While We Were Shopping

Posted by Tina

You may have noticed I’ve been absent a bit over the last couple of weeks and I feel bad about that. While I was occupied with work and the holidays the world just kept turning…imagine that! You might have noticed a few things that didn’t get posted…

Unless our Congress can reach agreement (har…dee har har) tax rates will be raised on all working American’s come January first. If that news isn’t spectacular enough to light up the sky for 2013 then just remembering that new taxes and regulations embedded in Obamacare are also set to go into affect beginning in 2013. We in California will see both sales taxes and, for high income earners, higher rates on their state tax…we may see fireworks all year long.

President Obama left for his reported $4 million Christmas family getaway to Hawaii but not before releasing a list of 68 regulations he favors for 2013…most likely through EPA, HHS…you know the drill:

The administration put out its notice, called the unified regulatory agenda, online around 3 p.m. on the Friday before Christmas, after most lawmakers had left town. The proposed rules cover everything from power plant pollution to health-care standards to workplace safety. Critics who accuse President Obama of being an overzealous regulator said the timing of the announcement was no accident.

As the systematic destruction…oh…sorry, fundamental transformation of America continues the Benghazi hearings in Congress were forced to wait once again for Hillary Clinton’s testimony. She was unable to show up because of a reported fall (smirk) that resulted in a concussion (un huh) followed by a horrible flu bug. Not to worry though plenty of underlings (4) fell on their swords to protect the reputation of a future presidential candidate.

We’ve been at the fiscal cliff precipice for the entirety of the Christmas season, with nothing resolved. I can’t stand the thought of another marathon round without resolution featuring the unbending Grand Poobah Barack Obama. What a leader, huh? Given his sterling input, his creative solutions, his participation in talks that led to positive results…is there any question that he has put this nation, good jobs, and our economy above all else? I truly wish that were the case.

Fast and Furious is still without a resolution that satisfies many of us. The recent shooting in Connecticut has served as an alternative crisis, at least for purposes of gun control advocacy…Jack has done a great job on that story.

Good news! Some of our surge troops are coming home as the war in Afghanistan “winds down”…a wonderful Christmas gift for these military families.

These are a few of the stories that made headlines while we were shopping, baking cookies, wrapping gifts, and watching our children perform in Christmas and holiday plays and pageants. It’s good for us to take a break form the problems that face us if only for a few blessed moments during the Christmas season. I’ll be hoping and praying for better things for all of America’s families in the new year…Lord we could sure use a miracle up on Pennsylvania Avenue.

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5 Responses to While We Were Shopping

  1. Peggy says:

    Welcome back Tina, hope all is well.

    Here is a video well worth watching.

    CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo Attacks Ben Cardin Over Fiscal Cliff Talks


  2. Post Scripts says:

    I actually want us to plunge over the fiscal cliff. Ths is a pay me now or PAY ME LATER kind of thing. Time is not our friend and the interest on the debt just builds and builds and the burdens on the next generation will become intolerable. Destruction of valued government institutions will be assured, our dollar will be damaged, and who knows what will happen in that weakened state? I would rather deal with this on our watch.

    Ironically President Obama is also hoping we go over the cliff, but for entirely different reasons than mine.

    If the draconian cuts happen, guess who gets cuts most ruthlessly? The MILITARY! And everyone gets a tax hike.
    This means Obama gets his tax hike on the rich, he gets to slash the military budget and HE IS NOT TO BLAME! But, it gets better. He will ride in on his white horse and repeal the tax hike on the middle class, using a presidential order or some such action. Everyone making up to $75k a year will get a tax break! Yeah for the proletariat!!! And this is far, far better than any plan on the table today!

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Tina, maybe the world didn’t stop spinning in your absence, but I felt tit wobble and shake…thanks for coming back to us before it stopped spinning and we were all flung in out space! : )

  4. Tina says:

    Peggy it warms my heart to see a Democrat treated like that in the media. If they would do this more often maybe all of our politicians would have some incentive to serve the people instead of themselves.

    Have you heard/seen the PSA with the tag line, “Honesty, pass it on”? They should take a clue.

  5. Tina says:

    Jack you’ve painted the picture pretty clearly. I doubt that most Americans know what is coming. I know that Obama believes he will get what he wants but I don’t think he’s experienced enough to know what it will mean. He’s already inflicted enough damage to severely weaken the country. The regulation he will impose and the higher taxes will not create prosperity and jobs for America.

    Glad to be back. I’ve got my weighted boots at the ready in case the spinning gets too severe 😉

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