Posted by Tina
All I can say is, “Oh brother, what an idiot!”
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) says, “corporations control the patterns of thinking” in the United States and that the Bill of Rights to the Constitution should be amended so that the government is given the power to restrict freedom of speech.
“We need a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to control the so-called free speech rights of corporations,” said Johnson.
This person is just dumb. His party won. His party won, in part, by demonizing corporations, banking and the rich. His party won even though it was his party that refused to do anything about WARNINGS of the fiscal meltdown for almost EIGHT YEARS. His party won and this idiot has the nerve to say that corporations “control the patterns of thinking”.
I suggest it has been the radical progressive of the Democrat party that have “controlled patterns of thinking” for several decades. They have brainwashed our kids in schools, they have stirred up hatred in black and Hispanic communities by waging class warfare against political opponents, and they have targeted strong candidates and spokespersons of the opposition with the aim to destroy their reputations.
Go ahead, tell me this administration and the hard core progressive socialists of the Democrat Party are not aiming to destroy this country as a free nation.
“Fundamental Transformation”…remind yourself every day! These people want to remove the Constitution. It is, as Obama once averred, too restrictive!
This is proof that everything that comes out of Georgia is idiotic no matter which party says it.
It does draw attention to my belief that the Obama administration is all about spying on Americans. I don’t see any socialism, but I sure see a loss of civil rights when we search emails without warrants, prosecute whistleblowers as spies (Obama has done this twice as much as any president in history), and try to censor the internet.
Syria’s internet went down today. The Obama administration supports a similar switch in the United States. Why?
Out of the 30,170 who voted on this line of thinking in the City of Chico (Measure K), 58.8% seemed to agree with Mr. Johnson’s reasoning, 41.2% disagreed.
I solidly disagreed with Measure K, and disagree with Mr Johnson’s reasoning. They actually believe that that government bureaucrats should shape and control the flow of information.
Local Ballot Arguments for and against are worth reading:
The Supreme Court Decision is really really worth reading:
Sorry to inform you Mark, but the days of voters thinking logically before they vote is over. Americans have abdicated their God given responsibility of raising their children by allowing the public school system to do so. It is the modern day school system that raised the vast majority of the 58.8% of voters who voted in favor of Measure K.
Think about it Mark. How is it possible for a voter to understand that the vast majority of small businesses, and thus the very employer of 85% of Americans, are incorporated, when the modern day school system those very same small business owners send their children to do not teach economics 101?
If the children of those who own the small businesses do not understand economics, how on God’s green earth do you expect the children of the people who work for that small businessman to understand economics?
Until we regain control of the education in America, it will not change. Sadly it will get worse. It’s time to face the facts, Socialism is here to stay. If you doubt me, just look at California. Democrats control everything, and even though they are the ones who have screwed up this once great state, the voters have awarded them with a super majority so that they can now finish the job they started.
I know many Republicans, some of them are even Christian conservatives who voted for Measure K. When I asked them why, they said they did so because corporations cannot possibly understand what everyday Americans need. When I explain that most corporations are small business people who hire maybe 2 to 20 people they are shocked. They are shocked because when they think of corporations, they think of ATT, Wal-Mart, GM, Sony, etc., etc.. It comes down to education, and those who control it, will rule the politics of the future, and we are living in the future today.
The Education Dept was started under Jimmy Carter’s Administration in 1979, almost 34 years ago. Another way to put it, would be to say that for the last 16 years we have had citizens voting who’s complete education was under the design of Socialist propagandists. Add them to the vast number of citizens who’s college education has been controlled by Socialists since the mid 1970’s and you can see that Capitalism as we know it has not been properly taught for quite some time in America.
So I would suggest you get real comfortable with citizens voting against their own self interest, under the belief that they are actually voting in favor of their own self interest. All the while, you and many conservatives like you will continue putting your children into classrooms being taught by Socialists who themselves were educated in the very same system that will continue turning our children against us. Who was it that said, “We don’t need to defeat America on the battle field. We’ll just teach America’s children to hand it over to us.”!
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