by J. Soden and R.H.T.
Want to fix our debt problem? Let’s START with those who created it:
1. No Tenure / No Pension. Member of Congress collects salary ONLY while in office.
2. Funds in Congressional retirement fund move to the SS system immediately. All future funds flow into the SS system, and Congress participates with the American people at the same benefit level. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Limit of 2 terms in Congress & a 5-year mandatory break before able to be hired by lobbyists.
4. Congress can no longer vote themselves a pay raise at any time.
5. Congress gets the same health care system as the American people with no “extra” benefits.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. Any elected official who benefits from voter fraud is unable to run for another term and will be barred from holding any future public office.
8. Benefit plans with past and present Congress members are null & void. The American people did not create a ruling class with extra perks – Congress did it for themselves.
9. Eliminate employer withholding tax. Make everyone make their own payments every two weeks.
10. Move the national elections to April 16th.
Editor’s note: My favorite is 10. And here’s a few more ideas…
11. Congress must abide by the same rules and laws as the rest of us. No special exemptions.
12. Stop the endless spending on campaigns that are 90% BS anyway. Let’s put a cap on election expenditures so we who can see who uses their money wisely. This makes living within a budget their first (and quite possibly their last) experience in politics!
Congress should not be paid a pension. They make $175,000 a year plus lavish benefits. let them take out money for a 401k plan. Good enough for most of working America, should be good enough for them.
And Tina was 100% right when she said good pay doesn’t necessarily equal good people.
It all makes sense and to use the word the democrats like to use it would be fair.
The only problem, congress would have to sign the new contract, won’t happen.
I’m surprised nobody is attacking these ideas…I think you two (writers) must have come up with something we all can agree on!