New Jersey Suburb Will Put Armed Guards in Every School Jan 2nd

Posted by Tina

Marlboro Township in New Jersey isn’t waiting for a national conversation to take place to better protect their children. The people of Marlboro are doing what free American citizens have always done when confronted with a problem, they are relying on themselves! I take this as a positive sign for America.

From the New York Post:

It’s apparently the first district nationwide bent on packing heat in every schoolhouse since madman Adam Lanza gunned down 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14.

“We’ve made a collective decision as a town that we need armed security in each of our schools,” Mayor Jonathan Hornik told The Post.

“With this new evil, you can’t just sit there and hope that it doesn’t happen in your town. We must protect our kids.”

In addition to a police officer being stationed at every school The Post reports that the township will also consider, “…fortifying entrances with steel doors and bulletproof glass and installing surveillance cameras “all over” to feed to the police department”.

The federal government cannot solve every problem. Heck, they can’t solve most problems…and they often get in the way. It is time that American citizens learned to rely on themselves to solve problems. It’s time to take on the responsibilities that naturally come with being adult citizens of this great free nation. It’s time to send a signal that we will not tolerate wild, wild, west behaviors in our communities. It’s time to let our children know that their parents, not their government, are in charge and can be relied upon to keep them as safe as possible. It’s time to demand better from those raising our kids by giving them the emotional and structural help they need to raise their kids to be responsible productive adults. It’s time for communities began to tell the truth about what we have created as acceptable “culture” for our kids. It’s time to pressure media and entertainment to make better choices in their work. More needs to be done…have you any thoughts or any suggestions?

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One Response to New Jersey Suburb Will Put Armed Guards in Every School Jan 2nd

  1. Post Scripts says:

    I hope it works out, but if schools turn to cheap rent-a-cops, not so sure this will be good. They are a real bad substitute for real cops.

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