by Tina Grazier
OK…OK…I’m just being a big baby BUT…I’m truly fed up!
Several years ago the President formed a commission to address our budget problems. He stood before the American people and talked about the spending and debt problem and claimed that this bipartisan commission would come up with solutions that would help our lawmakers formulate a workable set of fixes to solve long term budget and deficit problems. The President’s commission’s suggestions were rejected. Instead the American people got another growing and expensive bureaucracy; expanded food stamp, disability and unemployment programs; new spending on special interest concerns, increased budgets for everyone…except the military, and absolutely nothing to reform programs!
I’m not linking to any of the back and forth bull s&#% that passes for congressional work because…THIS IS A RANT!
The so-called fiscal cliff problems we face today could have been avoided at ANY TIME in the last five decades. They could have been averted during the two year Democrat super majority window in the Presidents first term. Democrats chose to add to our debt and revenue problems even though they won election railing against republicans on spending and debt. They chose to increase the debt explosion by passing Obamacare. Obama ran the first time criticizing the republicans for spending and debt…said it was unpatriotic…but championed the health care law.
We are about to witness republicans being blamed for the entire big government mess! This is not only outrageous and factually ludicrous but it is a useless waste of energy that does NOTHING to pressure democrats to act responsibly…the only fix that would make a difference.
Republicans attempted to reform social security; democrats opposed and killed the ideas. Republicans attempted to pass budgets that include reform of Medicare; democrats opposed and blocked the legislation in the Reid controlled Senate. Republicans stood against the new bureaucracy, Obamacare; democrats passed the legislation by employing dirty tricks, bribery, and deals with special interest private sector organizations and healthcare sector businesses.
Big government democrats have no intention of curtailing excessive spending. Democrats have no intention of reforming unsustainable programs. Democrats have no desire to work with republicans to reign in government. Democrats fool the foolish by implying all that is needed is a tax hike for the wealthy. The dirty little secret is that the wealthy do not have enough money to fund the big government that progressive democrats favor so when all is said and done, Democrats WILL IMPOSE HIGHER TAXES ON THE MIDDLE CLASS. Democrats will have to devise new ways to tax EVERYBODY!
I’m fed up with the insanely lopsided blame the republican game going on Washington DC, in the media, and in the community at large including among republicans.
Republicans ARE CRITICIZED when they fail. Republicans ARE thrown out of office when they fail. Does it make sense to continue to blame republicans now that Democrats have failed and continue to fail by doing the exact same things that got us here and by blocking all sensible solutions that at least would set us on the path toward more responsible government?
Just as there is no way to negotiate with terrorists, there is no way to negotiate with the democrats now in charge of the Democrat Party. America is being held hostage by these radical extremist dictators. America had a chance to remove these big government vipers and chose to reinstate them, instead. The president has proposed raising the debt ceiling, the equivalent of giving an out of control teenager full unlimited access to all of your credit cards for life. The president has suggested raising taxes on the wealthy, a plan that will raise only enough revenue to pay the interest on our debt for a few days. The president has suggested cuts to the military but suggested no other specific reforms. The President is not serious about solving the problems that are strangling opportunity and a real recovery. He is against any solution that would create jobs and make America prosperous again. This unbalanced approach (INSANE) approach comes out of one side of his mouth while out of the other he accuses republicans of not taking a balanced approach! America chose this path and now say republicans are to blame for the mess? Unbelievable!
Under Obama’s leadership all Americans are out in the cold!
In terms of adequately providing for a family, even having a college education is now no guarantee of a good job. Unemployment remains very high across many sectors. Opportunity in America for the educated and uneducated alike has dried up. Some citizens are going to Cananda…CANADA!… to find work! More families than ever before must rely, not on their own talents and abilities to succeed, but on the limited government food stamp, welfare, and social security disability programs. Democrats have managed to push the ball down the field and get what they wanted for decades…and it is the road that led to the cliff. Progressive democrats led the way in forming the big expensive bureaucracy that now holds a gun to every taxpayers head. Progressive democrats were at the leading edge in the formation of the big government ideal that is strangling our nation and laying waste to the American dream for future generations…a generation that will be forced to live as indentured servants to the big government machine if real reforms are not made and if the private sector is further eroded. Obama wanted to fundamentally transform America and this mess is the result…and he gets re-elected and is allowed to say republicans are responsible for the mess?
When will Americans finally become fed up and blame democrats?
The real power in America is vested in the people…we are made lame…impotent…by the incessant one sided blame game that lets rich, white, lying and conniving democrats off the hook.
Tina, I’d comment about how fed up I am as well, but it would run into a repetitious rant. I’ll just mention that the baby picture is appropriate, not because it shows frustration in a cute way, butt because of all the stuff found in the kids diapers is a match for what came from the administration in Washington DC these past 4 years.
Harold you’re a man of keen perception 😉
Yup. Diapers and elections, often and early, and for the same reason.
“Government is like a baby: an alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
― Ronald Reagan
Mmmmmmmmm…one of my favorite quotes! Funny I didn’t think of it…and so glad you did!