Last Night – Council Meeting

by Jack


Chico has a new Mayor and says good-bye to 3 councilmen. Last night Chico Council men, Andy Holcombe, Jim Walker and Bob Evans stepped down to be replaced by Sean Morgan, Tammi Ritter and Randal Stone, Ann Schwab was re-elected. The new council appointed Mary Goloff aka Flynn and Scott Gruendel to be Mayor and Vice Mayor respectively.

Sean Morgan now joins Mark Sorensen as the only two conservative members on the council. This now looks a lot like our Assembly and Senate…run by far left liberals top to bottom. If you didn’t like what the last liberal council did, you sure aren’t going to like this one. We’ve moved even farther to the left. My best wishes and sincere condolences to Councilmen Sorensen and Morgan.

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16 Responses to Last Night – Council Meeting

  1. Peggy says:

    Too bad all of the conservative candidates didn’t get together and decide who would run to fill just the vacant seats instead of competing against each other. Hopefully, next election they’ll draw straws and develop a short and long-range plan to gain control.

    We need fiscal responsible reps. at the local level to advance in the future to the state and national level. It won’t happen if they don’t work together as a team.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy, short of breaking knee caps, there’s not a lot local conservative groups or individual voters can do about who will run for council. You saw what happened last time and we talked and we lobbied to no avail., we had one too many running and the end result was a loss of at least one, and possibly two great council candidates. The vote was spread too thin. Andrew Coolidge would have won his bid, that much is assured. He would have been a fantastic council person. What a shame.

    We may well be faced with the same problem next time, there is no solution to this one.

  3. Tina says:

    The solution will come when the city (and the state) go bankrupt…businesses board up the windows….more people are unemployed and looking for a government handout to get by.

    It’s going to have to be the “wha happened?” solution. It’s very painful but humans aren’t known for their ability to learn based on information right before our own eyes.

    Everyone has had those moments when they can sense that something they’re doing just isn’t right, an uncomfortable sense of foreboding sets in, but we persist. The feeling keeps intruding like a blinking yellow light…and then pow! First words from our mouths, “gee I should have headed those warnings!”

    Like adolescent children in full rebellion mode we have been ignoring the warning signs and now we will all get to learn the hard way.

  4. Peggy says:

    Jack and Tina, I agree with you both, But!

    Jack you wrote a piece last week about the state GOP’s failings I took it to say they’d better get organized. The Obama Chicago-style machine proved just how affective it is. They work all year not just during the election cycle.

    If they don’t get organized Tina is not only right about what will happen we will never recover as we have in the past when the progressive movement made great changes to our constitution and way of life.

    We WILL hit bottom, but I need to believe for the sake of my grandkids there will be a recovery that will insure their lives will be somewhat better than a life of huge taxes paying off our foolish spending. Based on the projected deficit by the time they start working in 10-12 years, from the figures I’ve seen, they will each owe approximately $100k each and if they keep printing money it could be double that.

  5. RHT447 says:

    What ever the name of the party that starts to turn this around, they better learn to fight smart and work together. As Bill Whittle said, they are doing everything right, and we are doing almost everything wrong. Where did Romney wind up, something like a million votes less than John McCain?–because the republican base stayed home.

    So now the House republicans are distancing themselves from their members who were supported by the Tea Party. Wow. Way to give the middle finger to the core of your base.

    Speaker John Boehner keeps coming back to the bargaining table hoping to come up with a way to dodge the “blame game”. These elected people need to grow a pair. They are going to get “blamed” by the media anyway. Pass a budget in the house, send it to the Senate, and let the Dems own it. Yeah, they will take some hits when the stuff hits the fan, but you know what? That kinda goes with the oath of office the took.

  6. Joseph says:

    So now that Gulag or Goloff or Flynn or whoever she is is mayor will she bother to show up for the city council meetings?

  7. Joseph says:

    “Hopefully, next election they’ll draw straws and develop a short and long-range plan to gain control.”

    I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    Donnan came in second to last but split the vote enough to guarantee that the Schwabistas would have a majority.

    He knew going in that his chances of winning were small and he would lessen the chance of the conservatives taking back the council, but he ran anyway.

    And amazingly he insists he would do it all over again and WILL do it again next election.

    It’s a good thing he didn’t win because he proved he will put himself ahead of what is the right thing to do if he gets a chance.

    Typical politician.

  8. Joseph says:

    RHT, I’m afraid the country is so far gone the only way the Repubs could compete would be to run Justin Bieber for prez.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy, I hear you and don’t think I didn’t wrestle with that for many years. However, there’s right on both sides of this one. Trying to get the CA GOP organized and do better is right and there’s walking away on principle when the party fails in it’s mission, year after year and nothing changes because the party in this state has ruined it’s own reputation and the leadership is out of touch.

    After decades of trying to get the GOP organized I’m just worn out. I’m tired of banging my head against a stone wall trying to encourage change when clearly things are not going to change. They are not going to give us a better message and better candidates. I finally get it…it’s taken me over a decade to realize this. And at the same time I watched in total frustration as both our State and our party went into meltdown, as Dems scored victory after victory. That was tough.

    I’ll keep doing my part… but, I’ll do it as an independent, because my party left me. I’ve got to stay true to my own principles and do what is right.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Joseph, you said something very important and I hope everyone will take notice. Thank you for speaking the hard honest truth.

    “Donnan came in second to last but split the vote enough to guarantee that the Schwabistas would have a majority. He knew going in that his chances of winning were small and he would lessen the chance of the conservatives taking back the council, but he ran anyway. And amazingly he insists he would do it all over again and WILL do it again next election. It’s a good thing he didn’t win because he proved he will put himself ahead of what is the right thing to do if he gets a chance. Typical politician.”

  11. Peggy says:

    RHT447, You and Newt are on the same page. He’s saying the House should pass a bunch of bills, send them to the Senate and get every member of the House out in the media talking about it. When he was Speaker he held communication workshops where every House member was trained on what to say to the media.

    It worked back then along with other bold movements that brought Clinton and the Senate to the table and gave us balanced budgets plus a surplus. This Speaker needs to learn from the past and apply what worked instead of becoming democrat-lights.

    Jack, I understand now just how deep you feel about this. I too was in shock when Logue decided to run for the Senate at the same time he ran for re-election for the Assembly. And for Aaron Parks, who holds a CRA officer position, to do ads for Reed was the ultimate of disgusting lows and my deal breaker.

    We need to talk about CRC at another time.

  12. Rick Clements says:

    You need to consider this. Donnan was up in the Butte Creek canyon attending a fundraiser for the Libs last June, then in Oct he goes to a dinner event at Dave Guzzetti’s house. Are we starting to see the other possibility that the other side is in cohoots with his running YET? Our chosen candidates which should be Andrew, Toby and Mark need to consider running on a slate like the other side did, and run as Independents or Republicans whatever the opposite of what Donnan runs as, OR, the Republicans need to endorse ONLY those three and put some serious money behind them as a slate. Any other way and you lose. No talking to the News and Review PERIOD!!!!

  13. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Rick…I have heard the same thing and this only illustrates how we should be careful who we are supporting.

  14. Bill Sheridan says:

    I went to the meeting, and came away very impressed with the entire council. It is very nice to see some new people without grey hair to carry on our business. All three are very well educated, and their diverse experience lends itself well to the needs of the community. We are very fortunate to have such an excellent council to do our business during such challenging times.

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    Randall Stone must be laughing his ass off. The fox is now in charge of the hen house.

  16. Post Scripts says:

    “Randall Stone must be laughing his ass off. The fox is now in charge of the hen house.”

    Pie: I’m sure he is.

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