Boehner Flabberghasted, President “Not Serious” and Geitner…”Silly”

Posted by Tina

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” ― Thomas Jefferson

The “folks” at Mediaite tuned into FOX News Sunday with Chris Wallace:

The President and Democrats will blame Republicans when a deal isn’t reached. The duped masses will cheer and raise their fists. So? what’s new?

Obama is only serious about his transformation plans. He heads not a party but a syndicate. The syndicate are not servants of the people or even loyal Americans…they are a cabal of socialists bent on “fundamentally transforming” the land of the free into the land of the forever dependent and wanting, whining and waiting for more.

When our economy is destroyed where will the money come from? Why Timmy will just print more. Can a man this educated (MIT) really be this stupid and short sighted? Yes, I think he can.

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ― Bob Marley

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3 Responses to Boehner Flabberghasted, President “Not Serious” and Geitner…”Silly”

  1. Harold Ey says:

    Tim Geitner also was interviewed by Chris Wallace on Sunday morning on the same subject.. Geitner was nervous and stammering through the interview. Clearly he was uncomfortable in his attempt at trying to create (spin) a concept that Obama was doing all he could while placing all the blame on the GOP for not compromising, actually I am sure Geitner meant not caving in to Obamas directives. Just using body language and the stammering responses I would have to put way more trust into Boehner than Geitner.

  2. Tina says:

    The Republicans have passed budgets over the last two years while the Senate under Harry Reid twiddled its thumbs. The Ryan proposal was a detailed blue print that could be used as a starting point for negotiations between serious Democrats and Republicans who would like to see something done. The President has indicated it’s his way or the highway and Reid has been not much more than a spoiler having failed to pass budgets for three or four years as required by law. To say that it is Republicans who are not contributing specific ideas is laughable.

    The administration is not interested in anything but getting more money to spend. They believe raising taxes on the so-called rich will do the trick. I think they are so busy doing second grade math that they fail to consider all relevant possibilities…it won’t turn out the way they say it will.

    Obama was sure that his plan would lower the unemployment rate before the 2012 campaign. He said he’d be a one term president if it didn’t happen. So much for his vision.

    If he had any humility he would step aside and try something else.

    He doesn’t.

  3. Peggy says:

    Reid blocks Senate vote on Obama’s deficit-reduction plan:

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Wednesday offered an amendment to force a vote on President Obama’s deficit-reduction plan, but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was having none of it.

    “Last week [Treasury] Secretary [Timothy] Geithner brought up a proposal that was so unserious,” McConnell said on the floor, “I would like to see if my Democratic friends would like to support it.”

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