likes of Libby and Chris. Solving problems on the backs of the rich is only a excuse to avoid solving the real problems created by political entitlements. Just a word of caution my Liberal friends do not consider GOING GREEN and recycling the corks, there is the possibility of incorrect re-positioning.
AIDS is the most easily preventable disease in the world. It only requires the potential victim to use a condom or not share a dirty needle. Apparently this is too much of a sacrifice, so it goes back to us to pay for their problem.
“Had you made that argument to begin with, I wouldn’t have made the same comment. Instead you seemed to imply that those who are concerned about serious issues such as climate change and AIDs are all whiners. This came right after you complained in another thread about being called heartless. I don’t think you’re heartless, but I do think you should be aware of the impression you create due to the language you use and the types of arguments you make.”
Right back at you Chris! Your own language and argumentation often leaves much to be desired.
The people standing in the hallway are whining and worse, they are implying that people will die if funding for HIV is slightly cut. They have chosen this disgusting affront to the people after the people have already spent billions on their cause. I don’t recall a single instance of gratitude expressed by HIV funding supporters for all of the billions; only more protestations that not enough has been done! It’s predictable that those who are asked (actually coerced) to pay the tab get tired of being kicked in the gut when they suggest that we need to cut spending and not just raise taxes.
The left never attempts solves difficult problems…they just demand MORE!
Sorry Chris but language like…gosh I know this is important but couldn’t we just cut it a little bit so we don’t have to raise taxes so much…wouldn’t work either!
The left is brain dead when it comes to accountability and spending. I’m 65 years old…I’ve been a peaceful, patient person for most of my life…and after years of trying to find nice ways to inform, engage, and educate people I have had it! I have to say the left has EARNED the derisive language used to point out their self-interested, me, me ,me demands. Not only do they demand too much, they have been dishing out nasty invective, as a political tactic (see Saul Alinski, Rules for Radicals) for decades!
I think my post was entertaining and pointed without being cruel. Your response, in contrast, was negative,whiney and showed zero interest in the outrageous aspect of this so-called protest.