Bomb Explosion at Social Security Office in Arizona Friday Morning

Posted by Tina

Has anyone heard a word in the press about this?

Apparently an investigation is underway and a man has been arrested after a bomb (reportedly and IED device) detonated at a Social Security Administration office in Casa Grande Arizona near Phoenix. No one was injured but a car was destroyed in the early morning explosion according to the PJ Tatler:

Within 90 minutes of the explosion, police had a suspect in custody. But you wouldn’t know it from reading the establishment media reports this past weekend. One reason might be that the suspect is 47-year-old Abdullatif Aldosary of Coolidge, AZ, an Iraqi refugee.

On Friday, federal agents served a search warrant on his home. Aldosary has been on the radar of the Department of Homeland Security for at least the past couple of years.
Late Sunday afternoon, I confirmed with a source at the Phoenix FBI office that the case is being investigated as an act of domestic terrorism. The source said that Aldosary is expected to be charged with a host of federal and state explosives and arson charges.

A later update in the story from an unnamed FBI source indicates we can expect the usual administration response to domestic terror attacks:

it is highly unlikely that Aldosary will be charged with any terrorism offense. While they are internally treating it like a domestic terrorism investigation, including looking at if he had any help constructing the explosive device, the FBI is saying very little and and will prosecute this as a simple explosives and arson case because of “the political sensitivities involved.” (emphasis original)

One local blogger did have something unremarkable to say for its predictability. Daily Kos was quick to blame “right-wing extremism” and took the opportunity to suggest his own prescience in suspecting that “right wing extremists” would resort to violence after losing the election:

For a long time now, I have believed that the re-election of President Obama would lead to a rash of right wing violence in the US. That is, with the right wing feeling that ‘traditional America’ is lost, many will turn to violence…if this is right wing extremism, the difference between this bombing and the Oklahoma City bombing is only in scale…the intent is the same.

Yeah, because in the last four years “many” in the “right wing” have been extremely violent! Over a million of us marched on Washington. They left not one scrap of paper, much less a path of violence. On the other hand…

I do recall something about a weeks-long protest. Let’s see, it was well supported by the left…including the President and several Democrat Congress critters. Occupy something, it was called, and it featured a few murders and rapes, defecating and urinating in public, children being left unattended, indescribable filth and destruction of public spaces and property.

Heritage reported on the history of violence that marks that left wingish movement:

There have been over 3,000 arrests at Occupy protests since they began only eight weeks ago. President Obama and liberal congressional and grassroots leaders have been encouraging and inciting these protests. It’s time for these leaders to persuade their followers to stop destroying property and assaulting others-especially women. These acts do not constitute peaceful free assembly or speech.

Yep, those peaceful ‘folks” on the left have it all over the right wingers when it comes to “violence”!

Let me know if anything turns up in the press on this. I suspect that unnamed FBI source has it right.

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One Response to Bomb Explosion at Social Security Office in Arizona Friday Morning

  1. Harold Ey says:

    Four days now and it is still a silent ‘media blackout’ in progress ,and the FBI (under who’s direction?) have labeled it ‘a act of workplace violence’, probably to avoid admitting another act of foreign terrorism on American soil. Yep sure, why because Islam has been labeled the “religion of peace” and since the FBI is hesitant to call it domestic terrorist,(possibly that would be most distressful to the White House) and because of a Iraqi refugee involved, does that mean that Americans should expect future attacks on our soil to be labeled workplace violence?
    Americans will be at risk until the cover-ups and media blackouts have finally ceased, and the perpetrators held accountable?

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