by Jack Lee
I happened to come across a tidbit of information accidentally today while watching the Movie Flight 93. I thought it was interesting (important) enough that I wanted to share it with you.
On September the 11th, 2001, at exactly 10:03 a.m., EST, the President of the United States issued a direct order to the Commander of the United States Air Force and his immediate commanders and the order said, and I am paraphrasing, “Down any civilian aircraft deemed to have been hijacked to prevent it from reaching its intended target.” It was short, direct and unambiguous. It was exactly what NORAD officers were asking for. It was a bold decisive move and in hindsight the President did exactly the right thing.
Despite the urgency of that order, and despite the fact that 3 civilian passenger aircraft had already been used to attack key ground targets, the General of the USAF and his immediate commanders, refused to pass on that order to our fighter pilots. This is in utter disregard to the grave circumstances! They willfully failed to obey a direct order from the Commander-In-Chief! Can you believe that?
Their excuse later on was they feared that one of the fighters might accidentally shoot down a non-hijacked plane. They were second guessing the Commander-In-Chief during a time of extreme risk to the United States. These are the same kind of people who forced our Marines in Lebanon to carry unloaded weapons while guarding the headquarters. Better that a truck loaded with explosives crashes through their barricade and levels the building, than risk an accidental discharge by a thoroughly trained US Marine rifleman!
Many might consider this failure to follow orders one of the more serious offenses possible for a military commander, especially during a wartime situation when the nation was under attack.
No disciplinary actions were ever taken for their dereliction of duty, not even a notation of a reprimand in their personnel files. The same thing happened to the FBI agents who had the first opportunity to stop the 9/11 attack and did nothing.
Could this ever happen again in another high risk situation? What do you think? The precedent has been set.
Do you ever get the feeling we’re living in a gutless, CYA, society, that is too afraid to take bold moves even when their country is in grave danger? If you are not sure, then read the next article and I will help you figure it out. Read, Fiscal Cliff for Dummies.
“Do you ever get the feeling we’re living in a gutless, CYA, society, that is too afraid to take bold moves even when their country is in grave danger?”
Yup. As I recall, the first order from the Commanding General of the California State Defense Forces (CSMR) on 09/11/01 was, in so many words: Stand down–we’ll get back to you.
RHT…. A sad situation, isn’t it? Far too many leaders in this country that lack both the brains and courage and instead we have paper pushing, butt covering, cowardly bureaucrats who tend to over-think to the point being paralyzed. The ‘what if” syndrome can go on forever if allowed. Back in Sacramento at the Guard HDQ’s with the SDF nobody EVER made a move until they could find it in the manual and then they followed the protocol to the letter…that way nobody could ever be accused of making a mistake. Heaven forbid if you promoted a soldier 10 minutes before time in grade was completed. This was far more important than showing leadership and doing the right thing at the right time.
Well, look on the bright side…whoever conquers us or buys us up at a bankruptcy sale might be more worthy than what we have now.
Looking around the world Jack, Id say that’s doubtful.
Our institutions are a reflection of our failed culture and none seem to escape, even the (supposedly) most disciplined.
Side note: I saw “End of Watch” on Friday…good cop flick from my civilian perspective. Is that the same movie you talked about seeing awhile back?
Offered without comment:
Great collection of photo’s and quotes; thanks for sharing it RHT447
Echo? … yes, I hear echos … but nothing like thought.
Not sure why the echo comment, but considering all things she has posted, I would suggest Libby needs to at least stop repeating those hollow echos from her head, because frankly they read nothing like thought either.