On Voter Intelligence

We’re always getting these exceptionally well written pearls from you folks, but this one really stood out. Whether you agree with the writer or not, you must admit it was very well done and worthy of your consideration. Thank you Korah for sharing your brilliance with us. Hope you will become a regular commenter.

by Korah


The days of voters thinking logically before they vote is over. Americans have abdicated their God given responsibility of raising their children by allowing the public school system to do so.

It is the modern day school system that raised the vast majority of the 58.8% of voters who voted in favor of Measure K. Think about it. How is it possible for a voter to understand that the vast majority of small businesses, and thus the very employer of 85% of Americans, are incorporated, when the modern day school system those very same small business owners send their children to do not teach economics 101? If the children of those who own the small businesses do not understand economics, how on God’s green earth do you expect the children of the people who work for that small businessman to understand economics?

Until we regain control of the education in America, it will not change. Sadly it will get worse.

It’s time to face the facts, Socialism is here to stay. If you doubt me, just look at California. Democrats control everything, and even though they are the ones who have screwed up this once great state, the voters have awarded them with a super majority so that they can now finish the job they started. I know many Republicans, some of them are even Christian conservatives who voted for Measure K.

When I asked them why, they said they did so because corporations cannot possibly understand what everyday Americans need. When I explain that most corporations are small business people who hire maybe 2 to 20 people they are shocked. They are shocked because when they think of corporations, they think of ATT, Wal-Mart, GM, Sony, etc., etc.. It comes down to education, and those who control it, will rule the politics of the future, and we are living in the future today.

The Education Dept was started under Jimmy Carter’s Administration in 1979, almost 34 years ago. Another way to put it, would be to say that for the last 16 years we have had citizens voting who’s complete education was under the design of Socialist propagandists. Add them to the vast number of citizens who’s college education has been controlled by Socialists since the mid 1970’s and you can see that Capitalism as we know it has not been properly taught for quite some time in America.

So I would suggest you get real comfortable with citizens voting against their own self interest, under the belief that they are actually voting in favor of their own self interest. All the while, you and many conservatives like you will continue putting your children into classrooms being taught by Socialists who themselves were educated in the very same system that will continue turning our children against us. Who was it that said, “We don’t need to defeat America on the battle field. We’ll just teach America’s children to hand it over to us.”!

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15 Responses to On Voter Intelligence

  1. Tina says:

    Korah as a small incorporated business person I’d like to personally thank you for speaking out about these issues.

    I made sure my grandchildren had, at least for the first eight years, an alternative education. We have also made sure to help educate them outside of school so that as high school students they were prepared to listen to what is taught but also question what is taught and do research on their own.

    We can’t depend on public education and higher education but we can depend on ourselves and many conservatives have been compelled to whatever steps they can to reverse the educational trends of the last 30-40 years.

    In the meantime there doesn’t seem much we can do except observe the crumbling economy and take every opportunity presented to point out what should be the obvious.

    I join Jack in hoping you continue to participate here at Post Scripts.

  2. Libby says:

    Well, I’m not impressed:

    “The Education Dept was started under Jimmy Carter’s Administration in 1979, almost 34 years ago. Another way to put it, would be to say that for the last 16 years we have had citizens voting who’s complete education was under the design of Socialist propagandists.”

    This inference that curriculum has been dictated, nationwide, from “on high” for 34 years is just nonsense. It’s not true. Particularly not true in that, for 20 of the 34 years, the DOE was running under Republican administrations.

    Don’t you know that the spouting of such partisan horsepucky makes it impossible to get at solutions to a very real problem? Because it is true that a distressing portion of the electorate couldn’t find its own hiney with both hands … let alone muster the intellect and grace to know they should be sending people smarter than they are to the Congress.

    If parents continue to abdicate their responsibilities to the state, I’d say a longer school day is in order.

  3. Princess says:

    The curriculum is primarily dicated by California and Texas. Those states purchase the most text books therefore the textbook companies aim their sales at those states and the other states are stuck with the product.

    The state of education is yet another George W. Bush disaster. His socialist No Child Left Behind created a huge giveaway to the testing companies of taxpayer dollars and the curriculum became geared toward passing the tests they write. Now schools do not teach material or encourage critical thinking they encourage taking a standardized test. Writing is only tested in 4th and 7th grade. After that the kids fill in bubbles. Teachers have become so lazy they don’t assign work that needs grading now they just do test prep all year long.

  4. Tina says:

    Princess what is socialist about “No Child left Behind”? what is the socialist principle behind it that you find offensive?

    I agree it was a huge mistake on the part of GWB to think that the Democrats in DC, and particularly Ted Kennedy, would be like Democrats in Texas. He thought he could actually work with them to create a bipartisan solution for reading and math problems in our public schools. He thought this because in years gone by kids were expected to be able to read at a given level BEFORE they were passed on to the next grade. Miracle of miracles everyone did. Do they call this legislation Kennedy’s NCLB? Nope! Even though he was very influential and powerful man of the Senate, he was not given one ounce of credit for this piece of legislation which he wrote. I find that incredible.

    “Teachers have become so lazy they don’t assign work that needs grading now they just do test prep all year long. ”

    Teachers weren’t getting the job done before NCLB. Kids were graduating college that still couldn’t read and comprehend at a grammar school level!

