Your ‘Elected Government

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4 Responses to Your ‘Elected Government

  1. Peggy says:

    Are you $#%! kidding me. We face the biggest tax hike since WWII , the Democrats want to cut health benefits to Vets and they get a pay raise?! Time to call and email our House Reps. and Senators!!

    Obama Orders Pay Raise for Biden, Members of Congress, Federal Workers:

  2. Harold Ey says:

    Fiscal Cliff Notes
    Lesson #1

    U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
    Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
    New debt: $1,650,000,000,000
    National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
    Recent budget cuts: $38,500,000,000

    Now, let’s remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a houshold budget:

    Annual family income: $21,700
    Money the family spent: $38,200
    New debt on credit card: $16,500
    Outstanding balance on credit card: $142,710
    Total budget cuts so far: $38.50
    Got it??… OK now,

    Lesson #2:

    Here’s another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

    Let’s say, You come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in you neighborhood….
    and your home has sewage all the way to your ceilings. What do you think you should do…..

    Raise the ceiling, or remove the s^%@?

  3. Rick Clements says:

    When is someone, anyone going to write about the one thing Progressive Liberals practice and teach others that want to join their ranks on what they must and are required to do when they are given power. That is, no matter what it takes or how hard it seems immorally… WHEN IT COMES TO TAXPAYER’S MONIES…SPEND IT, IGNORE COMPLETELY ANY PROTESTS,… SPEND IT, WHILE YOU ARE IN POWER…SPEND IT… AND ABOVE ALL ELSE; MAKE SURE YOU BOUGHT SOME VOTES AND INCREASED THE PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL BASE WITH THE TAXPAYER’S MONEY. TAXES ARE AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF MONEY NO MATTER WHAT YOU’RE TOLD TO THE CONTRARY. REMEMBER, AS A NEW MEMBER OF THE BASE… People only care about money and power when it comes to politics; and the only way to bring more people over to the Progressive Liberal side is to BRIBE THEM with that endless supply of Taxpayer money. UNIONS will control the Labor for us and will spread the bribes around by showering the poor with high wages and pensions. Forget what the market will bear.

    Obama’s newest Federal pay raise FOR FEDERAL WORKERS just proved this point I have described and he will do it AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN. CONTROL THE POWER AND YOU CONTROL THE MONEY.Let the Protesters, Employers, and Complainers eat cake. There’s nothing they can do about it anyway. The election is over and it’s now time to do all the bribing and buying of votes as fast and as much as you can until the next election. Morals and Integrity no longer exist in American politics. They are the Progressive Liberal’s two worst enemies. Only money and power matters.

    The last election and Obama’s un-hidden and brazen bribe the voters strategy and then divide the country while doing it is all the proof an intelligent person would need. Just like the Sandy victims he feigned to care so much about, they are still suffering and he and the press could care less now. They are old news and Obama doesn’t need them anymore. The poor people whose votes he bought will in the end, they will be the only ones whom will really suffer. Obama knew this going in to his campaign mode, and he also knew the only way to keep the electorate from figuring out what he was doing to win at all costs, was to turn the entire electorate against each other by creating a self serving liar on one side and turning himself into the messiah that would teach them a lesson.

    George Soros, who owns and controls Obama, is probably telling Obama everyday when he calls him at the White House… “Not to worry Mr. President” those poor and less fortunate who will suffer and remain unemployed; but they will survive while doing our bidding as long as you throw them a bone every now and then. “But as for you and I Mr. President…we’re rich and having all the power of your office, will protect us from those who oppose us. Remember, as long as we control the media, nothing can hurt us personally. “So keep the middle class dumb and divided. “And more importantly, make em’think you care Mr. President”. We votes we bought just earned us 4 more years to loot the Country Mr. President.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Rick, you’re so right! But, unfortunately over half the country doesn’t get it. They are either a low information voter or they really don’t care what’s right they just want the money. ,

    For us folks in this shrinking minority, people who actually understand the problem and care…it’s like being a good guy in the California legislature, where you can see everything that’s going wrong and yet you have no power to fix it or even slow it down. This is what the nation has come down too and so suddenly, that is the scary part. We’re in a lot of trouble my friend and the truth is, the time has passed when we could stop this plunge into the abyss, but now it’s too late.

    Nothing short of a massive uprising and an armed takeover of Washington D.C. can stop what’s coming.

    The best advice for us folks is to just enjoy what you have, live in the moment and try not to think about the future! Be thankful that it was a nice run while it lasted. But being patriotic, caring, concerned types – we just can’t seem to do that can we?

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