Posted by Jack
Essam al-Erian, deputy head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, called on Egyptian Jews to leave Israel to the Palestinians and return to their own homeland.
“Their presence in Palestine contributes to the Zionist occupation of Arab lands, and every Egyptian has the right to live in his country — nobody can deny that,” Erian said during an interview on the privately operated Dream TV on Thursday. …
“Egyptian Jews should refuse to live under a brutal, bloody and racist occupation stained with war crimes against humanity,” Erian said.
The problem coming back is recently mobs of Egyptians have been attacking Christians and Jews living in Egypt. A number of been murdered and their holy places vandalized. Life in Israel are much better, much more peaceful, than in Egypt. There’s no religious oppression in Israel and there’s no problem with Egyptians or anyone else living in Israel as long as they behave themselves. Egyptians living in Israel can’t related Erian claims that Jews are brutal or racist, it just isn’t true, but it is in Egypt.
And Morsi wants to encourage businesses to invest in Egypt.
Right. Just like any business or individual would WANT to come to a country where “non-believers” are subject to violence . . . .
Said the spider to the fly?
In many ways since 911 we seem to be living in a bizarro world.