    The problem as I see it is how we are training the teachers. As Libby wrote, many of the teachers we have now are graduates of the broken system.

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: “The state of education is yet another George W. Bush disaster.”

    *Sigh* Yet George W. Bush had nothing to do with producing the critical mental disaster of Princess. As if she could ever pass a standardized test much less ever demonstrate critical thinking.

    So it goes.

  6. Libby says:

    “His socialist No Child Left Behind created a huge giveaway to the testing companies of taxpayer dollars and the curriculum became geared toward passing the tests they write.”

    That’s how it worked out, I’m afraid. But I was actually in sympathy with the primary goal. The decidedly “Liberal”, process-bent focus to primary education that’s been running for, lo, these many years resulted in my nephew getting all the way to the fourth grade without being able to list the months in a year in order.

    It seems that whatever the deal is … it is persued to an irrational degree. So, we’ve got a whole generation of citizens who were not required to memorize the multiplication table, who cannot tell you that 6 times 7 is 42 right off the top of their heads. Such people are only marginally functional, IMHO.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Well Libby, we can agree that kids need a good basic education… reading, writing and arithmetic. And teach em the fundamentals of our government, how a free market works, avoid biased rhetoric and then we’ve done about as good as we can in the grade schools.

  8. Chris says:

    Ted Nugent has proposed a solution–take away welfare recipients’ right to vote.


    “Let’s also stop the insanity by suspending the right to vote of any American who is on welfare. Once they get off welfare and are self-sustaining, they get their right to vote restored. No American on welfare should have the right to vote for tax increases on those Americans who are working and paying taxes to support them. That’s insane.”

    One wonders if Nugent is thinking about the thousands of veterans on welfare programs. Probably not, since he’s a draft dodger.

    But my question to the conservative posters here: Does this count as “class warfare” to you?

  9. Tina says:

    Princess: “…and the curriculum became geared toward passing the tests they write.”

    The curriculum didn’t change. the incompetent teachers worried about their inadequacies being exposed and instead of teaching the material and being responsible to see that every child got the basics so the scores would be acceptable they concentrated on covering their own butts…some went so far as to cheat and were caught. Tests are designed to be a measure, a tool teachers can use to see which students need more attention.

    The assumption, and isn’t it always this way, was that the teachers already knew how to teach the basic skills.

    I think the tests for licensing need to be much harder. I also think teachers need to be held accountable over time.

    Teachers hate the requirements for improvement that follow when their school doesn’t meet basic standards. Welcome to the world of federal control. It creates a lot of busywork that has little positive effect.

    A private sector school system would work better. Schools would compete for parent approval and dollars. Their success would depend on continued support from parents satisfied with the result in their child’s achievement. Failing schools would go out of business by attrition. It wouldn’t be perfect but it would sure create better outcomes for more students. This should be a state and local issue. The argument that poor areas would get short shrift doesn’t fly for at least two reasons: 1. They already do under the public school system, 2. People who care about poor kids would step forward as they have with many charter schools.

  10. Libby says:

    Absolutely. You explain, in a great wealth of historical detail, how the free market works … and you’ve created a socialist!

  11. Princess says:

    Yes, continue to defend George W. Bush a “conservative.” Not. Why do you think the Tea Party became so popular? It wasn’t because conservatives thought Bush or the Republicans represented conservative values.

    What is conservative about Bush exploding education expenses with NCLB? What is conservative about his Patriot Act? What is conservative about his Department of Homeland Security? TARP? Bailing out Bear Stearns? Bailing out AIG? Medicare Part D?

    Government spending and the national debt exploded under Bush. He was not in any way shape or form a conservative and we do ourselves a disservice defending him. And the people who voted for all of his programs are now kicking the Tea Party conservatives off of committees and replacing them with more of the same old lay down and die Republicans who got us into this mess.

    I read the other day that liberals and Democrats to better when they play to their base. Doesn’t it make sense that conservatives do better when they play to their base?

    What do conservatives stand for today? What does the Republican party have to offer us?

  12. Tina says:

    After years of warlike assault to the point of near economic collapse I’d say its part of the planning stages for a mounted defense.

    The left always goes too far in their demands and always pits groups against each other. The last election shows us that we have fallen over the tipping point. The have-nots have the numbers to vote themselves money and they will crush the economy in the process due to their ignorance and ingratitude. Your party has managed to finally corner the opposition…your PLAN is to starve the beast…what the hell do you expect?

    The rich (including the elite political wealthy will be your new dictators and you will survive on what they decide to give you.

  13. Post Scripts says:

    Libby….the free market is messy, but it’s still better than socialism.

  14. Chris says:

    So, Tina, your response that Ted Nugent’s disgusting comments about taking the right to vote away from poor people are not in any way his fault, but the fault of poor people themselves.

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: so much for the party of personal responsibility.

  15. Peggy says:

    Tina: “The problem as I see it is how we are training the teachers. As Libby wrote, many of the teachers we have now are graduates of the broken system.”

    Yup, I’d say the system is broken and the media is involved in the cover up.

    Chicago Teachers Union VP Busted Participating in Midwest Marxism Conference


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