by Jack
Every household in America now owes $140,000 thanks to the National Debt. This debt is accruing at the rate of $2bn a day as we spend at the rate of $11bn a day! This overspending must STOP or we’re headed for a disaster of mega proportions!
When Andrew Jackson was president, the debt was just $34,000. In 2008 it had grown to over 8 trillion and by 2012 it was over 16 trillion! We can’t keep this is up, there is a day of reckoning approaching and it’s very, very close. The gun debate pales by a million times over compared to the economic calamity ahead.
Consider that from 1945-47 there was a huge drop in government spending because we were winding down from the war. There was a great fear that we would go right back into depression because many of us believed it was big government that was holding up our economy…it wasn’t. Big government and massive spending was actually holding us back and as government was cut back, guess what happened? The economy boomed! But, have we learned from history? It doesn’t appear so, if Congress doesn’t get control on being stupid and gutless our worst nightmares will come true.
Bottom line: Time is not on our side because of the interest that is accruing makes repayment almost impossible. This debt is approaching a level that will trigger a great implosion, the dollar will crash, bond debt will be wiped out, people will lose their life savings and there is every chance we will go into a global depression that will make 1929-30 look like a pretty good year.
More bad news. The fed has been holding inflation in check artificially. Some economists say this is creating another bubble…it can’t go on forever. See article with charts here:
Find 16 points you should know at the article below…I’ve listed four:
We could end up like Germany when it took a wheel barrel filled with money to buy one loaf of bread.
Tell me that “fundamental transformation” isn’t about “leveling the playing field” by bringing America down to third world status…go ahead…make my year, it’s only “fair”!