by Jack
Today I learned by listening to various talk shows that violent video games are a direct link to gun crimes. Then I learned that violent video games are NOT a direct link to gun crimes… huh? I also learned the violence in today’s movies is contributing to violence on the streets – then I learned that movies have no impact on murder rates. (Actually murder rates have been on the decline, as well as crime in general).
Sure is a lot of disinformation out here, but that’s to be expected when the media goes into a marketing frenzy. This scramble to bring us the latest in gory details makes the media look like a bunch of heartless fools, all blindly in pursuit of ratings…what a shame, we deserve better. I can remember when the news was credible, but not so much today.
Speaking of news, here’s a little tidbit that you probably won’t be hearing in the MSM, “A troubling revelation has surfaced regarding a mental health bill recently defeated in Connecticut during this calendar year. Had it passed, that bill could have possibly taken Adam Lanza off the streets so he would not have been free to commit his heinous act on December 14.
In February 2012, Connecticut Senate Bill 452 (SB452) was put forward to remedy the fact that Connecticut was one of less than ten states in the U.S. to lack an “assisted outpatient treatment” (AOT) law. As David Stein has pointed out, there are just six states that lack such a law.
But the bill was passed to Connecticut’s Joint Committee on Judiciary in March, where it quietly faded away because of opposition by those who viewed it as “egregious” and “outrageously discriminatory.”
Had this law passed, it may have forced Adam Lanza to be treated for his alleged mental illness instead of allowing him to roam free, and ultimately to kill 26 persons and himself in a vindictive rage on Friday.” Click here for the full story.
Ever since the ACLU forced Gov. Reagan to release mentally ill from indeterminate stays in mental hospitals, we’ve had too many ugly incidents of violence by criminally deranged people. Something needs fixing here.
We need to sort this out as quickly as possible. We need facts, we need sensible dialog using logic and reason, not emotions and hysteria. And some day soon, we need to be able to profile for these potential shooters, so we can stop them. This likely means we will need better laws to backup our mental health professionals, not impede them like our current liberal laws.
Too often our mental health program lags far behind most European countries. We can do better.
Jack: “Ever since the ACLU forced Gov. Reagan to release mentally ill from indeterminate stays in mental hospitals, we’ve had too many ugly incidents of violence by criminally deranged people.”
This leaves out a big part of the story. Yes, the ACLU did successfully sue to keep people from being involuntarily committed unless they posed an immediate danger to themselves and others. But they also campaigned for increasing funds to mental health services so that people could get the care they needed. Reagan followed up by slashing funding to mental health care facilities, which to him were just more “entitlements” which took away money from the things he thought it should be spent on.
“Too often our mental health program lags far behind most European countries. We can do better.”
Unless I’m mistaken, those countries invest more government money into mental health programs. That’s something most conservatives oppose.
Good comments Chris… I found them balanced and rational, you also added what I omitted, that was helpful to understanding the problem. -Jack
Thanks, Jack.
I wonder if anyone here has read this piece yet, from a mother who has a son with mental illness and violent tendencies. It is very powerful.
Chris conservatives DO NOT oppose providing adequate mental health services. We are in favor of people getting the best possible help. We are in disagreement with progressives about the best method for delivering such help. I do wish you could get the argument straight.
You have also grossly mischaracterized what happened under Reagan (as governor) with regard to mental health. We have addressed this before on PS. I posted the following on “No More Peets coffee for Me” by D. Franklin:
Change began at the federal level under JFK following studies in the 1950’s and new (experimental) treatment drugs:
Let us not forget that Democrats ran the House when Reagan was president so all federal funding legislation was written by the Democrats under Tip O’Niell.
Meanwhile Gateway Pundit reminds us that activists groups, including the ACLU, were doing their thing in Connecticut just this year:
I did read the article written by the mother with a mentally ill son and you’re right, it was very compelling. It’s a shame that civil liberties lawyers often intervene to prevent this woman from receiving the help she and her son need.
It makes sense that mental health providers would have the ability to decide with parents what the best treatment for their children should be…I think that’s called freedom.
Texas school district set up The Guardian Plan based on The Air Marshal plan used to protect plane passengers.
Stop school shootings by letting teachers fire back, say Texas officials:
Lawmakers and educators in Texas say the way to guard against school shootings like last Friday’s at a Connecticut elementary school is to make sure teachers can shoot back.
“We give our ‘Guardians’ training in addition to the regular Texas conceal-and-carry training,” Thweatt, whose school is about three hours northwest of Dallas, told “It mainly entails improving accuracy…You know, as educators, we don’t have to be police officers and learn about Miranda Rights and related procedures. We just have to be accurate.”
Thweatt is the architect of “The Guardian Plan,” a blueprint for arming school staff, including teachers, that may be catching on, at least in the Lone Star state. Teachers there are allowed to have weapons in the classroom, as Thweatt’s faculty members do, but State Attorney General Greg Abbott suggested Monday that lawmakers may consider ways to encourage the practice statewide.
“Bearing arms whether by teachers and guards and things like that will be all a part of more comprehensive policy issues for the legislature to take up in the coming weeks,” Abbott said. “And you can be assured in the aftermath of what happened in Connecticut that these legislators care dearly about the lives of students at their schools and they will evaluate all possible measures that are necessary to protect those lives,” he said.
Each Guardian must obtain a Texas conceal-and-carry permit, and must lock-and-load their weapons with “frangible” bullets that break apart when colliding with a target. “They go through people,” assured Thweatt.
“They’re very similar to what the air marshals use. The bullets are glued together with polymers, and we insist upon them because we don’t want the bullet to ricochet off a wall after it’s fired and hit a child.”
Sandy Hook School In Monroe Offers Fresh Start For Kids …. She said mental health counselors continue to be available for anyone who needs them. ….. Yet on the issue of gun violence,
suzen thanks for commenting but your thought is incomplete and I’m not sure what you are saying.
If you’re saying that the mandatory checks on gun purchasers should better screen for the mentally ill we agree.
Or are you referring to the fact that so many shooters/plotters have been on Psychiatric drugs?
A few entries picked randomly from the website, SSRI Stories, that includes links to the media stories: